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Chapter 10: Fine-Scale Habitat Use by White Sharks at Guadalupe Island, Mexico. In M.L. Domeier (Ed.), Global Perspectives on the Biology and Life History of the White Shark (pp. 121–132). CRC Press

Chapter 11: Sex-Specific Migration Patterns and Sexual Segregation of Adult White Sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, in the Northeastern Pacific. In M.L. Domeier (Ed.), Global Perspectives on the Biology and Life History of the White Shark (pp. 133–146). CRC Press

Chapter 12: The Northeastern Pacific White Shark Shared Offshore Foraging Area (SOFA): A First Examination and Description from Ship Observations and Remote Sensing. In M.L. Domeier (Ed.), Global Perspectives on the Biology and Life History of the White Shark (pp. 147–158). CRC Press

Chapter 16: A New Life-History Hypothesis for White Sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, in the Northeastern Pacific. In M.L. Domeier (Ed.), Global Perspectives on the Biology and Life History of the White Shark (pp. 199–224). CRC Press

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Chapter 30: The Use of a Nonlethal Technique to Assess the Reproductive Biology of the White Shark, Carcharodon carcharias. In M.L. Domeier (Ed.), Global Perspectives on the Biology and Life History of the White Shark (pp. 467–476). CRC Press
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