Sphyrna mokarran IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2, https://www.iucnredlist.org

Species accounts: Sphyrna mokarran In Fowler, S.L., Cavanagh, R.D., Camhi, M., Burgess, G.H., Cailliet, G.M., Fordham, S.V., Simpfendorfer, C.A. and Musick, J.A.(comp. and Ed.). Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras: The Status of the Chondrichthyan Fishes. Status Survey. IUCN SSC Shark Specialist Group. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK: 316–317
The basking shark: feasibility of tracking by satellite and other technologies. Nature Conservation Bureau Ltd. Draft Rept. 45 pp, figs 1–4