Chiloscyllium punctatum
Müller & Henle, 1838
Brownbanded bambooshark
Classification: Elasmobranchii Orectolobiformes Hemiscylliidae
Reference of the original description
Systematische Beschreibung der Plagiostomen. Berlin, Veit, pp. 1–200
Systematische Beschreibung der Plagiostomen. Berlin, Veit, pp. 1–200
Image of the original description

Chiloscyllium punctatum Müller & Henle, 1838

Chiloscyllium punctatum Müller & Henle, 1838
Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Chiloscyllium cf. punctatum, Chiloscyllium margaritiferum, Hemiscyllium punctatum
Chiloscyllium cf. punctatum, Chiloscyllium margaritiferum, Hemiscyllium punctatum
Chiloscyllium punctatum
Neotype: AMNH: 38153;
Chiloscyllium margaritiferum
Holotype: RMNH: 7404 (260-mm male of 2)
Chiloscyllium punctatum
Neotype: AMNH: 38153;
Chiloscyllium margaritiferum
Holotype: RMNH: 7404 (260-mm male of 2)
Description :
Citation: Chiloscyllium punctatum Müller & Henle, 1838: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras,, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025
Please send your images of "Chiloscyllium punctatum" to
Chiloscyllium punctatum Müller & Henle, 1838; ZMH 25677; juvenile; female; Gulf of Thailand near Pak Phanang; 07.12.1993; 560 mm © Dr. Simon Weigmann, Elasmobranch Research Laboratory, Hamburg, Germany source: Weigmann, S. (2012): Contribution to the Taxonomy and Distribution of Six Shark Species (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) from the Gulf of Thailand. ISRN Zoology, vol. 2012, Article ID 860768, 24 pages, doi:10.5402/2012/860768

Chiloscyllium punctatum Müller & Henle, 1838; ZMH 25677; juvenile; female; Gulf of Thailand near Pak Phanang; 07.12.1993; 560 mm © Dr. Simon Weigmann, Elasmobranch Research Laboratory, Hamburg, Germany source: Weigmann, S. (2012): Contribution to the Taxonomy and Distribution of Six Shark Species (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) from the Gulf of Thailand. ISRN Zoology, vol. 2012, Article ID 860768, 24 pages, doi:10.5402/2012/860768
Common names
Bamboa estriada,
Requin-chabot bambou,
Brown spotted cat shark,
Brown-banded bamboo shark,
Brown-banded catshark,
Brown-spotted catshark,
Brownbanded bambooshark,
Grey carpet shark,
Grey carpetshark,
Spotted catshark

Short Description
Genus: Nostrils subterminal on snout; pre-oral snout long, mouth closer to eyes than snout tip; eyes and supraorbital ridges hardly elevated; no black hood on head or large spot or spots on sides of body above pectoral fins [531]. Caudal fin with a pronounced subterminal notch but without a ventral lobe [16823]. Species: Young with dark transverse bands and usually a scattering of a few dark spots, bars not prominently edged with black [16823] [531]. Adults light-brown, usually without a color pattern [16823]. Dorsal fins larger than pelvic fins, with projecting free rear tips [16823]. Body without lateral dermal ridge (Ref. 4832) [531] [16823]
Genus: Nostrils subterminal on snout; pre-oral snout long, mouth closer to eyes than snout tip; eyes and supraorbital ridges hardly elevated; no black hood on head or large spot or spots on sides of body above pectoral fins [531]. Caudal fin with a pronounced subterminal notch but without a ventral lobe [16823]. Species: Young with dark transverse bands and usually a scattering of a few dark spots, bars not prominently edged with black [16823] [531]. Adults light-brown, usually without a color pattern [16823]. Dorsal fins larger than pelvic fins, with projecting free rear tips [16823]. Body without lateral dermal ridge (Ref. 4832) [531] [16823]
Indo-West Pacific: India, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Viet Nam, China, Taiwan, Japan, Philippines, and northern Australia. Source:
Indo-West Pacific: India, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Viet Nam, China, Taiwan, Japan, Philippines, and northern Australia. Source:
Human uses
fisheries: commercial; aquarium: commercial
fisheries: commercial; aquarium: commercial
Oviparous, with rounded egg cases [518]. Paired eggs are laid. Embryos feed solely on yolk [733]. A common inshore bottom shark found on coral reefs, often in tidepools. Probably feeds on bottom invertebrates and small fishes.
Oviparous, with rounded egg cases [518]. Paired eggs are laid. Embryos feed solely on yolk [733]. A common inshore bottom shark found on coral reefs, often in tidepools. Probably feeds on bottom invertebrates and small fishes.
shark-references Species-ID=1408;
shark-references Species-ID=1408;
Parasites (arranged by Jürgen Pollerspöck)
- Empruthotrema dasyatidis Whittington & Kearn, 1992 [7581]
- Caulopatera pagei Cutmore, Bennett & Cribb, 2010 [12251] [19840]
- Dollfusiella imparispinis Schaeffner & Beveridge, 2013 [19694] [21816]
- Grillotia (Christianella) sp. [21816]
- Heteronybelinia australis Palm & Beveridge, 2002 [21816]
- Hornelliella annandalei (Shipley & Hornell, 1912) Yamaguti, 1954 [16278] [16112]
- Orectolobicestus tyleri Ruhnke, Caira & Carpenter, 2006 [7406] [19840] [25840]
- Poecilorhynchus perplexus Schaeffner & Beveridge, 2013 [19398]
- Prochristianella cairae Schaeffner & Beveridge, 2012 [17404] [21816]
- Rhinoptericola aetobatidis (Shipley & Hornell, 1906) [21816]
- Scyphophyllidium lorettae (Ruhnke, Caira & Carpenter, 2006) [7406]
- Spiniloculus calhouni Desjardins & Caira, 2011 [16086]
- Spiniloculus fylerae Desjardins & Caira, 2011 [16086]
- Spiniloculus mavensis Southwell, 1925 [16952] [21421] [16086] [19840] [26821]
- Spiniloculus paigeae Desjardins & Caira, 2011 [16086]
- Yorkeria chonburiensis Purivirojkul & Boonsoong, 2012 [18046] [19840]
- Yorkeria hilli Caira & Tracy, 2002 [7631] [19840]
- Yorkeria izardi Caira, Jensen & Rajan, 2007 [7616]
- Yorkeria kelleyae Caira & Tracy, 2002 [7631] [19840]
- Yorkeria longstaffae Caira, Jensen & Rajan, 2007 [7616] [26821]
- Yorkeria moretonensis Cutmore, Cribb, Bennett & Beveridge, 2018 [26821]
- Yorkeria parva Southwell, 1927 [16952]
- Yorkeria pusillulus Caira, Jensen & Rajan, 2007 [7616]
- Yorkeria saliputium Caira, Jensen & Rajan, 2007 [7616] [19840]
- Yorkeria williamsi Cutmore, Cribb, Bennett & Beveridge, 2018 [26821]
- Yorkeria yubodohensis Caira, Jensen & Rajan, 2007 [7616] [19840]
- Paraleptus chiloscyllii Yin & Zhang, 1983 [30337]
- Pulchrascaris chiloscyllii (Johnston & Mawson, 1951) [17029] [31368]
- Dissonus inaequalis Boxshall, Lin, Ho, Ohtsuka, Venmathi Maran & Justine, 2008 [7415]
- Eudactylina aspera Heller, 1865 [17867]