7 | Regional Overviews, North America, Regional introduction In R.W. Jabado, A.Z.A. Morata, R.H. Bennett, B. Finucci, J.R. Ellis, S. Fowler, M.I. Grant &. A.P. Barbosa Martins, S.L. Sinclair (Eds.), The global status of sharks, rays, and chimaeras (pp. 119–120). International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
DOI: 10.59216/ssg.gsrsrc.2024
7 | Regional Overviews, North America, United States of America In R.W. Jabado, A.Z.A. Morata, R.H. Bennett, B. Finucci, J.R. Ellis, S. Fowler, M.I. Grant &. A.P. Barbosa Martins, S.L. Sinclair (Eds.), The global status of sharks, rays, and chimaeras (pp. 137–152). International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
DOI: 10.59216/ssg.gsrsrc.2024
8 | Spotlight on Highly Threatened Groups, Hammerheads In R.W. Jabado, A.Z.A. Morata, R.H. Bennett, B. Finucci, J.R. Ellis, S. Fowler, M.I. Grant &. A.P. Barbosa Martins, S.L. Sinclair (Eds.), The global status of sharks, rays, and chimaeras (pp. 1965–1978). International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
DOI: 10.59216/ssg.gsrsrc.2024

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