Kimura, S. (2009)
Family accounts Hemiscyllidae (p. 7), Stegostomatidae (p. 8), Ginglymostomatidae (p. 9), Rhincodontidae (p. 10), Carcharhinidae (p. 11), Dasyatidae (p. 12-14), Myliobatidae (p. 15-16), Pristiogasteridae (p. 24), Chirocentridae (p. 27), Ariidae (p. 33-35), Synodontidae (p. 36-37), Atherinidae (p. 46-47), Carangidae (p. 115-127), Leiognathidae (p. 128-134), Zanclidae (p. 300), Scombridae (p. 311-312), Stromateidae (p. 313), Psettodidae (p. 314), Citharidae (p. 315), Bothidae (p. 317-318), Samaridae (p. 319). In Kimura et al. 2009, Fishes of Andaman Sea, west coast of southern Thailand. i-vi + 1-346
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