Biology of the brownbanded bamboo shark Chiloscyllium punctatum Muller et Henle, 1838: mode of the species. РЫБОВОДСТВО И РЫБНОЕ ХОЗЯЙСТВО, 1: 49–52

Skin of the Sandbar Shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus Nardo, 1827): microstructure, properties and industrial use. (in Russian, with English abstract). Moscow−Yaroslavl: IPK Litera Publishing House, ISBN: 978–5–904729–80–6, 2013, 40 p.

Polymorphism of the surface sculpture of placoid scales of sharks (Selachomorpha, Elasmobranchii). Doklady Biological Sciences, 446(1): 316–319
DOI: 10.1134/S0012496612050067

Morphometrical parameters of placoid scales of sharks: Phenetic aspect. (in russian) РЫБОВОДСТВО И РЫБНОЕ ХОЗЯЙСТВО, 7: 44–46

Biology of the sandbar shark Carcharhinus plumbeus Nardo, 1827: mode of the species. РЫБОВОДСТВО И РЫБНОЕ ХОЗЯЙСТВО, 9: 49–52