Aetobatus narinari
(Euphrasen, 1790)
Spotted eagle ray
Classification: Elasmobranchii Myliobatiformes Aetobatidae
Reference of the original description
Raja (Narinari). Kongliga Vetenskaps Akademiens nya Handlingar, Stockholm, 11 (for 1790), 217–219
Raja (Narinari). Kongliga Vetenskaps Akademiens nya Handlingar, Stockholm, 11 (for 1790), 217–219
Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Aetobates narinari, Aetobatis cf. narinari, Aetobatis latirostris, Aetobatis narinari, Aetobatus aff. narinari, Aetobatus cf. narinari, Aetobatus latirostris, Aetobatus narinae, Myliobatis narinari, Raja narinari, Stoasodon narinari
Aetobates narinari, Aetobatis cf. narinari, Aetobatis latirostris, Aetobatis narinari, Aetobatus aff. narinari, Aetobatus cf. narinari, Aetobatus latirostris, Aetobatus narinae, Myliobatis narinari, Raja narinari, Stoasodon narinari
Description :
Citation: Aetobatus narinari (Euphrasen, 1790): In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras,, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025
Please send your images of "Aetobatus narinari" to
Aetobatus narinari (MNHN A7948, female 420 mm DW, preserved): A. dorsal view; B. ventral view. In: White, W.T. & Last, P.R. & Naylor, G.J.P. & Jensen, K. & CAIRA, J.N. (2010): Clarification of Aetobatus ocellatus (Kuhl, 1823) as a valid species, and a comparison with Aetobatus narinari (Euphrasen, 1790) (Rajiformes: Myliobatidae). CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Paper, 32: 141-164

Aetobatus narinari (MNHN A7948, female 420 mm DW, preserved): A. dorsal view; B. ventral view. In: White, W.T. & Last, P.R. & Naylor, G.J.P. & Jensen, K. & CAIRA, J.N. (2010): Clarification of Aetobatus ocellatus (Kuhl, 1823) as a valid species, and a comparison with Aetobatus narinari (Euphrasen, 1790) (Rajiformes: Myliobatidae). CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Paper, 32: 141-164
Common names
Gefleckter Adlerrochen,
Chucho pintado,
Gavilan pintado,
Raya aguila,
Raya gavilán,
Raya murciélago moteada,
Raya pico de pato,
Aigle de mer léopard,
Aigle de mer tacheté,
Aigle de mer tachetée,
Raie chauve-souris,
Raie léopard,
Raie noire,
Bishop ray,
Bonnet skate,
Duckbil ray,
Duckbill eagle-ray,
Duckbill ray,
Eagle ray,
Flying ray,
Lady ray,
Leopard ray,
Mottled eagle ray,
Spotted bonnetray,
Spotted duckbill ray,
Spotted eagle ray,
Spotted eagleray,
Spotted edgle-ray,
Spotted stingray,
Spotted whipray,
Spotted-eagle ray,
Whip ray,
White-spotted eagle ray,
Whitespotted eagle ray,
Cação anjo,
Ratau ponteado,

Short Description
An eagleray with a long snout, flat and rounded like a duck"quot;s bill, a thick head, and a pectoral disc with sharply curved, angular corners, and no caudal fin; jaws usually with single row of flat, chevron-shaped teeth [536]. Each tooth a crescent-shaped plate joined into a band [17659]. Numerous white spots on black or bluish disc; white below [536]. Long whiplike tail, with a long spine near the base, behind small dorsal fin. No spines on disk [17658].
An eagleray with a long snout, flat and rounded like a duck"quot;s bill, a thick head, and a pectoral disc with sharply curved, angular corners, and no caudal fin; jaws usually with single row of flat, chevron-shaped teeth [536]. Each tooth a crescent-shaped plate joined into a band [17659]. Numerous white spots on black or bluish disc; white below [536]. Long whiplike tail, with a long spine near the base, behind small dorsal fin. No spines on disk [17658].
Western Atlantic: North Carolina (summer) and Florida, USA and Bermuda to southern Brazil. Throughout Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean, including Antilles [17659]. Eastern Atlantic: Mauritania to Angola (Ref. 4440). Indo-West Pacific: Red Sea and South Africa to Hawaii, north to Japan, south to Australia (Ref. 9862). Eastern Pacific: Gulf of California to Puerto Pizarro, Peru and the Galapagos Islands [455]. There may be more than one species of spotted Aetobatus (Ref. 9862). Source:
Western Atlantic: North Carolina (summer) and Florida, USA and Bermuda to southern Brazil. Throughout Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean, including Antilles [17659]. Eastern Atlantic: Mauritania to Angola (Ref. 4440). Indo-West Pacific: Red Sea and South Africa to Hawaii, north to Japan, south to Australia (Ref. 9862). Eastern Pacific: Gulf of California to Puerto Pizarro, Peru and the Galapagos Islands [455]. There may be more than one species of spotted Aetobatus (Ref. 9862). Source:
Human uses
fisheries: minor commercial; gamefish: yes; price category: medium; price reliability: very questionable: based on ex-vessel price for species in this family
fisheries: minor commercial; gamefish: yes; price category: medium; price reliability: very questionable: based on ex-vessel price for species in this family
Exhibit ovoviparity (aplacental viviparity), with embryos feeding initially on yolk, then receiving additional nourishment from the mother by indirect absorption of uterine fluid enriched with mucus, fat or protein through specialised structures [733]. Bears up to 4 young [1388] (Ref. 5578, 37816). Width at birth 17-35 cm (Ref. 37816). According to Uchida et al (1990) (Ref. 51119) "quot;the male chases the female in mid water, then nibbles on her dorsal surface. The female stops swimming to begin copulation. The male bites the female on a pectoral fin and bends one clasper forward, then attempts an abdomen to abdomen copulation with either clasper, usually mid-water"quot; (Ref. 49562). Copulation lasted for 20 seconds to 1 minute (Ref. 49562). Commonly found in shallow inshore waters such as bays and coral reefs but may cross oceanic basins (Ref. 9862). Benthopelagic, found near land at 1-60 m [17640]. Sometimes enters estuaries [1388]. Swims close to the surface, occasionally leaping out of the water, or close to the bottom [7176]. Frequently forming large schools during the non-breeding season [17658]. Feeds mainly on bivalves but also eats shrimps, crabs, octopus and worms, whelks, and small fishes (Ref. 9862). A carnivore [17641].
Exhibit ovoviparity (aplacental viviparity), with embryos feeding initially on yolk, then receiving additional nourishment from the mother by indirect absorption of uterine fluid enriched with mucus, fat or protein through specialised structures [733]. Bears up to 4 young [1388] (Ref. 5578, 37816). Width at birth 17-35 cm (Ref. 37816). According to Uchida et al (1990) (Ref. 51119) "quot;the male chases the female in mid water, then nibbles on her dorsal surface. The female stops swimming to begin copulation. The male bites the female on a pectoral fin and bends one clasper forward, then attempts an abdomen to abdomen copulation with either clasper, usually mid-water"quot; (Ref. 49562). Copulation lasted for 20 seconds to 1 minute (Ref. 49562). Commonly found in shallow inshore waters such as bays and coral reefs but may cross oceanic basins (Ref. 9862). Benthopelagic, found near land at 1-60 m [17640]. Sometimes enters estuaries [1388]. Swims close to the surface, occasionally leaping out of the water, or close to the bottom [7176]. Frequently forming large schools during the non-breeding season [17658]. Feeds mainly on bivalves but also eats shrimps, crabs, octopus and worms, whelks, and small fishes (Ref. 9862). A carnivore [17641].
reef-associated; amphidromous [17660]; brackish; marine; depth range 1 - 80 m (Ref. 9710), usually 1 - ? m (Ref. 55257)
reef-associated; amphidromous [17660]; brackish; marine; depth range 1 - 80 m (Ref. 9710), usually 1 - ? m (Ref. 55257)
shark-references Species-ID=118; Links: species description at CICIMAR (Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas)
shark-references Species-ID=118; Links: species description at CICIMAR (Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas)
Parasites (arranged by Jürgen Pollerspöck)
- Eimeria southwelli Halawani, 1930 [32027]
- Clemacotyle australis Young, 1967 [17104] [7571] [24082] [23992] [7102] [7394]
- Decacotyle elpora Marie & Justine, 2005 [7394]
- Decacotyle floridana (Pratt, 1910) Chisholm & Whittington, 1998 [17104] [17205] [17440] [24082] [23992] [21204] [23771] [26032]
- Decacotyle lymmae Young, 1967 [23992]
- Decacotyle octona (Young, 1967) [17104] [17440] [7394]
- Dendromonocotyle torosa Chisholm & Whittington, 2004 [7386] [9445]
- Empruthotrema kearni Whittington, 1990 [16925] [17002]
- Thaumatocotyle pseudodasybatis Hargis, 1955 [17148] [16925] [17002] [7394] [7402]
- Acanthobothrium aetiobatidis (Shipley, 1900) [17156] [17089] [16101] [16175] [16448] [28741]
- Acanthobothrium arlenae Campbell & Beveridge, 2002 [16128] [28741]
- Acanthobothrium colombianum Brooks & Mayes, 1980 [16266] [25154] [28741]
- Acanthobothrium coronatum (Rudolphi, 1819) Van Beneden, 1850 [16448] [28741]
- Acanthobothrium dysbiotos (Maccallum, 1921) [16352] [16448] [28741]
- Acanthobothrium marquesi Rodriguez-Ibarra, Pulido-Flores, Violante-Gonzalez & Monks, 2018 [26306] [28741]
- Acanthobothrium monksi Marques, Brooks & Barriga, 1997 [7617] [25154] [28741]
- Acanthobothrium nicoyaense Brooks & Mccorquodale, 1995 [7562] [16969] [28741]
- Acanthobothrium quadribothria (Maccallum, 1921) [16352]
- Acanthobothrium tortum (Linton, 1916) Baer & Euzet, 1962 [16172] [17089] [16101] [16175] [16448] [16178] [16356] [25154] [28741]
- Adelobothrium aetiobatidis Shipley, 1900 [17156] [16338]
- Cephalobothrium aetobatidis Shipley & Hornell, 1906 [16338] [16908]
- Cephalobothrium sp. [23959]
- Cyclobothrium typicum Southwell, 1911 [17129]
- Didymorhynchus southwelli Beveridge & Campbell, 1988 [16255] [16112]
- Disculiceps sp. [16356] [25154]
- Dollfusiella aetobati (Beveridge, 1990) [16252] [16112]
- Halysioncum boisii (Southwell, 1911) [17129] [16430] [19536]
- Hornellobothrium cobraformis Shipley & Hornell, 1906 [13130] [16338]
- Hornellobothrium extensivum Jensen, 2005 [16338]
- Kotorella pronosoma (Stossich, 1901) [16112]
- Kystocephalus translucens Shipley & Hornell, 1906 [16338]
- Myzophyllobothrium rubrum Shipley & Hornell, 1906 [16468]
- Nybelinia narinari (Maccallum, 1917) [16353]
- Oncomegas aetobatidis Campbell & Beveridge, 2009 [16972]
- Oncomegas australiensi Toth, Campbell & Schmidt, 1992 [16428] [16112] [15747]
- Oncomegas sp. [15747]
- Parachristianella baverstocki Beveridge, 1990 [16112]
- Phyllobothrium panjadi Shipley, 1909 [16443]
- Proemotobothrium linstowi (Southwell, 1912) [16112]
- Rhinoptericola aetobatidis (Shipley & Hornell, 1906) [16256] [16112] [24246]
- Rhynchobothrius aetobati Maccallum, 1921 [16352]
- Seussapex narinari (Maccallum, 1917) [16353] [21148]
- Staurobothrium aetobatidis Shipley & Hornell, 1905 [16338]
- Thysanocephalum crispum (Linton, 1889) Linton, 1890 [16408]
- Trimacracanthus aetobatidis (Robinson, 1959) [16254]
- Trygonicola macroporus (Shipley & Hornell, 1906) [16112]
- Tylocephalum aurangabadensis Jadhav & Shinde, 1987 [16330]
- Tylocephalum girindrai Pramanik & Manna, 2007 [16377]
- Tylocephalum pingue Linton, 1890 [16352]
- Ascaridia sp. [17190]
- Echinocephalus aetobati Maccallum, 1921 [16352]
- Echinocephalus overstreeti Deardorff & Ko, 1983 [7404]
- Echinocephalus sinensis Ko, 1975 [7404]
- Echinocephalus striatus Monticelli, 1889 [17156]
- Neoterranova scoliodontis (Baylis, 1931) [7404]
- Philonema sp. [28508]
- Eudactylina hornbosteli Deets, 1994 (nomen nudum) [15305] [27172]
- Euryphorus suarezi Morales-Serna, Rodríguez-Santiago & Gómez, 2016 [23664]
- Pupulina mantensis Cruz-Quintana, Caña-Bozada, Suárez-Morales & Santana-Piñeros, 2018 [26422]
- Excorallana tricornis (Hansen, 1890) [23898]
- Gnathia aureola Stebbing, 1900 [23898]
- Gnathia maculosa Ota & Hirose, 2009 [22155]
- Gnathia nubila Ota & Hirose, 2009 [21221] [22155]
- Gnathia teruyukiae Ota, 2011 [22155]
- Gnathia trimaculata Coetzee, Smit, Grutter & Davies, 2009 [17188] [22155]
- Praniza viridonitens [23898]