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Reef shark movements relative to a coastal marine protected area. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 3, 58–66
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Field, I.C. & Tillett, B.J. & Charters, R. & Johnson, G.J. & Buckworth, R.C. & Meekan, M.G. & Bradshaw, C.J.A. (2013)
Distribution, relative abundance and risks from fisheries to threatened Glyphis sharks and sawfishes in northern Australia. Endangered Species Research, 21(2), 171–180
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Trophic ecology of reef sharks determined using stable isotopes and telemetry. Coral Reefs, 31(2), 357–367
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Marine parks for reef sharks: shark movements at Ningaloo Reef [Abstract]. In Book of Abstracts. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, 9–13 July 2012, Cairns, Queensland, Australia: 309
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Evidence for reproductive philopatry in the bull shark Carcharhinus leucas. Journal of Fish Biology, 80(6), 2140–2158
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Changes in size distributions of commercially exploited sharks over 25 years in northern Australia using a Bayesian approach. Fisheries Research, 125–126, 262–271
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Tillett, B.J. & Field, I.C. & Bradshaw, C.J.A. & Johnson, G. & Buckworth, R.C. & Meekan, M.G. & Ovenden, J.R. (2012)
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Tillett, B.J. & Meekan, M.G. & Field, I.C. & Hua, Q. & Bradshaw, C.J.A. (2011)
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Decoding fingerprints: elemental composition of vertebrae correlates to age-related habitat use in two morphologically similar sharks. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 434, 133–142
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Development of non-lethal methods for determining age and habitat use of sawfishes from northern Australia. Final Report.
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Distribution and abundance of Glyphis and sawfishes in northern Australia and their potential interactions with commerical fisheries. Department of the Environment. Water, Heritage and the Arts. 45 p.