Bullock, R.W. & Dedman, S.L. & Bergmann, M. & Grimmel, H.M.V. & Cowx, I.G. & Elliott, M. & Gruber, S.H. & Guttridge, T.L. (2024)
A day in the life: quantifying nursery habitat use in a coastal shark. Animal Behaviour, 213, 219–234
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Bergmann, M.P.M.V. & Guttridge, T.L. & Smukall, M.J. & Adams, V.M. & Bond, M.E. & Burke, P.J. & Fuentes, M. & Heinrich, D.D.U. & Huveneers, C. & Gruber, S.H. & Papastamatiou, Y.P. (2022)
Using movement models and systematic conservation planning to inform marine protected area design for a multi-species predator community. Biological Conservation, 266, Article 109469
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Beal, A.P. & Hackerott, S. & Feldheim, K. & Gruber, S.H. & Eirin-Lopez, J.M. (2022)
Age group DNA methylation differences in lemon sharks (Negaprion brevirostris): Implications for future age estimation tools. Ecology and Evolution, 12(8), Article e9226
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Smukall, M.J. & Seitz, A.C. & Dhellemmes, F. & Bergmann, M.P.M.V. & Heim, V. & Gruber, S.H. & Guttridge, T.L. (2022)
Residency, Site Fidelity, and Regional Movement of Tiger Sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) at a Pupping Location in the Bahamas. Sustainability, 14(16), Article 10017
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Dhellemmes, F. & Finger, J.S. & Smukall, M.J. & Gruber, S.H. & Guttridge, T.L. & Laskowski, K.L. & Krause, J. (2021)
Personality-driven life history trade-offs differ in two subpopulations of free-ranging predators. Journal of Animal Ecology, 90(1), 260–272
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Heim, V. & Dhellemmes, F. & Smukall, M.J. & Gruber, S.H. & Guttridge, T.L. (2021)
Effects of Food Provisioning on the Daily Ration and Dive Site Use of Great Hammerhead Sharks, Sphyrna mokarran. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, Article 628469
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Beal, A.P. & Hackerott, S. & Franks, B. & Gruber, S.H. & Feldheim, K. & Eirin-Lopez, J.M. (2021)
Epigenetic responses in juvenile Lemon sharks (Negaprion brevirostris) during a coastal dredging episode in Bimini, Bahamas. Ecological Indicators, 127, Article 107793
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Smukall, M.J. & Guttridge, T.L. & Dhellemmes, F. & Seitz, A.C. & Gruber, S.H. (2021)
Effects of leader type and gear strength on catches of coastal sharks in a longline survey around Bimini, The Bahamas. Fisheries Research, 240, Article 105989
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Smukall, M.J. & Kessel, S.T. & Franks, B.R. & Feldheim, K.A. & Guttridge, T.L. & Gruber, S.H. (2019)
No apparent negative tagging effects after 13 years at liberty for lemon shark, Negaprion brevirostris implanted with acoustic transmitter. Journal of Fish Biology, 94(1), 173–177
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Hansell, A.C. & Kessel, S.T. & Brewster, L.R. & Cadrin, S.X. & Gruber, S.H. & Skomal, G.B. & Guttridge, T.L. (2018)
Local indicators of abundance and demographics for the coastal shark assemblage of Bimini, Bahamas. Fisheries Research, 197, 34–44
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Finger, J.S. & Guttridge, T.L. & Wilson, A.D.M. & Gruber, S.H. & Krause, J. (2018)
Are some sharks more social than others? Short- and long-term consistencies in the social behavior of juvenile lemon sharks. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 72(1), Article 17
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Brewster, L.R. & Dale, J.J. & Guttridge, T.L. & Gruber, S.H. & Hansell, A.C. & Elliott, M. & Cowx, I.G. & Whitney, N.M. & Gleiss, A.C. (2018)
Development and application of a machine learning algorithm for classification of elasmobranch behaviour from accelerometry data. Marine Biology, 165(4), Article 62
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Guttridge, T.L. & Bergmann, M.P.M.V. & Bolte, C. & Howey-Jordan, L. & Kessel, S.T. & Finger, J.S. & Brooks, J.L. & Winram, W. & Bond, M.E. & Jordan, L.K. & Cashman, R. & Tolentino, E. & Grubbs, R. & Gruber, S.H. (2017)
Philopatry and regional connectivity of the great hammerhead shark, Sphyrna mokarran in the U.S. and the Bahamas. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4, Article 3
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Keller, B.A. & Finger, J.-S. & Gruber, S.H. & Abel, D.C. & Guttridge, T.L. (2017)
The effects of familiarity on the social interactions of juvenile lemon sharks, Negaprion brevirostris. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 489, 24–31
DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2017.01.004
Stump, K.L. & Crooks, C.J. & Fitchett, M.D. & Gruber, S.H. & Guttridge, T.L. (2017)
Hunted hunters: an experimental test of the effects of predation risk on juvenile lemon shark habitat use. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 574, 85–95
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Kessel, S.T. & Fraser, J. & Van Bonn, W.G. & Brooks, J.L. & Guttridge, T.L. & Hussey, N.E. & Gruber, S.H. (2017)
Transcoelomic expulsion of an ingested foreign object by a carcharhinid shark. Marine and Freshwater Research, 68(11), 2173–2177
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Brooks, J.L. & Guttridge, T.L. & Franks, B.R. & Grubbs, R.D. & Chapman, D.D. & Gruber, S.H. & Dibattista, J.D. & Feldheim, K.A. (2016)
Using genetic inference to re-evaluate the minimum longevity of the lemon shark Negaprion brevirostris. Journal of Fish Biology, 88(5), 2067–2074
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Kessel, S.T. & Hansell, A.C. & Gruber, S.H. & Guttridge, T.L. & Hussey, N.E. & Perkins, R.G. (2016)
Three decades of longlining in Bimini, Bahamas, reveals long-term trends in lemon shark Negaprion brevirostris (Carcharhinidae) catch per unit effort. Journal of Fish Biology, 88(6), 2144–2156
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Finger, J.S. & Dhellemmes, F. & Guttridge, T.L. & Kurvers, R.H.J.M. & Gruber, S.H. & Krause, J. (2016)
Rate of movement of juvenile lemon sharks in a novel open field, are we measuring activity or reaction to novelty? Animal Behaviour, 116, 75–82
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Ashe, J.L. & Feldheim, K.A. & Fields, A.T. & Reyier, E.A. & Brooks, E.J. & O'Connell, M.T. & Skomal, G. & Gruber, S.H. & Chapman, D.D. (2015)
Local population structure and context-dependent isolation by distance in a large coastal shark. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 520, 203–216
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O'Connell, C.P. & Hyun, S.-Y. & Gruber, S.H. & He, P. (2015)
Effects of barium-ferrite permanent magnets on great hammerhead shark Sphyrna mokarran behavior and implications for future conservation technologies. Endangered Species Research, 26(3), 243–256
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Bullock, R.W. & Guttridge, T.L. & Cowx, I.G. & Elliott, M. & Gruber, S.H. (2015)
The behaviour and recovery of juvenile lemon sharks Negaprion brevirostris in response to external accelerometer tag attachment. Journal of Fish Biology, 87(6), 1342–1354
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Gledhill, K.S. & Kessel, S.T. & Guttridge, T.L. & Hansell, A.C. & Bester-Van der Merwe, A.E. & Feldheim, K.A. & Gruber, S.H. & Chapman, D.D. (2015)
Genetic structure, population demography and seasonal occurrence of blacktip shark Carcharhinus limbatus in Bimini, the Bahamas. Journal of Fish Biology, 87(6), 1371–1388
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Guttridge, T.L. & Gulak, S.J.B. & Franks, B.R. & Carlson, J.K. & Gruber, S.H. & Gledhill, K.S. & Bond, M.E. & Johnson, G. & Grubbs, R.D. (2015)
Occurrence and habitat use of the critically endangered smalltooth sawfish Pristis pectinata in the Bahamas. Journal of Fish Biology, 87(6), 1322–1341
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Feldheim, K.A. & Gruber, S.H. & Dibattista, J.D. & Babcock, E.A. & Kessel, S.T. & Hendry, A.P. & Pikitch, E.K. & Ashley, M.V. & Chapman, D.D. (2014)
Two decades of genetic profiling yields first evidence of natal philopatry and long-term fidelity to parturition sites in sharks. Molecular Ecology, 23(1), 110–117
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Reyier, E.A. & Franks, B.R. & Chapman, D.D. & Scheidt, D.M. & Stolen, E.D. & Gruber, S.H. (2014)
Regional-Scale Migrations and Habitat Use of Juvenile Lemon Sharks (Negaprion brevirostris) in the US South Atlantic. PLoS ONE, 9(2), Article e88470
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Behavioral modification of visually deprived lemon sharks (Negaprion brevirostris) towards magnetic fields. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 453, 131–137
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Kessel, S.T. & Chapman, D.D. & Franks, B.R. & Gedamke, T. & Gruber, S.H. & Newman, J.M. & White, E.R. & Perkins, R.G. (2014)
Predictable temperature-regulated residency, movement and migration in a large, highly mobile marine predator (Negaprion brevirostris). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 514, 175–190
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Chapman, D.D. & Frisk, M.J. & Abercrombie, D.L. & Safina, C. & Gruber, S.H. & Babcock, E.A. & Feldheim, K.A. & Pikitch, E.K. & Ward-Paige, C.A. & Davis, B. & Kessel, S.T. & Heithaus, M.R. & Worm, B. (2013)
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Deep danger: intra-specific predation risk influences habitat use and aggregation formation of juvenile lemon sharks Negaprion brevirostris. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 445, 279–291
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Diel temperature patterns of juvenile lemon sharks Negaprion brevirostris, in a shallow-water nursery. Journal of Fish Biology, 80(5), 1436–1448
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Jennings, D.E. & Dibattista, J.D. & Stump, K.L. & Hussey, N.E. & Franks, B.R. & Grubbs, R.D. & Gruber, S.H. (2012)
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Reconstruction of parental microsatellite genotypes reveals female polyandry and philopatry in the lemon shark, Negaprion brevirostris. Evolution, 58(10), 2332–2342
Franks, B.R. & Gruber, S.H. & Wetherbee, B.M. & Spotila, J.R. (2004)
The spatial ecology and habitat utilization of juvenile lemon sharks (Negaprion brevirostris) in Florida, Brazil, and the Bahamas [Abstract]. American Elasmobranch Society 20th Annual Meeting, Norman, Oklahoma
Hussey, N.E. & Turner, J.R. & Gruber, S.H. (2004)
Biotope mapping of the Bimini Islands as a base for defining Negaprion brevirostris nursery habitat [Abstract]. American Elasmobranch Society 20th Annual Meeting, Norman, Oklahoma
Newman, S.P. & Gruber, S.H. & Handy, R.D. (2004)
Prey preference of nursery-bound juvenile Lemon Sharks, Negaprion brevirostris, at Bimini, Bahamas [Abstract]. American Elasmobranch Society 20th Annual Meeting, Norman, Oklahoma
Stroud, E.M. & Herrmann, M.M. & Gruber, S.H. (2004)
Semiochemicals as shark repellents - identification and behavioral responses [Abstract]. American Elasmobranch Society 20th Annual Meeting, Norman, Oklahoma
Feldheim, K.A. & Gruber, S.H. & Ashley, M.V. (2003)
Breeding biology of the lemon shark, Negaprion brevirostris: inference through genotypic reconstruction of unsampled adults [Abstract]. American Elasmobranch Society 19th Annual Meeting, Manaus, Brazil
Sundström, L.F. & Gruber, S.H. (2003)
Behavior and ecology of the lemon shark (Negaprion brevirostris): a review [Abstract]. American Elasmobranch Society 19th Annual Meeting, Manaus, Brazil
Chapman, D.D. & Gruber, S.H. (2002)
A further observation of the prey-handling behavior of the great hammerhead shark, Sphyrna mokarran: Predation upon the spotted eagle ray, Aetobatus narinari. Bulletin of Marine Science, 70(3), 947–952
Feldheim, K.A. & Gruber, S.H. & Marignac, J.R.C. & Ashley, M.V. (2002)
Genetic tagging to determine passive integrated transponder tag loss in lemon sharks. Journal of Fish Biology, 61(5), 1309–1313
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Sundström, L.F. & Gruber, S.H. (2002)
Effects of capture and transmitter attachments on the swimming speed of large juvenile lemon sharks in the wild. Journal of Fish Biology, 61(3), 834–838
DOI: 10.1111/j.1095-8649.2002.tb00914.x
Feldheim, K.A. & Gruber, S.H. & Ashley, M.V. (2002)
The breeding biology of lemon sharks at a tropical nursery lagoon. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, 269, 1655–1661
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Gruber, S.H. & Parks, W. (2002)
Mega-Resort Development on Bimini: Sound Economics or Environmental Disaster? Bahamas Journal of Science, 9(2), 2–18
Gruber, S.H. & Grant, A.T. & Newman, S.P. (2002)
Effects of Large Scale Seafloor Excavation in Bimini. Bahamas Journal of Science, 9(2), 36–40
Newman, S.P. & Gruber, S.H. (2002)
Mangrove and seagrass fish and macroinvertebrate communities in Bimini, Bahamas. Bahamas Journal of Science, 9(2), 19–27
Sundström, L.F. & Gruber, S.H. & Clermont, S.M. & Correia, J.P. & de Marignac, J.R.C. & Morrissey, J.F. & Lowrance, C.R. & Thomassen, L. & Oliveira, M.T. (2001)
Review of elasmobranch behavioral studies using ultrasonic telemetry with special reference to the lemon shark, Negaprion brevirostris, around Bimini Islands, Bahamas Islands, Bahamas. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 60(1–3), 225–250
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Tricas, T.C. & Gruber, S.H. (2001)
The behavior and sensory biology of elasmobranch fishes: an anthology in memory of Donald Richard Nelson. Kluwer, Dordrecht, Reprinted from Environmental biology of fishes, Volume 60(1–3), 2001 with addition of species and subject index.
Feldheim, K.A. & Gruber, S.H. & Ashley, M.V. (2001)
Population genetic structure of the lemon shark (Negaprion brevirostris) in the western Atlantic: DNA microsatellite variation. Molecular Ecology, 10(2), 295–303
DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-294X.2001.01182.x
Feldheim, K.A. & Gruber, S.H. & Ashley, M.V. (2001)
Multiple Paternity of a Lemon Shark Litter (Chondrichthyes: Carcharhinidae). Copeia, 2001(3), 781–786
Gruber, S.H. & de Marignac, J.R.C. & Hoenig, J.M. (2001)
Survival of Juvenile Lemon Sharks at Bimini, Bahamas, Estimated by Mark-Depletion Experiments. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 130(3), 376–384
DOI: 10.1577/1548-8659(2001)130<0376:SOJLSA>2.0.CO;2
de Marignac, J.R.C. & Gruber, S.H. (2000)
Home range and diel movement patterns of the sub-adult lemon shark, Negaprion brevirostris, in Bimini, Bahamas [Abstract]. American Elasmobranch Society 16th Annual Meeting, 14–20 June 2000, La Paz, Mexico
Feldheim, K.A. & Gruber, S.H. & Ashley, M.V. (2000)
Genetic variability of Western Atlantic lemon sharks, Negaprion brevirostris, based on microsatellite DNA analysis [Abstract]. American Elasmobranch Society 16th Annual Meeting, 14–20 June 2000, La Paz, Mexico
Hoenig, J.M. & de Marignac, J.R.C. & Gruber, S.H. (2000)
Survival of juvenile lemon sharks at Bimini, Bahamas, estimated by mark-depletion experiments [Abstract]. American Elasmobranch Society 16th Annual Meeting, 14–20 June 2000, La Paz, Mexico
Silliman, B.R. & Gruber, S.H. (2000)
Telemetry tracking of the tpotted Eagle Ray (Aetobatus narinari) in Bimini, Bahamas [Abstract]. American Elasmobranch Society 16th Annual Meeting, 14–20 June 2000, La Paz, Mexico
Wetherbee, B.M. & Gruber, S.H. & Rosa, R.S. & Garla, R.C. (2000)
Tidally based activity patterns of neonate lemon sharks (Negaprion brevirostris) at Atol das Rocas, Brazil [Abstract]. American Elasmobranch Society 16th Annual Meeting, 14–20 June 2000, La Paz, Mexico
Corcoran, M.J. & Gruber, S.H. (1999)
The use of photoidentification to study social organization of the spotted eagle ray, Aetobatus narinari (Euphrasen 1790), at Bimini, Bahamas: a preliminary report. Bahamas Journal of Science, 7(1), 21–27
Silliman, W.R. & Gruber, S.H. (1999)
Behavioral ecology of the spotted eagle ray, Aetobatus narinari (Euphrasen, 1790), in Bimini, Bahamas: an interim report. Bahamas Journal of Science, 7(1), 13–20
Sundström, L.F. & Sterk, J. & Gruber, S.H. (1998)
Effects of a speed-sensing transmitter on the swimming speed of lemon sharks. Bahamas Journal of Science, 6(1), 12–22
Sundström, L.F. & Gruber, S.H. (1998)
Using speed-sensing transmitters to construct a bioenergetics model for subadult lemon sharks, Negaprion brevirostris (Poey), in the field. Hydrobiologia, 371–372(0), 241–247
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Correia, J.P. & Miranda, R. & Neves, R.J. & Thomassen, L. & de Marignac, J.R.C. & Gruber, S.H. (1997)
Correlation of movement patterns of subadult lemon sharks (Negaprion brevirostris) in Bimini Lagoon, Bahamas, with the local hydrodynamics [Abstract]. American Elasmobranch Society 13th Annual Meeting, 26 June–2 July 1997, Seattle, Washington
Feldheim, K.F. & Ashley, M.V. & Gruber, S.H. (1997)
Population structure and dynamics of the lemon shark, Negaprion brevirostris, on a local scale: microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA analysis [Abstract]. American Elasmobranch Society 13th Annual Meeting, 26 June–2 July 1997, Seattle, Washington
Sundström, L.F. & Gruber, S.H. (1997)
Evaluating methods for attachment and retrieval of instrumental packages from large sharks. Second Conference on Fish Telemetry in Europe. La Rochelle, France, April 5–9: 58
Sundström, L.F. & Gruber, S.H. (1997)
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Correia, J.P. & de Marignac, J.R.C. & Gruber, S.H. (1996)
Young lemon shark behaviour in Bimini Lagoon [Abstract]. American Elasmobranch Society 12th Annual Meeting, June 13–19,1996 New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.
de Marignac, J.R.C. & Gruber, S.H. (1996)
Home range size and diel pattern of the subadult lemon shark, Negaprion brevirostris, in Bimini Lagoon, Bahamas: a progress report [Abstract]. American Elasmobranch Society 12th Annual Meeting, June 13–19,1996 New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.
Feldheim, K.F. & Ashley, M.V. & Gruber, S.H. (1996)
Population genetics and mating system of a population of lemon sharks using microsatellites [Abstract]. American Elasmobranch Society 12th Annual Meeting, June 13–19,1996 New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.
Thomassen, L. & Gruber, S.H. (1996)
Tidal influences on the spatial distribution of lemon sharks, Negaprion brevirostris, in Bimini Lagoon, Bahamas [Abstract]. American Elasmobranch Society 12th Annual Meeting, June 13–19,1996 New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.
Correia, J.P. & de Marignac, J.R.C. & Gruber, S.H. (1996)
Rates of movement from subadult lemon sharks in Bimini Lagoon: the optimal time interval between successive fixes with notes on hand-held GPS units error estimation [Abstract]. American Elasmobranch Society 12th Annual Meeting, June 13–19,1996 New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.
Sundström, L.F. & Reubush, K. & Gruber, S.H. (1996)
Daily energy consumption of the lemon shark, Negaprion brevirostris: preliminary field determination [Abstract]. American Elasmobranch Society 12th Annual Meeting, June 13–19,1996 New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.
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Young lemon shark behavior in Bimini Lagoon. Bahamas Journal of Science, 3(1), 2–8
Cortés, E. & Gruber, S.H. (1994)
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