Cytoprotection by endogenous zinc in the vertebrate retina. Journal of Neurochemistry, 129(2), 249–255
DOI: 10.1111/jnc.12627

Membrane Properties of Two Subtypes of Skate Bipolar Cells. Biological Bulletin, 207, 157

Potassium Currents Distinguish the Two Subtypes of Morphologically Distinct Skate Bipolar Cells. Biological Bulletin, 207, 191–194.

Endogenous zinc as a retinal neuromodulator: evidence from the skate (Raja erinacea). Neuroscience Letters, 345(2), 81–84

Zinc Chelation Enhances the Sensitivity of the ERG b-Wave in Dark-Adapted Skate Retina. Biological Bulletin, 205, 213–214.

The GABAA Receptors of Muller (Glial) Cells in Skate Retina. Biological Bulletin, 187, 263–265

Equivalent Sine Wave Frequency for Interpretation of Responses to Frequency-Swept Sinusoids Defined: an Algorithm From Studies in Skate Ganglion Cells. Biological Bulletin, 185, 308–310

Perforated Patch Recordings From Isolated Skate Bipolar Cells. Biological Bulletin, 183(2), 347–348

Voltage- and Ligand-Gated Conductances of Bipolar Cells From the Skate Retina. Biological Bulletin, 181, 323–324

Serotonin-Like Immunoreactivity Reveals Evidence for Centrifugal Fibers and a Distinctive Class of Amacrine Cell in the Skate Retina. Biological Bulletin, 181, 327–328