Atlas of the Barents Sea Fishes. IMR/PINRO Joint Report Series 1–2011. 272 pp.
Structure of the Barents Sea fish community as result of climatic fluctuations. In T.Haug, A.Dolgov, K.Drevetnyak, I.Røttingen, K.Sunnanå and O.Titov(Eds.) Climate change and effects on the Barents Sea marine living resources. 15th Russian–Norwegian Symposium Longyearbyen, 7–8 September 2011. IMR/PINRO Joint Report Series 2–2011: 149–158
8.3. Benthivorous fish. In The Barents Sea – Ecosystem, Resources, Management. Half a century of Russian–Norwegian cooperation, Ed. by T. Jakobsen and V. Ozhigin. Tapir Academic Press, Trondheim: 455–465
8.4. Piscivorous fish. In The Barents Sea – Ecosystem, Resources, Management. Half a century of Russian–Norwegian cooperation, Ed. by T. Jakobsen and V. Ozhigin. Tapir Academic Press, Trondheim: 466–484
20th anniversary of the PINRO-IMR cooperation in the investigations of fish feeding in the Barents Sea – results and perspectives. In Haug,. T., Misund, O.A., Gjøsæter, H., and Røttingen, I. (Eds.). Long–term bilateral Russian–Norwegian scientific cooperation as a basis for sustainable management of living marine resources in the Barents Sea. Proceeding of the 12th Norwegian–Russian Symposium. Tromsø, 21–22 August 2007: 44–78