Morphological Variation in the Cephalic Musculature of Diplobatis ommata and Narcine vermiculatus (Chondrychthyes: Narcinidae). International Journal of Morphology, 41(5), 1304–1309
Variación Morfológica del Neurocráneo de Ocho Especies de Batoideos (Chondrichtyes) [Morphological variation of the neurocranium of eight species of batoids (Chondrichthyes)]. International Journal of Morphology, 40(1), 37–45
Brain morphology of Gymnura lessae and Gymnura marmorata (Chondrichthyes: Gymnuridae) and its implications for batoid brain evolution The Anatomical Record, 304(3), 613–624
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Contribution to the knowledge of anatomy of species of genus Mobula Rafinesque 1810 (Chondricthyes: Mobulinae). The Anatomical Record, 290(7), 920–931
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Comparative anatomy of the superfamily Myliobatoidea (Chondrichthyes) with some comments on phylogeny. Journal of Morphology, 262(1), 517–535
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Anatomical comparison of the cephalic musculature of some members of the superfamily Myliobatoidea (Chondrichthyes): implications for evolutionary understanding. The Anatomical Record, Part A, 271(1), 259–272
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