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The complete mitochondrial genome of the Longnose skate: Raja rhina (Rajiformes, Rajidae). Mitochondrial DNA, 26(1), 123–124
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Complete mitochondrial genome of the Kwangtung skate: Dipturus kwangtungensis (Rajiformes, Rajidae). Mitochondrial DNA, 26(6), 873–874
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The complete mitochondrial genome of the Korean skate: Hongeo koreana (Rajiformes, Rajidae). Mitochondrial DNA, 25(6), 437–438
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Rapid Species Identification of Elasmobranch Fish (Skates and Rays) using Oligonucleotide Microarray. Biochip Journal, 3(1), 87–96

The First Record of Long Headed Eagle Ray, Aetobatus flagellum (Pisces: Myliobatidae) from Korea. Ocean Science Journal, 41(1), 53–57
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