Fischer, J. & Jojhns, M.J. (2024)
State of Knowledge and Problems Regarding Fossil Chimaeroid Egg Cases. [Abstract] The 95th Annual Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft (PalGes)
Villalobos-Segura, E. & Stumpf, S. & Türtscher, J. & Jambura, P.L. & Begat, A. & López-Romero, F.A. & Fischer, J. & Kriwet, J. (2023)
A Synoptic Review of the Cartilaginous Fishes (Chondrichthyes: Holocephali, Elasmobranchii) from the Upper Jurassic Konservat-Lagerstätten of Southern Germany: Taxonomy, Diversity, and Faunal Relationships. Diversity, 15, Article 386
DOI: 10.3390/d15030386
Fischer, J. & Duffin, C.J. & Spindler, F. & Resch, U. & Lauer, B. & Lauer, R. (2023)
A review of the Late Jurassic chondrichthyan egg capsules from the Plattenkalk area of Southern Germany [Abstract]. In Book of abstracts, 8. Meeting on Mesozoic Fishes and Aquatic Tetrapods 10.–14. July 2023, Stuttgart, p. 29
Mottequin, B. & Fischer, J. & Goolaerts, S. & Olive, S. (2022)
Revisiting the chondrichthyan egg capsules inventory from the Pennsylvanian (Carboniferous) of Belgium: new data and perspectives. The Science of Nature, 109(4), Article 39
DOI: 10.1007/s00114-022-01809-6
Fischer, J. & Heidtke, U.H.J. & Voigt, S. & Rahm, B. (2022)
Permian Acanthodians – Wolves in Chainmail? Abstract. Abstract book, 93. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Sep. 19th to 23rd at the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart, 14
Fischer, J. & Thiede, K. & Thiede, N. & Zessin, W. (2022)
The first completely three-dimensionally preserved shark egg capsule of the morphotype Palaeoxyris [Abstract]. Abstract book, 93. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Sep. 19th to 23rd at the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart, 15
Harrison, G.W.M. & Kirkland, J.I. & Fischer, J. & San Miguel, G. & Wood, J.R. & Santucci, V.L. (2021)
Two Chimaeroid egg case remains from the Late Cretaceous, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado, USA. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin, 82, 113–120
Schlesiger, E. & Kogan, I. & Fischer, J. (2021)
Isolated Elasmobranch Vertebrae from the Cretaceous of Saxony: Taxonomic and Palaeobiological Evaluation [Abstract]. XVIII Conference of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists Online, 5-9 July 2021, 147
Fischer, J. & Hartkopf-Fröder, C. & Leipner, A. & Schneider, J.W. & Wittry, J. & Sowiak, M. (2019)
A highly diverse chondrichthyan egg capsule assemblage from the Late Pennsylvanian Piesberg Quarry, Northwest Germany. in: Kölner Forum Geol. Paläont., 23(2019), S. HARTENFELS, H.-G. HERBIG, M.R.W. AMLER & M. ARETZ(Eds.), Abstracts, 19th International Congress on the Carboniferous and Permian, Cologne, July 29 – August 2, 2019
Fischer, J. (2018)
On the fossil record of chimaeroid (Holocephali) egg cases [Abstract]. In Abstracts, GeoBonn 2018, 2.–6. September 2018, Bonn, Germany: p. 249
Fischer, J. & Kogan, I. & Popov, E.V. & Janetschke, N. & Licht, M. (2017)
The Late Cretaceous chondrichthyan fauna of the Elbtal Group (Saxony, Germany). Research & Knowledge, 3(2), 13–17
Abu Hamad, A. & Fischer, J. & Voigt, S. & Kerp, H. & Schneider, J.W. & Scholze, F. (2016)
First Permian occurrence of the shark egg capsule morphotype Palaeoxyris Brongniart, 1828. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 36(4), Article e1112290
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Licht, L. & Fischer, J. (2016)
Eikapselformen bei Knorpelfischen. Elasmoskop, 16(März), 3–5
Kogan, I. & Fischer, J. & Licht, M. & Reiss, S. & Popov, E.V. (2016)
Late Cretaceous fossil fishes of the Elbtal Group (Saxony, Germany) [Abstract]. In Programme and Abstracts, 87th Annual Conference of the Palaontologische Gesellschaft e.V., Dresden 2016: 82–83
Fischer, J. & Buchwitz, M. & Trostheide, F. (2016)
An Early Carboniferous chondrichthyan assemblage from the limestone quarry of Bad Grund (Harz Mountains, Germany) [Abstract]. In Programme and Abstracts, 87th Annual Conference of the Palaontologische Gesellschaft e.V., Dresden 2016: 57
Fischer, J. & Leipner, A. & Hartkopf-Froder, C. & Schneider, J.W. & Wittry, J. & Sowiak, M. (2015)
Pennsylvanian chondrichthyan egg capsules from the Piesberg quarry, Northwest Germany [Abstract]. In PalGes 2015 14.–16. September 2015 Schiffweiler–Reden, Germany
Kogan, I. & Romano, C. & Koot, M.B. & Schneider, J.W. & Fischer, J. (2015)
Aquatic vertebrate communities after the end-Permian mass extinction: actinopterygians on top [Abstract]. In PalGes 2015 14.–16. September 2015 Schiffweiler–Reden, Germany
Fischer, J. & Voigt, S. & Abu Hamad, A. & Kerp, H. & Schneider, J.W. & Scholze, F. (2015)
On a Palaeoxyris shark egg capsule from the Middle Permian of Jordan. In Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft vom 14.09. – 16.09.2015, Schiffweiler–Reden/Saarland
Fischer, J. & Wittry, J. (2014)
The unique Pennsylvanian chondrichthyan multi-taxa nursery of Mazon Creek. Absract. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 85: 121
Fischer, J. & Schneider, J.W. & Rößler, R. & Spindler, F. & Hoffmann, U. (2014)
An Early Carboniferous Mass Occurrence of Shark Egg Capsules from Freshwater Deposits - The oldest Chondrichthyan Multi-Taxon Nursery [Abstract]. In Meeting Program & Abstracts, society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Berlin, 05.–08.11.2014: 130
Fischer, J. & Licht, M. & Kriwet, J. & Schneider, J.W. & Buchwitz, M. & Bartsch, P. (2014)
Egg capsule morphology provides new information about the interrelationships of chondrichthyan fishes. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 12(3), 389–399
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Fischer, J. (2014)
Palaeoecology, migration behavior, and reproductive pattern of Palaeozoic to Mesozoic freshwater sharks revealed by stable and radiogenic isotopes [Abstract]. Geologica Saxonica, 60(2), 299–300
Fischer, J. & Schneider, J.W. & Hodnett, J.-P.M. & Elliott, D.K. & Johnson, G.D. & Voigt, S. & Joachimski, M.M. & Tichomirowa, M. & Götze, J. (2014)
Stable and radiogenic isotope analyses on shark teeth from the Early to the Middle Permian (Sakmarian–Roadian) of the southwestern USA. Historical Biology, 26(6), 710–727
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Fischer, J. & Licht, M. & Schneider, J.W. & Kriwet, J. (2013)
Stratigraphic record, producer assignment and phylogeny of chondrichthyan egg capsule morphotypes. Poster. 6th International Meeting on Mesozoic Fishes – Diversification and Diversity Patterns, Vienna, Austria August 4th–10th
Fischer, J. & Schneider, J.W. & Voigt, S. & Joachimski, M.M. & Tichomirowa, M. & Tütken, T. & Götze, J. & Berner, U. (2013)
Oxygen and strontium isotopes from fossil shark teeth: Environmental and ecological implications for Late Palaeozoic European basins. Chemical Geology, 342, 44–62
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Kogan, I. & Fischer, J. & Voigt, S. & Schneider, J.W. & Spindler, F. (2013)
The ichthyofauna of the non-marine Triassic Madygen Formation (Southwest Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia) [Abstract]. In SCHWARZ, C. & KRIWET, J.(editors): 6th International Meeting on Mesozoic Fishes – Diversification and Diversity Patterns, Vienna, Austria August 4th–10th, 2013: 40
Fischer, J. & Reich, M. (2013)
On the Early Cretaceous chondrichthyan egg capsule Palaeoxyris jugleri (von Ettingshausen) also known as Spirangium. In SCHWARZ, C. & KRIWET, J.(editors): 6th International Meeting on Mesozoic Fishes – Diversification and Diversity Patterns, Vienna, Austria August 4th–10th, 2013: 24
Fischer, J. & Voigt, S. & Franz, M. & Schneider, J.W. & Joachimski, M.M. & Tichomirowa, M. & Götze, J. & Furrer, H. (2012)
Palaeoenvironments of the late Triassic Rhaetian Sea: Implications from oxygen and strontium isotopes of hybodont shark teeth. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 353–355, 60–72
DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2012.07.002
Franeck, F. & Schneider, J.W. & Fischer, J. & Kogan, I. & Buchwitz, M. & Spindler, F. & Voigt, S. (2012)
Microvertebrate remains from the non-marine Triassic Madygen Formation of Kyrgyzstan [Abstract]. Terra Nostra, 2012(3), 57–58
Fischer, J. & Franz, M. & Kaiser, S. (2012)
Oxygen and strontium isotopes from fossil bioapatite from the Middle Triassic (Anisian-Ladinian) Muschelkalk Sea [Abstract]. Terra Nostra, 2012(3), 54–55
Spindler, F. & Fischer, J. (2012)
The Second Evolution - Life reconstructions through the ages [Abstract]. Terra Nostra, 2012(3), 172
Fischer, J. & Voigt, S. & Schneider, J.W. & Franeck, F. (2012)
The shark fauna and ist nurseries from the Triassic Madygen lake (Kyrgyzstan) [Abstract]. Terra Nostra, 2012(3), 55
Licht, M. & Fischer, J. & Kriwet, J. & Schneider, J.W. & Buchwitz, M. & Bartsch, P. (2012)
Chondrichthyan egg capsule morphology and its possible phylogenetic information [Abstract]. In Abstractband IX. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Ichthyologie e.V.(GFI), 28.–30. September 2012 in Düsseldorf:
Schneider, J.W. & Fischer, J. (2011)
A late Viséan shark nursery - Transitional from anadromous to stationary freshwater lifestyle? Abstract. Ichthyolith Issues, Special Publication, 12, 43–44
Fischer, J. & Voigt, S. & Schneider, J.W. & Joachimski, M.M. & Tichomirowa, M. (2011)
Oxygen isotopic data from nonmarine Paleozoic shark tooth enameloid of Europe and Texas [Abstract]. Ichthyolith Issues, Special Publication, 12, 19–20
Fischer, J. & Schneider, J.W. & Voigt, S. & Kogan, I. & Kiel, S. (2011)
On the fossil record of chondrichthyan egg capsules [Abstract]. In Beiträge zur Paläontologie, 82. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 2011, Abstract Volume: 5–6
Fischer, J. & Voigt, S. & Schneider, J.W. & Buchwitz, M. & Voigt, Si. (2011)
A selachian freshwater fauna from the Triassic of Kyrgyzstan and its implication for Mesozoic shark nurseries. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 31(5), 937–953
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Kogan, I. & Fischer, J. & Voigt, S. & Licht, M. & Schneider, J.W. (2010)
The Madygen lake deposits a unique multi-taxa kindergarten for Triassic fishes? [Abstract]. Zitteliana, 29, 61
Fischer, J. & Voigt, S. & Schneider, J.W. & Joachimski, M.M. & Berner, U. (2010)
Oxygen isotopes from non-marine shark tooth enameloid - environmental and ecological implications for the Late Palaeozoic of Central Europe [Abstract]. Zitteliana, 29, 36
Fischer, J. & Axsmith, B.J. & Ash, S.R. (2010)
First unequivocal record of the hybodont shark egg capsule Palaeoxyris in the Mesozoic of North America. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 255(3), 327–344
DOI: 10.1127/0077-7749/2009/0028
Fischer, J. & Schneider, J.W. & Ronchi, A. (2010)
New hybondontoid shark from the Permocarboniferous (Gzhelian-Asselian) of Guardia Pisano (Sardinia, Italy). Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 55(2), 241–264
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Fischer, J. & Voigt, S. & Schneider, J.W. & Franz, M. & Joachimski, M.M. & Tichomirowa, M. (2010)
Oxygen isotopes from hybodont shark tooth enameloid - Palaeoenvironmental implications for the late Triassic Central European Basin [Abstract]. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, EGU2010–11782
Fischer, J. & Buchwitz, M. & Voigt, S. & Schneider, J.W. (2009)
How certain is the assignment of fossil chondrichthyan egg capsule types to potential producer groups? Abstract. In Daniela SCHWARZ–WINGS, Oliver WINGS & Franziska SATTLER(Editors); 7th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists: 29
Fischer, J. & Voigt, S. & Schneider, J.W. & Franz, M. & Joachimski, M.M. (2009)
Reconstructing the palaeoecology of the hybodont shark. Lissodus of the Rhaetian Central European Basin using oxygen isotopes [Abstract]. 79. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Abstracts: 33–34
Fischer, J. & Voigt, S. & Buchwitz, M. & Schneider, J.W. (2009)
The selachian fauna from the non-marine middle to late Triassic Madygen Formation (Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia): preliminary results [Abstract]. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 29(Supplement to Number 3), 95A–96A
Kogan, I. & Schönberger, K. & Fischer, J. & Voigt, S. (2009)
A nearly complete skeleton of Saurichthys orientalis (Pisces, Actinopterygii) from the Madygen Formation (Middle to Late Triassic, Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia) - preliminary results. Freiberger Forschungshefte, C532, 139–152
Fischer, J. & Voigt, S. & Schneider, J.W. & Franz, M. & Joachimski, M.M. (2009)
Palaeoecological implications of the hybodont shark Lissodus of the Rhaetian Central European Basin using oxygen isotopes [Abstract]. In Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, H.–G. ROHLING, U. L INNEMANN & J.–M. LANGE(Hrsg.), GeoDresden 2009, Geologie der Bohmischen Masse – Regionale und Angewandte Geowissenschaften in Mitteleuropa: Poster
Fischer, J. (2008)
Brief synopsis of the hybodont form taxon Lissodus BROUGH, 1935, with remarks on the environment and associated fauna. Freiberger Forschungshefte, C528, 1–23
Fischer, J. & Kogan, I. (2008)
Elasmobranch egg capsules Palaeoxyris, Fayolia and Vetacapsula as subject of palaeontological research - an annotated bibliography. Freiberger Forschungshefte, C528, 75–91
Fischer, J. & Schneider, J.W. (2008)
Palaeobiogeography of Lissodus (Hybodontoidea) during the Carboniferous and Permian in freshwater of Central Europe [Abstract]. Faunas and paleoenvironments of the Late Palaeozoic, Special Publication to 5 th Symposium on Perm–Carboniferous Faunas, Museum of Eastern Bohemia at Hradec Králové: 13
Fischer, J. & Axsmith, B.J. & Ash, S.R. (2008)
Resemblance of Palaeoxyris and modern heterodontid egg capsules [Abstract]. Erlanger Geologische Abhandlungen, Sonderband 6, 85
Fischer, J. & Schneider, J.W. & Buchwitz, M. (2008)
Pedicle ribbing structure of the egg capsule Palaeoxyris reflects a Palaeozoic to Mesozoic change-over in its chondrichthyan producers [Abstract]. Erlanger Geologische Abhandlungen, Sonderband 6, 85–86
Fischer, J. & Voigt, S. & Buchwitz, M. (2007)
First elasmobranch egg capsules from freshwater lake deposits of the Madygen Formation (Middle to Late Triassic, Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia). Freiberger Forschungshefte, C524, 41–46
Fischer, J. & Voigt, S. & Buchwitz, M. (2007)
Two distinctive elasmobranch egg capsules from freshwater deposits of the Madygen Formation (Middle to Upper Triassic, Southwestern Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia). 77. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Freiberg, 17.–19. September 2007, abstracts; Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen des Institutes für Geologie, 36: 39
Fischer, J. & Schneider, J.W. & Ronchi, A. & Pittau, P. & Werneburg, R. & Elicki, O. (2003)
Haie und Amphibien aus dem Permokarbon von Sardinien - Wege über das Orogen? Abstract. Terra Nostra, 2003(5), 46–47
Fischer, J. (2003)
Evolution und Paläobiogeographie hybodonter Haie im Paläozoikum. Oberseminar 2002/2003