A New Genus of Chimaerid Fish (Holocephali, Chimaeridae) from the Upper Oligocene Sooke Formation of British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 40(1), Article e1772275
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Freshwater Shark Teeth (Family Lonchidiidae) from the Middle—Upper Triassic (Ladinian—Carnian) Paramillo Formation in the Mendoza Precordillera, Argentina. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 34(3), 512–523
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Cenozoic and Cretaceous Ichthyoliths from the Tofino Basin and Western Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Palaeontologia Electronica, 8(2), 1–202

Taxonomy and biostratigraphy of Middle and Late Triassic elasmobranch ichthyoliths from north Eastern British Columbia. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin, 502, 1–235

Diagnostic pedicle features of Middle and Late Triassic elasmobranch scales from northeastern British Columbia, Canada. Micropaleontology, 42(4), 335–350