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A new gyracanthid (stem Chondrichthyes) from the Late Devonian (Famennian) of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, in press
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Burrow, C.J. & Desbiens, S. (2023)
Teeth and tooth whorls of the stem chondrichthyan Doliodus from the Early Devonian of the Gaspé Sandstone Group, Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec, Canada. Spanish Journal of Palaeontology, 38(1), 15–22
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Burrow, C.J. & Murphy, M.A. & Turner, S. (2023)
Late Silurian to earliest Devonian vertebrate biostratigraphy of the Birch Creek II section, Roberts Mountains, Nevada, U.S.A. PaleoBios, 40(4), 1–32
Long, J.A. & Thomson, V. & Burrow, C.J. & Turner, S. (2021)
Fossil chondrichthyan remains from the Middle Devonian Kevington Creek Formation, South Blue Range, Victoria. In: Ancient Fishes and their Living Relatives: a Tribute to John G. Maisey. Alan Pradel, John S. S. Denton & Philippe Janvier (eds.): pp. 239-245, 7 figs., Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München, Germany
Burrow, C.J. & Turner, S. (2018)
Stem chondrichthyan microfossils from the Lower Old Red Sandstone of the Welsh Borderland. Acta Geologica Polonica, 68(3), 321–334
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Burrow, C.J. (2017)
Reassessment of a mid-Palaeozoic vertebrate assemblage from Laundos, Portugal. Journal of Iberian Geology, 43(1), 97–110
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Turner, S. & Burrow, C.J. & Williams, R.B. & Tarrant, P. (2017)
Welsh Borderland bouillabaisse: Lower Old Red Sandstone fish microfossils and their significance. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 128(3), 460–479
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Burrow, C.J. & Turner, S. & Maisey, J.G. & Desbiens, S. & Miller, R.F. (2017)
Spines of the stem chondrichthyan Doliodus latispinosus (Whiteaves) comb. nov. from the Lower Devonian of eastern Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 54(12), 1248–1262
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Long, J.A. & Burrow, C.J. & Ginter, M. & Maisey, J.G. & Trinajstic, K.M. & Coates, M.I. & Young, G.C. & Senden, T.J. (2015)
Correction: First Shark from the Late Devonian (Frasnian) Gogo Formation, Western Australia Sheds New Light on the Development of Tessellated Calcified Cartilage. PLoS ONE, 10(6), Article e0131502
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Long, J.A. & Burrow, C.J. & Ginter, M. & Maisey, J.G. & Trinajstic, K.M. & Coates, M.I. & Young, G.C. & Senden, T.J. (2015)
First Shark from the Late Devonian (Frasnian) Gogo Formation, Western Australia Sheds New Light on the Development of Tessellated Calcified Cartilage. PLoS ONE, 10(5), Article e0126066
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Turner, S. & Burrow, C.J. & Williams, R. (2014)
Welsh Borderland bouillabaisse: bonebeds, age control, palaeo(bio) geography lifestyles and diversity of microvertebrates (thelodont, acanthodian, 'shark', placoderm scales) [Abstract]. In The Old Red Sandstone: is it Old, is it Red and is it all Sandstone? Elim Centre Brecon 3–5 October, Programme and Abstracts: 11–13
Trinajstic, K. & Roelofs, B. & Burrow, C.J. & Long, J.A. & Turner, S. (2014)
Devonian vertebrates from the Canning and Carnarvon Basins with an overview of Paleozoic vertebrates of Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 97, 133–151
Burrow, C.J. & Turner, S. (2013)
Scale structure of putative chondrichthyan Gladbachus adentatus Heidtke & Krätschmer, 2001 from the Middle Devonian Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Germany. Historical Biology, 25(3), 385–390
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Burrow, C.J. & Turner, S. (2012)
Fossil fish taphonomy and the contribution of microfossils in documenting Devonian vertebrate history. In J.A. Talent ed. Global biodiversity, extinction intervals and biogeographic perturbations through time UNESCO/International Year of Planet Earth ‘life theme'.
Turner, S. & Burrow, C.J. (2011)
A Lower Carboniferous Xenacanthiform Shark from Australia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 31(2), 241–257
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Turner, S. & Burrow, C.J. (2011)
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Burrow, C.J. & Ivanov, A.O. & Rodina, O. (2010)
Emsian vertebrate microremains from the Zinzilban section, Uzbekistan. Palaeoworld, 19(1–2), 75–86
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Burrow, C.J. & Turner, S. (2010)
Reassessment of “Protodus” scoticus from the Early Devonian of Scotland. In ELLIOTT, D.K. & MAISEY, J.G. & YU, X. & Desui MIAO(editors): Morphology, phylogeny and paleobiogeography of fossil fishes—honouring Meemann Chang, Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil: 123–144, 8 figs., 2 apps.
Burrow, C.J. & Turner, S. & Young, G. (2010)
Middle Palaeozoic microvertebrate assemblages and biogeography of East Gondwana (Australasia, Antarctica). Palaeoworld, 19(1–2), 37–54
DOI: 10.1016/j.palwor.2009.11.001
Burrow, C.J. & Turner, S. (2009)
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Burrow, C.J. & Long, J.A. & Trinajstic, K. (2009)
Disarticulated acanthodian and chondrichthyan remains from the upper Middle Devonian Aztec Siltstone, southern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Antarctic Science, 21(1), 71–88
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Burrow, C.J. & Hovestadt, D.C. & Hovestadt-Euler, M. & Turner, S. & Young, G.C. (2008)
New information on the Devonian shark Mcmurdodus, based on material from western Queensland, Australia. Acta Geologica Polonica, 58(2), 155–163
Burrow, C.J. & Hovestadt, D.C. & Hovestadt-Euler, M. & Turner, S. & Young, G.C. (2008)
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Burrow, C.J. & Ivanov, A.O. & Rodina, O. (2008)
Emsian vertebrate microremains from the Zinzalban section, Uzbekistan [Abstract]. SDS/IGCP Project 499 joint field meeting, Global Alignments of Lower Devonian Carbonate and Clastic Sequences, A.I. Kim, F.A. Salimova, & M.A. Meshchankina, eds., Kitab State Geological Reserve, 25 August–3 September 2008: 19–21
Burrow, C.J. & Lelièvre, H. & Janjou, D. (2006)
Gnathostome microremains from the Lower Devonian Jawf Formation, Saudi Arabia. Journal of Paleontology, 80(3), 537–560
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Burrow, C.J. & Turner, S. & Heidtke, U.H.J. (2003)
The squamation of Gladbachus adentatus HEIDTKE & KRÄTSCHMER, 2001. Ichthyolith Issues, Special Publication, 7, 16–17
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Burrow, C.J. & Turner, S. & Wang, S-T. (2000)
Devonian microvertebrates from Longmenshan, Sichuan, China: Taxonomic assessment. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 223, 391–452
Turner, S. & Basden, A. & Burrow, C.J. (2000)
Devonian vertebrates of Queensland. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 223, 487–522
Burrow, C.J. & Vergoossen, J.M.J. & Turner, S. & Uyeno, T. & Thorsteinsson, R. (1999)
Microvertebrate assemblages from the Late Silurian of Cornwallis Island, Arctic Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 36, 349–361
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Burrow, C.J. & Vergoossen, J.M.J. & Turner, S. (1997)
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