Taxometric analysis of helminthes of marine fishes. 1. Pedunculacetabulum spinatum n.sp., from Chorinemus mandetta and Wenyonia rhincodonti n.sp., from Rhincodon typus. Journal of Parasitic Diseases, 35(2), 222–229
DOI: 10.1007/s12639-011-0049-0

On a new cestode, Phoreiobothrium puriensis n. sp. Indian Journal of Helminthology, 34(1–2), 82–85
On Acanthobothrium dighaensis sp. n. (Onchobothriidae Braun, 1900) from Trygon marginatus. Helminthologia, 17, 165–170

A new cestode, Hexacanalis sasoonensis n. sp of the family Lecanicephalidae Braun, 1900 order Lecanicephalidea Baylis, 1920 from the sting rays Trygon marginatus (Blyth) from Sasoon Dock (Bombay). Indian Journal of Helminthology, 32(1–2), 18–22

A new cestode, Phyllobothrium bombayensis n. sp., of the family Phyllobothriidae Braun, 1900 order Tetraphyllidea Carus, (1863) from the dog fish, Scoliodon sorrakowah from Sasoon Dock (Bombay) India. Proceeding of the National Academy of Science of India, 49, 60–62