New record of the prickly shark Echinorhinus cookei (Pietschmann, 1928) and evidence of scavenging by the coyote Canis latrans (Say, 1823) in Bahia de Los Angeles, Baja California, Mexico. Aquatic Research, 6(1), 64–71
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First record of bicephalism in the blacktip shark Carcharhinus limbatus (Elasmobranchii: Carcharhinidae) in the southern Gulf of Mexico. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 51(5), 685–691
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First record of Sphyrna gilberti Quattro et al., 2013, on the coast of Campeche, México. Aquatic Research, 5(3), 250–256
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First report of synophthalmia and leucism in a bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas) embryo from the southeastern Gulf of Mexico. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 50(5), 760–766
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Maximum number of pups of Narcine bancroftii (Elasmobranchii: Narcinidae) from the Southwestern Gulf of Mexico. Cahiers De Biologie Marine, 61(5), 507–510
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Aspectos reproductivos y área de crianza del tiburón martillo Sphyrna lewini, en la costa de Michoacán, México)Reproductive aspects and nursery area of scalloped hammerhead shark Sphyrna lewini along to Michoacan coast, Mexico). Ciencia Pesquera, 26(2), 13–28
Primer registro de albinismo en la raya redonda enana, Urotrygon nana (Urotrygonidae: Elasmobranchii), en el Pacífico oriental. (First record of albinism in the dwarf round stingray, Urotrygon nana (Urotrygonidae: Elasmobranchii), in the eastern Pacific). Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, 8(2), 93-100
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Los patrones de la mordida en víctimas de ataques de tiburón, como herramienta para la identificación de especies. Casos de estudio, Zihuatanejo, México mayo 2008. In: Del Moral Flores L. F., Ramírez Villalobos A. J., Martínez Pérez J. A., González Acosta A. F. y Franco López J. (Eds). Colecciones ictiológicas de Latinoamérica. (Cap. 45. 558-576). Ciudad de México. México. UNAM·FESI·SIMAC.
Age and growth of the scalloped hammerhead shark, Sphyrna lewini (Griffith & Smith, 1834) from the Southern coast of Sinaloa, Mexico. Hidrobiológica, 18(1), 31–40