Body length estimation of Neogene macrophagous lamniform sharks (Carcharodon and Otodus) derived from associated fossil dentitions. Palaeontologia Electronica, 24(1), Article a09
DOI: 10.26879/1140
Fossile Reste von Selachiern und Chimaeren aus dem Muschelschluff und Phosphoritknollenhorizont von Zwenkau bei Leipzig. [Fossil remains of selachiens and chimaera from the Muschelschluff and Phosphoritknollenhorizont of Zwenkau near Leipzig]. Geologica Saxonica, 61(1), 73–90
Morphometrische Analyse der Kieferbezahnung fossiler wie rezenter carcharhinider Selachier. PhD Thesis, University of Leipzig
Eocene Carcharinidae and Triakidae (Elasmobranchii) of Crimea and Kazakhstan. Leipziger Geowissenschaften, 20, 1–57