Papastamatiou, Y.P. & Binder, B.M. & Boswell, K.M. & Malone, M.A. & Heithaus, M.R. & Huveneers, C. & Mourier, J. & Harborne, A.R. (2024)
Dynamic energy landscapes of predators and the implications for modifying prey risk. Functional Ecology, 38(2), 284–293
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Laurioux, A. & Huveneers, C. & Papastamatiou, Y. & Planes, S. & Ballesta, L. & Mourier, J. (2024)
Abiotic drivers of the space use and activity of gray reef sharks Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos in a dynamic tidal environment. Journal of Fish Biology, in press
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Kraft, S. & Winkler, A.C. & Abecasis, D. & Mourier, J. (2024)
Long-term co-occurrence and gregariousness in the migratory common stingray using network analysis. Marine Biology, 171(9), Article 176
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Lesturgie, P. & Braun, C.D. & Clua, E. & Mourier, J. & Thorrold, S.R. & Vignaud, T. & Planes, S. & Mona, S. (2023)
Like a rolling stone: Colonization and migration dynamics of the gray reef shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos). Ecology and Evolution, 13(1), Article e9746
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Seguigne, C. & Mourier, J. & Clua, E. & Buray, N. & Planes, S. (2023)
Citizen science provides valuable data to evaluate elasmobranch diversity and trends throughout the French Polynesia's shark sanctuary. Plos One, 18(3), Article e0282837
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Provisioning ecotourism does not increase tiger shark site fidelity. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 9
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Boube, T. & Azam, C.S. & Guilbert, A. & Huveneers, C. & Papastamatiou, Y.P. & Mourier, J. & Trujillo, J.E. & Femmami, N. & Kunovsky, A. & Bersani, F. & Laurent, E. & Bousseyroux, A. & Thellier, T. & Follin, Y. & Pavy, T. & Jeandel, V. & Mataarere, A. & Burlot, M. & Bouyeure, J. & Rigoreau, B. & Rigoreau, L. & Lenormand, A. & Chalabi, F. & Hayek, M. & Jeandel, J.M. & Stenger, P.L. (2023)
First insights into the population characteristics and seasonal occurrence of the great hammerhead shark, Sphyrna mokarran (Rüppell, 1837) in the Western Tuamotu archipelago, French Polynesia. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, Article 1234059
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Seguigne, C. & Mourier, J. & Vignaud, T. & Buray, N. & Clua, E. (2022)
Effects of a COVID-19 lockdown-induced pause and resumption of artificial provisioning on blacktip reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanopterus) and pink whiprays (Pateobatis fai) in French Polynesia (East-Pacific). Ethology, 128(2), 119–130
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Papastamatiou, Y.P. & Mourier, J. & TinHan, T. & Luongo, S. & Hosoki, S. & Santana-Morales, O. & Hoyos-Padilla, M. (2022)
Social dynamics and individual hunting tactics of white sharks revealed by biologging. Biology Letters, 18(3), Article 20210599
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Zemah-Shamir, Z. & Mourier, J. & Ilany, A. & Bigal, E. & Scheinin, A. & Tchernov, D. (2022)
Preliminary insights of a mixed-species shark aggregation: a case study of two carcharhinids from the Mediterranean Sea. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 105(5), 623–634
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Andrzejaczek, S. & Lucas, T.C.D. & Goodman, M.C. & Hussey, N.E. & Armstrong, A.J. & Carlisle, A. & Coffey, D.M. & Gleiss, A.C. & Huveneers, C. & Jacoby, D.M.P. & Meekan, M.G. & Mourier, J. & Peel, L.R. & Abrantes, K. & Afonso, A.S. & Ajemian, M.J. & Anderson, B.N. & Anderson, S.D. & Araujo, G. & Armstrong, A.O. & Bach, P. & Barnett, A. & Bennett, M.B. & Bezerra, N.A. & Bonfil, R. & Boustany, A.M. & Bowlby, H.D. & Branco, I. & Braun, C.D. & Brooks, E.J. & Brown, J. & Burke, P.J. & Butcher, P. & Castleton, M. & Chapple, T.K. & Chateau, O. & Clarke, M. & Coelho, R. & Cortes, E. & Couturier, L.I.E. & Cowley, P.D. & Croll, D.A. & Cuevas, J.M. & Curtis, T.H. & Dagorn, L. & Dale, J.J. & Daly, R. & Dewar, H. & Doherty, P.D. & Domingo, A. & Dove, A.D.M. & Drew, M. & Dudgeon, C.L. & Duffy, C.A.J. & Elliott, R.G. & Ellis, J.R. & Erdmann, M.V. & Farrugia, T.J. & Ferreira, L.C. & Ferretti, F. & Filmalter, J.D. & Finucci, B. & Fischer, C. & Fitzpatrick, R. & Forget, F. & Forsberg, K. & Francis, M.P. & Franks, B.R. & Gallagher, A.J. & Galvan-Magana, F. & García, M.L. & Gaston, T.F. & Gillanders, B.M. & Gollock, M.J. & Green, J.R. & Green, S. & Griffiths, C.A. & Hammerschlag, N. & Hasan, A. & Hawkes, L.A. & Hazin, F. & Heard, M. & Hearn, A. & Hedges, K.J. & Henderson, S.M. & Holdsworth, J. & Holland, K.N. & Howey, L.A. & Hueter, R.E. & Humphries, N.E. & Hutchinson, M. & Jaine, F.R.A. & Jorgensen, S.J. & Kanive, P.E. & Labaja, J. & Lana, F.O. & Lassauce, H. & Lipscombe, R.S. & Llewellyn, F. & Macena, B.C.L. & Mambrasar, R. & McAllister, J.D. & McCully Phillips, S.R. & McGregor, F. & McMillan, M.N. & McNaughton, L.M. & Mendonça, S.A. & Meyer, C.G. & Meyers, M. & Mohan, J.A. & Montgomery, J.C. & Mucientes, G. & Musyl, M.K. & Nasby-Lucas, N. & Natanson, L.J. & O’Sullivan, J.B. & Oliveira, P. & Papastamtiou, Y.P. & Patterson, T.A. & Pierce, S.J. & Queiroz, N. & Radford, C.A. & Richardson, A.J. & Richardson, A. & Righton, D. & Rohner, C.A. & Royer, M.A. & Saunders, R.A. & Schaber, M. & Schallert, R.J. & Scholl, M.C. & Seitz, A.C. & Semmens, J.M. & Setyawan, E. & Shea, B.D. & Shidqi, R.A. & Shillinger, G.L. & Shipley, O.N. & Shivji, M.S. & Sianipar, A.B. & Silva, J.F. & Sims, D.W. & Skomal, G.B. & Sousa, L.L. & Southall, E.J. & Spaet, J.L.Y. & Stehfest, K.M. & Stevens, G. & Stewart, J.D. & Sulikowski, J.A. & Syakurachman, I. & Thorrold, S.R. & Thums, M. & Tickler, D. & Tolloti, M.T. & Townsend, K.A. & Travassos, P. & Tyminski, J.P. & Vaudo, J.J. & Veras, D. & Wantiez, L. & Weber, S.B. & Wells, R.J.D. & Weng, K.C. & Wetherbee, B.M. & Williamson, J.E. & Witt, M.J. & Wright, S. & Zilliacus, K. & Block, B.A. & Curnick, D.J. (2022)
Diving into the vertical dimension of elasmobranch movement ecology. Science Advances, 8(33), Article eabo1754
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Perryman, R.J.Y. & Mourier, J. & Venables, S.K. & Tapilatu, R.F. & Setyawan, E. & Brown, C. (2022)
Reef manta ray social dynamics depend on individual differences in behaviour. Animal Behaviour, 191, 43–55
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Mourier, J. & Claudet, J. & Planes, S. (2021)
Human-induced shifts in habitat use and behaviour of a marine predator, the effects of bait provisioning in the blacktip reef shark. Animal Conservation, 24(2), 230–238
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Butcher, P.A. & Colefax, A.P. & Gorkin, R.A. & Kajiura, S.M. & López, N.A. & Mourier, J. & Purcell, C.R. & Skomal, G.B. & Tucker, J.P. & Walsh, A.J. & Williamson, J.E. & Raoult, V. (2021)
The Drone Revolution of Shark Science: A Review. Drones, 5(1), Article 8
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Bouyoucos, I.A. & Trujillo, J.E. & Weideli, O.C. & Nakamura, N. & Mourier, J. & Planes, S. & Simpfendorfer, Ca. & Rummer, J.L. (2021)
Investigating links between thermal tolerance and oxygen supply capacity in shark neonates from a hyperoxic tropical environment. Science of the Total Environment, 782, Article 146854
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Kinship does not predict the structure of a shark social network. Behavioral Ecology, 32(2), 211–222
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Papastamatiou, Y.P. & Iosilevskii, G. & Di Santo, V. & Huveneers, C. & Hattab, T. & Planes, S. & Ballesta, L. & Mourier, J. (2021)
Sharks surf the slope: Current updrafts reduce energy expenditure for aggregating marine predators. Journal of Animal Ecology, 90(10), 2302–2314
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Mourier, J. & Soria, M. & Blaison, A. & Simier, M. & Certain, G. & Demichelis, A. & Hattab, T. (2021)
Dynamic use of coastal areas by bull sharks and the conciliation of conservation and management of negative human-wildlife interactions. Aquatic Conservation, Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 31(10), 2926–2937
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Bass, N.C. & Day, J. & Guttridge, T.L. & Mourier, J. & Knott, N.A. & Pouca, C.V. & Brown, C. (2021)
Residency and movement patterns of adult Port Jackson sharks (Heterodontus portusjacksoni) at a breeding aggregation site. Journal of Fish Biology, 99(4), 1455–1466
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Labourgade, P. & Ballesta, L. & Huveneers, C. & Papastamatiou, Y. & Mourier, J. (2020)
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Bouyoucos, I.A. & Romaine, M. & Azoulai, L. & Eustache, K. & Mourier, J. & Rummer, J.L. & Planes, S. (2020)
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Rummer, J.L. & Bouyoucos, I.A. & Mourier, J. & Nakamura, N. & Planes, S. (2020)
Responses of a coral reef shark acutely exposed to ocean acidification conditions. Coral Reefs, 39, 1215–1220
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Thiele, M. & Mourier, J. & Papastamatiou, Y. & Ballesta, L. & Chateauminois, E. & Huveneers, C. (2020)
Response of blacktip reef sharks Carcharhinus melanopterus to shark bite mitigation products. Scientific Reports, 10, Article 3563
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Burke, P.J. & Mourier, J. & Gaston, T.F. & Williamson, J.E. (2020)
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Carpentier, A.S. & Berthe, C. & Ender, I. & Jaine, F.R.A. & Mourier, J. & Stevens, G. & de Rosemont, M. & Clua, E. (2019)
Correction to: Preliminary insights into the population characteristics and distribution of reef (Mobula alfredi) and oceanic (M. birostris) manta rays in French Polynesia. Coral Reefs, 38(6), 1353
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