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Development of new methods for attaching pop-up satellite archival tags to blue sharks (Prionace glauca). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 579, Article 152041
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Migration ecology of blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the north Pacific Report of Japanese Society for Elasmobranch Studies, 58, 12–17
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New insights into spatial segregation by sex and life-history stage in blue sharks Prionace glauca in the northwestern Pacific. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 696, 69–84
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Seasonal migrations of pregnant blue sharks Prionace glauca in the northwestern Pacific. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 658, 163–179
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Non-lethal assessment of reproductive stage for female blue sharks Prionace glauca using sex steroid hormones. Journal of Fish Biology, 96(6), 1501–1504
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Estimation of mean movement rates for blue sharks in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Animal Biotelemetry, 8, Article 35
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Age determination and growth of the blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the western North Pacific Ocean. Fishery Bulletin, 117(1–2), 107–120
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Introduction of electronic tagging research for pelagic sharks in the western North Pacific Ocean [in Japanese]. Report of Japanese Society for Elasmobranch Studies, 54, 21–26
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Feeding Habits of the Blue Shark (Prionace glauca) in the Northwestern Pacific Based on Stomach Contents and Stable Isotope Ratios. Pacific Science, 72(1), 21–39
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Stock-recruitment relationships in elasmobranchs: Application to the North Pacific blue shark. Fisheries Research, 200, 104–115
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Development of an alternative ageing technique for blue shark (Prionace glauca) using the vertebra. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 34(3), 590–600
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Distribution, body length, and abundance of blue shark and shortfin mako offshore of northeastern Japan, as determined from observed pelagic longline data, 2000-2014. Fisheries Oceanography, 25(3), 259–276
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Age, growth and reproduction of the banded houndshark Triakis scyllium around the tip of the Izu Peninsula, Japan. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 79(6), 968–976