Peel, L.R. & Meekan, M.G. & Daly, R. & Keating, C.A. & Collin, S.P. & Nogues, J. & Stevens, G.M.W. (2024)
Remote hideaways: first insights into the population sizes, habitat use and residency of manta rays at aggregation areas in Seychelles. Marine Biology, 171(4), Article 83
DOI: 10.1007/s00227-024-04405-6
Lesku, J.A. & Libourel, P.A. & Kelly, M.L. & Hemmi, J.M. & Kerr, C.C. & Collin, S.P. & Radford, C.A. (2024)
An electrophysiological correlate of sleep in a shark. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part a–Ecological and Integrative Physiology, in press
DOI: 10.1002/jez.2846
Ryan, L.A. & Gennari, E. & Slip, D.J. & Collin, S.P. & Peddemors, V.M. & Huveneers, C. & Chapuis, L. & Hemmi, J.M. & Hart, N.S. (2024)
Counterillumination reduces bites by Great White sharks. Current Biology, in press
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Chapuis, L. & Collin, S.P. (2022)
The auditory system of cartilaginous fishes. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 32(2), 521–554
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Kelly, M.L. & Collins, S.P. & Lesku, J.A. & Hemmi, J.M. & Collin, S.P. & Radford, C.A. (2022)
Energy conservation characterizes sleep in sharks. Biology Letters, 18(3), Article 20210259
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Kelly, M.L. & Spreitzenbarth, S. & Kerr, C.C. & Hemmi, J.M. & Lesku, J.A. & Radford, C.A. & Collin, S.P. (2021)
Behavioural sleep in two species of buccal pumping sharks (Heterodontus portusjacksoni and Cephaloscyllium isabellum). Journal of Sleep Research, 30(3), Article e13139
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Ryan, L.A. & Slip, D.J. & Chapuis, L. & Collin, S.P. & Gennari, E. & Hemmi, J.M. & How, M.J. & Huveneers, C. & Peddemors, V.M. & Tosetto, L. & Hart, N.S. (2021)
A shark's eye view: testing the 'mistaken identity theory' behind shark bites on humans. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 18, Article 20210533
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Hart, N.S. & Lamb, T.D. & Patel, H.R. & Chuah, A. & Natoli, R.C. & Hudson, N.J. & Cutmore, S.C. & Davies, W.I.L. & Collin, S.P. & Hunt, D.M. (2020)
Visual opsin diversity in sharks and rays. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 37(3), 811–827
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Peel, L.R. & Collin, S.P. & Hart, N.S. (2020)
Retinal topography and spectral sensitivity of the Port Jackson shark (Heterodontus portusjacksoni). Journal of Comparative Neurology, 528(17), 2831–2847
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Kelly, M.L. & Murray, E.R.P. & Kerr, C.C. & Radford, C.A. & Collin, S.P. & Lesku, J.A. & Hemmi, J.M. (2020)
Diverse Activity Rhythms in Sharks (Elasmobranchii). Journal of Biological Rhythms, 35(5), 476–488
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Peel, L. & Stevens, G.M.W. & Daly, R. & Daly, C.A.K. & Collin, S.P. & Nogues, J. & Meekan, M.G. (2020)
Regional Movements of Reef Manta Rays (Mobula alfredi) in Seychelles Waters. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, Article 558
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Camilieri-Asch, V. & Shaw, J.A. & Yopak, K.E. & Chapuis, L. & Partridge, J.C. & Collin, S.P. (2020)
Volumetric analysis and morphological assessment of the ascending olfactory pathway in an elasmobranch and a teleost using diceCT. Brain Structure & Function, 225, 2347–2375
DOI: 10.1007/s00429-020-02127-1
Camilieri-Asch, V. & Yopak, K.E. & Rea, A. & Mitchell, J.D. & Partridge, J.C. & Collin, S.P. (2020)
Convergence of Olfactory Inputs within the Central Nervous System of a Cartilaginous and a Bony Fish: An Anatomical Indicator of Olfactory Sensitivity. Brain Behavior and Evolution, 95(3–4), 139–161
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Camilieri-Asch, V. & Caddy, H.T. & Hubbard, A. & Rigby, P. & Doyle, B. & Shaw, J.A. & Mehnert, A. & Partridge, J.C. & Yopak, K.E. & Collin, S.P. (2020)
Multimodal Imaging and Analysis of the Neuroanatomical Organization of the Primary Olfactory Inputs in the Brownbanded Bamboo Shark, Chiloscyllium punctatum. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 14, Article 560534
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Egeberg, C.A. & Kempster, R.M. & Hart, N.S. & Ryan, L. & Chapuis, L. & Kerr, C.C. & Schmidt, C. & Gennari, E. & Yopak, K.E. & Collin, S.P. (2019)
Not all electric shark deterrents are made equal: Effects of a commercial electric anklet deterrent on white shark behaviour. PLoS ONE, 14(3), Article e0212851
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Mitchell, J.D. & Mclean, D.L. & Collin, S.P. & Langlois, T.J. (2019)
Shark depredation and behavioural interactions with fishing gear in a recreational fishery in Western Australia. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 616,107–122
DOI: 10.3354/meps12954
Peel, L.R. & Stevens, G.M.W. & Daly, R. & Keating Daly, C.A. & Lea, J.S.E. & Clarke, C.R. & Collin, S.P. & Meekan, M.G. (2019)
Movement and residency patterns of reef manta rays Mobula alfredi in the Amirante Islands, Seychelles. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 621, 169–184
DOI: 10.3354/meps12995
Yopak, K.E. & Mcmeans, B.C. & Mull, C.G. & Feindel, K.W. & Kovacs, K.M. & Lydersen, C. & Fisk, A.T. & Collin, S.P. (2019)
Comparative Brain Morphology of the Greenland and Pacific Sleeper Sharks and its Functional Implications. Scientific Reports, 9, Article 10022
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Rowley, A. & Locatello, L. & Kahrl, A. & Rego, M. & Boussard, A. & Garza-Gisholt, E. & Kempster, R.M. & Collin, S.P. & Giacomello, E. & Follesa, M.C. & Porcu, C. & Evans, J.P. & Hazin, F. & Garcia-Gonzalez, F. & Daly-Engel, T. & Mazzoldi, C. & Fitzpatrick, J.L. (2019)
Sexual selection and the evolution of sperm morphology in sharks. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 32(10), 1027–1035
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Chapuis, L. & Collin, S.P. & Yopak, K.E. & Mccauley, R.D. & Kempster, R.M. & Ryan, L.A. & Schmidt, C. & Kerr, C.C. & Gennari, E. & Egeberg, C.A. & Hart, N.S. (2019)
The effect of underwater sounds on shark behaviour. Scientific Reports, 9, Article 6924
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Peel, L.R. & Daly, R. & Daly, C.A.K. & Stevens, G.M.W. & Collin, S.P. & Meekan, M.G. (2019)
Stable isotope analyses reveal unique trophic role of reef manta rays (Mobula alfredi) at a remote coral reef. Royal Society Open Science, 6(9), Article 190599
DOI: 10.1098/rsos.190599
Kelly, M.L. & Collin, S.P. & Hemmi, J.M. & Lesku, J.A. (2019)
Evidence for Sleep in Sharks and Rays: Behavioural, Physiological, and Evolutionary Considerations. Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 94, 37–50
DOI: 10.1159/000504123
Collin, S.P. (2018)
Scene through the eyes of an apex predator: a comparative analysis of the shark visual system. Clinical & Experimental Optometry, 101(5), 624–640
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Ryan, L.A. & Chapuis, L. & Hemmi, J.M. & Collin, S.P. & Mccauley, R.D. & Yopak, K.E. & Gennari, E. & Huveneers, C. & Kempster, R.M. & Kerr, C.C. & Schmidt, C. & Egeberg, C.A. & Hart, N.S. (2018)
Effects of auditory and visual stimuli on shark feeding behaviour: the disco effect. Marine Biology, 165(1), Article 11
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Mitchell, J.D. & Mclean, D.L. & Collin, S.P. & Taylor, S. & Jackson, G. & Fisher, R. & Langlois, T.J. (2018)
Quantifying shark depredation in a recreational fishery in the Ningaloo Marine Park and Exmouth Gulf, Western Australia. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 587, 141–157
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Garza-Gisholt, E. & Hart, N.S. & Collin, S.P. (2018)
Retinal Morphology and Visual Specializations in Three Species of Chimaeras, the Deep-Sea R. pacifica and C. lignaria, and the Vertical Migrator C. milii (Holocephali). Brain Behavior and Evolution, 92, 47–62
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Mitchell, J.D. & Mclean, D.L. & Collin, S.P. & Langlois, T.J. (2018)
Shark depredation in commercial and recreational fisheries. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 28(4), 715-748
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Ryan, L.A. & Hart, N.S. & Collin, S.P. & Hemmi, J.M. (2017)
Visual resolution and contrast sensitivity in two benthic sharks. Journal of Experimental Biology, 219(24), 3971–3980
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Ryan, L.A. & Hemmi, J.M. & Collin, S.P. & Hart, N.S. (2017)
Electrophysiological measures of temporal resolution, contrast sensitivity and spatial resolving power in sharks. Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology, 203(3), 197–210
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Lisney, T.J. & Yopak, K.E. & Camilieri-Asch, V. & Collin, S.P. (2017)
Ontogenetic Shifts in Brain Organization in the Bluespotted Stingray Neotrygon kuhlii (Chondrichthyes: Dasyatidae). Brain Behavior and Evolution, 89(2), 68–83
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Kempster, R.M. & Egeberg, C.A. & Hart, N.S. & Collin, S.P. (2016)
Electrosensory-driven feeding behaviours of the Port Jackson shark (Heterodontus portusjacksoni) and western shovelnose ray (Aptychotrema vincentiana). Marine and Freshwater Research, 67(2), 187–194
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Kempster, R.M. & Egeberg, C.A. & Hart, N.S. & Ryan, L. & Chapuis, L. & Kerr, C.C. & Schmidt, C. & Huveneers, C. & Gennari, E. & Yopak, K.E. & Meeuwig, J.J. & Collin, S.P. (2016)
How Close is too Close? The Effect of a Non-Lethal Electric Shark Deterrent on White Shark Behaviour. PLoS ONE, 11(7), Article e0157717
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Atkinson, C.J. & Martin, K.J. & Fraser, G.J. & Collin, S.P. (2016)
Morphology and distribution of taste papillae and oral denticles in the developing oropharyngeal cavity of the bamboo shark, Chiloscyllium punctatum. Biology Open, 5(12), 1759–1769
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Yopak, K.E. & Lisney, T.J. & Collin, S.P. (2015)
Not all sharks are “swimming noses”: variation in olfactory bulb size in cartilaginous fishes. Brain Structure & Function, 220(2), 1127–1143
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Hart, N.S. & Collin, S.P. (2015)
Sharks senses and shark repellents. Integrative Zoology: 10(1): 38–64
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Ryan, L.A. & Meeuwig, J.J. & Hemmi, J.M. & Collin, S.P. & Hart, N.S. (2015)
It is not just size that matters: shark cruising speeds are species-specific. Marine Biology, 162(6), 1307–1318
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Garza-Gisholt, E. & Kempster, R.M. & Hart, N.S. & Collin, S.P. (2015)
Visual Specializations in Five Sympatric Species of Stingrays from the Family Dasyatidae. Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 85(4), 217–232
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Claes, J.M. & Nilsson, D.-E. & Straube, N. & Collin, S.P. & Mallefet, J. (2014)
Iso-luminance counterillumination drove bioluminescent shark radiation. Scientific Reports, 4, Article 4328
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Chapuis, L. & Yopak, K.E. & Mccauley, R. & Hart, N.S. & Collin, S.P. (2014)
“Shark! What big ears you have: Functional and morphological differences in the auditory system of elasmobranchs” [Abstract]. In Programm and Abstracts of Shark International, Durban 2014: 34
Garza-Gisholt, E. & Kempster, R.M. & Hart, N.S. & Collin, S.P. (2014)
Visual specializations in five sympatric species of rays from the family Dasyatidae from Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia [Abstract]. In Programm and Abstracts of Shark International, Durban 2014: 73
Kempster, R.M. & Garza-Gisholt, E. & Egeberg, C.A. & Hart, N.S. & O'Shea, O.R. & Collin, S.P. (2014)
Can bio-electrical signals help stingrays identify suitable mates? Abstract. In Programm and Abstracts of Shark International, Durban 2014: 108
Ryan, L. & Hemmi, J. & Collin, S.P. & Hart, N.S. (2014)
Visual capabilities of sharks to resolve motion [Abstract]. In Programm and Abstracts of Shark International, Durban 2014: 157
Wueringer, B.E. & Coimbra, J.P. & Squire, L. & Collin, S.P. (2014)
The visual ecology of sawfish [Abstract]. In Programm and Abstracts of Shark International, Durban 2014: 185
Yopak, K.E. & Goh, G. & Heel, K. & Northcutt, R.G. & Collin, S.P. (2014)
Is bigger always better? The evolution of brain size and cognitive ability in sharks [Abstract]. In Programm and Abstracts of Shark International, Durban 2014: 187
Egeberg, C.A. & Kempster, R.M. & Theiss, S.M. & Hart, N.S. & Collin, S.P. (2014)
Electrosensory feeding behavior of a wobbegong and angel shark. Poster Abstract. In Programm and Poster Abstracts of Shark International, Durban 2014: 19
Kerr, C.C. & Chapuis, L. & Hart, N.S. & Collin, S.P. (2014)
Re-evaluating experimental approaches to assessing elasmobranch sensory function: the use of anaesthesia. Poster Abstract. In Programm and Poster Abstracts of Shark International, Durban 2014: 32
Ryan, L. & Meeuwig, J.J. & Hemmi, J. & Collin, S.P. & Hart, N.S. (2014)
It is not just size that matters: shark cruising speeds are species-specific. Poster Abstract. In Programm and Poster Abstracts of Shark International, Durban 2014: 48
Harahush, B.K. & Hart, N.S. & Collin, S.P. (2014)
Ontogenetic Changes in Retinal Ganglion Cell Distribution and Spatial Resolving Power in the Brown-Banded Bamboo Shark Chiloscyllium punctatum (Elasmobranchii). Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 83(4), 286–300
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Egeberg, C.A. & Kempster, R.M. & Theiss, S.M. & Hart, N.S. & Collin, S.P. (2014)
The distribution and abundance of electrosensory pores in two benthic sharks: a comparison of the wobbegong shark, Orectolobus maculatus, and the angel shark, Squatina australis. Marine and Freshwater Research, 65(11), 1003–1008
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Theiss, S.M. & Davies, W.I.L. & Collin, S.P. & Hunt, D.M. & Hart, N.S. (2013)
Cone monochromacy and visual pigment spectral tuning in wobbegong sharks. Biology Letters, 8(6), 1019–1022
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Kempster, R.M. & Hart, N.S. & Collin, S.P. (2013)
Survival of the Stillest: Predator Avoidance in Shark Embryos. PLoS ONE, 8(1), Article e52551
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Kempster, R.M. & Hunt, D.M. & Human, B.A. & Egeberg, C.A. & Collin, S.P. (2013)
First record of the mandarin dogfish Cirrhigaleus barbifer (Chondrichthyes: Squalidae) from Western Australia. Marine Biodiversity Records, 6, Article e25
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Kempster, R.M. & Garza-Gisholt, E. & Egeberg, C.A. & Hart, N.S. & O'Shea, O.R. & Collin, S.P. (2013)
Sexual Dimorphism of the Electrosensory System: A Quantitative Analysis of Nerve Axons in the Dorsal Anterior Lateral Line Nerve of the Blue-Spotted Fantail Stingray (Taeniura lymma). Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 81(4), 226–235
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Camilieri-Asch, V. & Kempster, R.M. & Collin, S.P. & Johnstone, R.W. & Theiss, S.M. (2013)
A comparison of the electrosensory morphology of a euryhaline and a marine stingray. Zoology, 116(5), 270–276
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Newman, A.S. & Marshall, J.N. & Collin, S.P. (2013)
Visual Eyes: A Quantitative Analysis of the Photoreceptor Layer in Deep-Sea Sharks. Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 82(4), 237–249
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Wueringer, B.E. & Squire, L. & Collin, S.P. (2012)
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Schieber, N.L. & Collin, S.P. & Hart, N.S. (2012)
Comparative retinal anatomy in four species of elasmobranch. Journal of Morphology, 273(4), 423–440
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Kempster, R.M. & Mccarthy, I.D. & Collin, S.P. (2012)
Phylogenetic and ecological factors influencing the number and distribution of electroreceptors in elasmobranchs. Journal of Fish Biology, 80(5), 2055–2088
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Wueringer, B.E. & Squire, L. & Kajiura, S.M. & Hart, N.S. & Collin, S.P. (2012)
The function of the sawfish's saw. Current Biology, 22(5), R150–R151
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Atkinson, C.J.L. & Collin, S.P. (2012)
Structure and Topographic Distribution of Oral Denticles in Elasmobranch Fishes. Biological Bulletin, 222(1), 26–34
Fitzpatrick, J.L. & Kempster, R.M. & Daly-Engel, T.S. & Collin, S.P. & Evans, J.P. (2012)
Assessing the potential for post-copulatory sexual selection in elasmobranchs. Journal of Fish Biology, 80(5), 1141–1158
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Lisney, T.J. & Theiss, S.M. & Collin, S.P. & Hart, N.S. (2012)
Vision in elasmobranchs and their relatives: 21st century advances. Journal of Fish Biology, 80(5), 2024–2054
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Wueringer, B.E. & Squire, L. & Kajiura, S.M. & Tibbetts, I.R. & Hart, N.S. & Collin, S.P. (2012)
Electric Field Detection in Sawfish and Shovelnose Rays. PLoS ONE, 7(7), Article e41605
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Collin, S.P. (2012)
The Neuroecology of Cartilaginous Fishes: Sensory Strategies for Survival. Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 80(2), 80–96
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Theiss, S.M. & Collin, S.P. & Hart, N.S. (2012)
The mechanosensory lateral line system in two species of wobbegong shark (Orectolobidae). Zoomorphology, 131(4), 339–348
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Harahush, B.K. & Green, K. & Webb, R. & Hart, N.S. & Collin, S.P. (2012)
Optimal preservation of the shark retina for ultrastructural analysis: An assessment of chemical, microwave, and high-pressure freezing fixation techniques. Microscopy Research and Technique, 75(9), 1218–1228
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Davies, W.I.L. & Tay, B.-H. & Zheng, L. & Danks, J.A. & Brenner, S. & Foster, R.G. & Collin, S.P. & Hankins, M.W. & Venkatesh, B. & Hunt, D.M. (2012)
Evolution and Functional Characterisation of Melanopsins in a Deep-Sea Chimaera (Elephant Shark, Callorhinchus milii). PLoS ONE, 7(12), Article e51276
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Kempster, R.M. & Collin, S.P. (2011)
Electrosensory pore distribution and feeding in the megamouth shark Megachasma pelagios (Lamniformes: Megachasmidae). Aquatic Biology, 11, 225–228
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Electrosensory pore distribution and feeding in the basking shark, Cetorhinus maximus (Lamniformes: Cetorhinidae). Aquatic Biology, 12, 33–36
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Mills, M. & Rasch, R. & Siebeck, U.E. & Collin, S.P. (2011)
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Microspectrophotometric evidence for cone monochromacy in sharks. Naturwissenschaften, 98(3), 193–201
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Morphology and distribution of the ampullary electroreceptors in wobbegong sharks: implications for feeding behaviour. Marine Biology, 158(4), 723–735
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Marzullo, T.A. & Wueringer, B.E. & Squire, L. & Collin, S.P. (2011)
Description of the mechanoreceptive lateral line and electroreceptive ampullary systems in the freshwater whipray, Himantura dalyensis. Marine and Freshwater Research, 62(6), 771–779
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Wueringer, B.E. & Peverell, S.C. & Seymour, J. & Squire, L. & Kajiura, S.M. & Collin, S.P. (2011)
Sensory Systems in Sawfishes. 1. The Ampullae of Lorenzini. Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 78(2), 139–149
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Sensory Systems in Sawfishes. 2. The Lateral Line. Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 78(2), 150–161
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Kempster, R.M. & Mccarthy, I.D. & Summerville, R. & Collin, S.P. (2010)
The role of electroreception in the feeding behaviour of sharks [Abstract]. Sharks International Conference, 6–11 June, Cairns, QLD, Australia: 48
Schluessel, V. & Bennett, M.B. & Bleckmann, H. & Collin, S.P. (2010)
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Evangelista, C. & Mills, M. & Siebeck, U.E. & Collin, S.P. (2010)
A comparison of the external morphology of the membranous inner ear in elasmobranchs. Journal of Morphology, 271(4), 483–495
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Yopak, K.E. & Lisney, T.J. & Darlington, R.B. & Collin, S.P. & Montgomery, J.C. & Finlay, B.L. (2010)
A conserved pattern of brain scaling from sharks to primates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107(29), 12946–12951
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Schluessel, V. & Bennett, M.B. & Collin, S.P. (2010)
Diet and reproduction in the white-spotted eagle ray Aetobatus narinari from Queensland, Australia and the Penghu Islands, Taiwan. Marine and Freshwater Research, 61(11), 1278–1289
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Theiss, S.M. & Collin, S.P. & Hart, N.S. (2010)
Interspecific Visual Adaptations among Wobbegong Sharks (Orectolobidae). Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 76(3–4), 248–260
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