Captures of Large Shark Species from the Northeastern Tunisian Coast (Central Mediterranean Sea). Annales, Series Historia Naturalis, 30(1), 15–24
DOI: 10.19233/ASHN.2020.03
A shoal of Bluntnose Sixgill Shark Hexanchus griseus (Chondrichthyes: Hexanchidae) from the Tunisian Coast (Central Mediterranean). Thalassia Salentina, 41, 83–88
Additional records of sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus (Chondrichthyes: Carcharhinidae) from the northern Tunisian coast (central Mediterranean Sea). Annales, Series Historia Naturalis, 28(2), 99–104
DOI: 10.19233/ASHN.2018.11
A case of hermaphroditism in the common Eagle Ray Myliobatis aquila (Chondrichthyes: Myliobatidae), reported from the Tunisian coast (Central Mediterranean). Annales, Series Historia Naturalis, 27(1), 43–48
DOI: 10.19233/ashn.2017.06
Additional records of Spinetail Devilray Mobula japanica (Chondrichthyes: Mobulidae) from the Tunisian coast (Central Mediterranean). Annales, Series Historia Naturalis, 25(2), 103–108
Production, maturity, reproductive cycle and fecundity of small-spotted catshark, Scyliorhinus canicula (Chondrichthyes: Scyliorhinidae) from the northern coast of Tunisia (Central Mediterranean). Journal of Ichthyology, 54(1), 111–126
DOI: 10.1134/S0032945214010020
Maturity, reproductive cycle and fecundity of common torpedo, Torpedo torpedo (Chondrichthyes, Torpedinidae) from the Lagoon of Bizerte (Northeastern Tunisia, central Mediterranean). Journal of Ichthyology, 53(9), 758–774
DOI: 10.1134/S0032945213060118
First records of the Honeycomb Stingray, Himantura uarnak (Forskal, 1775), off the Syrian coast (eastern Mediterranean) (Chondrichthyes: Dasyatidae). Zoology in the Middle East, 49: 104–106
Morphological abnormalities in two batoid species (chondrichthyes) from northern tunisian waters (Central Mediterranean). Annales, Series Historia Naturalis, 20(2), 181–190
Polychromatism in the thornback ray, Raja clavata (Chondrichthyes: Rajidae) off northern Tunisian coast (central Mediterranean). Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences, 4(4), 572–579
Inventory of elasmobranch species caught in the Lagoon of Bizerte (North-eastern Tunisia, central Mediterranean). Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences, 4(4), 383–412
Biological observations on a rare deep-sea shark, Dalatias licha (Chondrichthyes: Dalatiidae), off the Maghreb coast (south-western Mediterranean). Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences, 3(3), 355–360
Sizes of eight oviparous elasmobranch species hatched in two Mediterranean areas: A survey and recent data. Annales, Series Historia Naturalis, 17(1), 29–36