Chiaramonte, G.E. & Alarcos, A.J. & Vazquez, D.M. & Bovcon, N.D. & Delpiani, S.M. & Chavez, L.N. & Dellacasa, R.F. & Mabragaña, E. (2024)
Recurrent juvenile stranding of the porbeagle shark Lamna nasus along the South West Atlantic coast. Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, 26(2), 171–184
Lenain, V.M. & Matusevich, F. & Gabbanelli, V. & Vazquez, D.M. & Awruch, C.A. & de Astarloa, J.M.D. & Mabragana, E. (2024)
First Reports on Reproductive Traits of the Endemic Southwestern Atlantic Rio Skate Rioraja agassizii (Rajiformes, Arhynchobatidae) in Captivity. Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 34(12), Article e70022
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Florencia, M. & Vazquez, D.M. & Gabbanelli, V. & de Astarloa, J.M.D. & Mabragana, E. (2023)
Chondrichthyans from the southern tip of South America with emphasis on the marine protected area Namuncura-Burdwood Bank: exploring egg nursery grounds. Polar Biology, 46(4), 357–372
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Roman, J.M. & Mabragana, E. & Sabadin, D.E. & Lucifora, L.O. & Figueroa, D.E. & Barbini, S.A. (2022)
Egg capsules of the multispine skate, Bathyraja multispinis: the largest of the genus recorded in South American waters. Marine Biodiversity, 52(5), Article 48
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Fuentes-Fuentes, P. & Mabragaña, E. & Concha, F. (2022)
Morphologic analysis and Neotype designation of the Raspthorn sandskate, Psammobatis scobina, from its type locality [Análisis morfológico y designación de Neotipo de la Raya pequén, Psammobatis scobina, desde su localidad tipo]. Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía, 57, 190–205
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Description of neonate of the freckled sand skate Psammobatis lentiginosa and observations on incubation period [Descripción del neonato de la raya lenticulada Psammobatis lentiginosa y observaciones sobre su período de incubación]. Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía, 57, 255–261
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Cousseau, M.B. & Pequeno, G. & Mabragana, E. & Lucifora, L.O. & Marti-Nez, P. & Giussi, A. (2020)
The Magellanic Province and its fish fauna (South America): Several provinces or one? Journal of Biogeography, 47(1), 220–234
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Polymorphism in Conservative Structures? The Scapulocoracoids in Skates Genus Psammobatis (Chondrichthyes, Arhynchobatidae) and the Validity of P. parvacauda. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, Article 291
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Vazquez, D.M. & de Astarloa, J.M.D. & Gabbanelli, V. & Mabragana, E. (2020)
Comparative embryonic development patterns in three deep-water skates from the southwest Atlantic. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 161, Article 103301
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Avoiding being dragged away: finding egg cases of Schroederichthys bivius (Chondrichthyes: Scyliorhinidae) associated with benthic invertebrates. Journal of Fish Biology, 92(1), 248–253
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A new record of the porbeagle, Lamna nasus, in coastal waters of Buenos Aires (Argentina) confirmed by DNA barcoding. DNA Barcodes, 3: 139–143
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Mabragaña, E. & Lucifora, L.O. & de L.Corbo, M. & Díaz de Astarloa, J.M. (2015)
Seasonal Reproductive Biology of the Bignose Fanskate Sympterygia acuta (Chondrichthyes, Rajidae). Estuaries and Coasts, 38(5), 1466–1476
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Delpiani, G. & Figueroa, D.E. & Mabragaña, E. (2012)
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Mabragaña, E. & Ibáñez, P. & Cousseau, M.B. (2012)
Reproductive biology and abundance of the freckled sandskate Psammobatis lentiginosa McEachran,1983 in the southwest Atlantic. Marine Biology Research, 8(3), 292–299
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Dental abnormalities of the southern thorny skate Amblyraja doellojuradoi (Chondrichthyes, Rajidae). (Dental abnormalities of the southern thorny skate Amblyraja doellojuradoi (Chondrichthyes, Rajidae)). Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía, 47(1), 135–140
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Morphological and molecular evidence for a new species of longnose skate (Rajiformes: Rajidae: Dipturus) from Argentinean waters based on DNA barcoding. Zootaxa, 1921, 35–46
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Food habits of the broad nose skate, Bathyraja brachyurops (Chondrichthyes, Rajidae), in the south-west Atlantic. Scientia Marina, 72(4), 701–710
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