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Family Mitsukurinidae, Goblin sharks In The Fishes of New Zealand, (ed) Clive D Roberts, Andrew L Stewart, Carl D Struthers, vol. 2, Systematic Accounts: 60–61

Family Alopiidae, Thresher sharks In The Fishes of New Zealand, (ed) Clive D Roberts, Andrew L Stewart, Carl D Struthers, vol. 2, Systematic Accounts: 64–67

Family Cetorhinidae, Basking sharks In The Fishes of New Zealand, (ed) Clive D Roberts, Andrew L Stewart, Carl D Struthers, vol. 2, Systematic Accounts: 68–69

Family Lamnidae, Mackerel sharks In The Fishes of New Zealand, (ed) Clive D Roberts, Andrew L Stewart, Carl D Struthers, vol. 2, Systematic Accounts: 70–73

Family Pseudotriakidae, False catsharks In The Fishes of New Zealand, (ed) Clive D Roberts, Andrew L Stewart, Carl D Struthers, vol. 2, Systematic Accounts: 90–92

Family Triakidae, Houndsharks and smooth-hounds In The Fishes of New Zealand, (ed) Clive D Roberts, Andrew L Stewart, Carl D Struthers, vol. 2, Systematic Accounts: 93–96

Family Carcharhinidae, Requiem sharks In The Fishes of New Zealand, (ed) Clive D Roberts, Andrew L Stewart, Carl D Struthers, vol. 2, Systematic Accounts: 97–106

Family Squalidae, Spiny dogfishes In The Fishes of New Zealand, (ed) Clive D Roberts, Andrew L Stewart, Carl D Struthers, vol. 2, Systematic Accounts: 125–131

Family Centrophoridae, Gulper sharks In The Fishes of New Zealand, (ed) Clive D Roberts, Andrew L Stewart, Carl D Struthers, vol. 2, Systematic Accounts: 132–138

Family Myliobatidae, Devil rays, eagle rays, and manta rays In The Fishes of New Zealand, (ed) Clive D Roberts, Andrew L Stewart, Carl D Struthers, vol. 2, Systematic Accounts: 201–204