Organ asymmetry: An analysis of correspondence between quantity and functionality in the reproductive organs of female freshwater stingrays (Potamotrygonidae: Elasmobranchii) [Abstract]. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 55, E167
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Systemic rhabdomyolysis induced by venom of freshwater stingrays Plesiotrygon iwamae and Potamotrygon motoro (Chondrichthyes – Potamotrygonidae) from the Amazon Basin. Toxicon, 77, 105–113
DOI: 10.1016/j.toxicon.2013.10.026

Effect of clearwater on osmoregulation of cururu ray, Potamotrygon sp. (Chondrichthyes; Potamotrygonidae), an endemic specie from blackwater river. Scientia Amazonia, 3(1): 15–24