Becker, A. & Butcher, P.A. & Morris, S. & Champion, C. & Peddemors, V.M. & Taylor, M.D. (2024)
Interactions between White Sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) and artificial reefs along the east-coast of Australia. Fisheries Research, 273, Article 106961
DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2024.106961
Huveneers, C. & Blount, C. & Bradshaw, C.J.A. & Butcher, P.A. & Smith, M.P.L. & Macbeth, W.G. & McPhee, D.P. & Moltschaniwskyj, N. & Peddemors, V.M. & Green, M. (2024)
Shifts in the incidence of shark bites and efficacy of beach-focussed mitigation in Australia. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 198, Article 115855
DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.115855
Martin, B. & Doane, M.P. & Henkens, J. & Morgan, J.A.T. & Inglis, L. & Peddemors, V.M. & Dinsdale, E.A. & Huveneers, C. & Meyer, L. (2024)
Who bit the boat? New DNA collection and genomic methods enable species identification in suspected shark-related incidents. Forensic Science International-Genetics, 72, Article 103087
DOI: 10.1016/j.fsigen.2024.103087
Mitchell, J.D. & Camilieri-Asch, V. & Gudge, S. & Jaine, F.R.A. & Peddemors, V.M. & Langlois, T.J. (2024)
Applying acoustic telemetry, vessel tracking and fisher knowledge to investigate and manage fisher-shark conflict at Lord Howe Island, Australia. Marine Biology, 171(12), Article 230
DOI: 10.1007/s00227-024-04549-5
Hunt, E. & Bradford, R.W. & Booth, D.J. & Doak, C. & Patterson, T.A. & Peddemors, V.M. (2024)
Ontogenetic change in body shape for white sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, in Australian waters. Journal of Fish Biology, in press
DOI: 10.1111/jfb.16016
Ryan, L.A. & Gennari, E. & Slip, D.J. & Collin, S.P. & Peddemors, V.M. & Huveneers, C. & Chapuis, L. & Hemmi, J.M. & Hart, N.S. (2024)
Counterillumination reduces bites by Great White sharks. Current Biology, in press
DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2024.10.042
Lipscombe, R.S. & Scott, A. & Morris, S. & Peddemors, V.M. & Smoothey, A.F. & Butcher, P.A. (2023)
The influence of bait position on the catch of target and non-target sharks in a SMART drumline bather protection program. Fisheries Research, 257, Article 106501
DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2022.106501
Grainger, R. & Raoult, V. & Peddemors, V.M. & Machovsky-Capuska, G.E. & Gaston, T.F. & Raubenheimer, D. (2023)
Integrating isotopic and nutritional niches reveals multiple dimensions of individual diet specialisation in a marine apex predator. Journal of Animal Ecology, 92(2), 514–534
DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.13852
Smoothey, A.F. & Niella, Y. & Brand, C. & Peddemors, V.M. & Butcher, P.A. (2023)
Bull Shark (Carcharhinus leucas) Occurrence along Beaches of South-Eastern Australia: Understanding Where, When and Why. Biology, 12(9), Article 1189
DOI: 10.3390/biology12091189
Butcher, P.A. & Lee, K.A. & Brand, C.P. & Gallen, C.R. & Green, M. & Smoothey, A.F. & Peddemors, V.M. (2023)
Capture Response and Long-Term Fate of White Sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) after Release from SMART Drumlines. Biology, 12(10), Article 1329
DOI: 10.3390/biology12101329
Niella, Y. & Smoothey, A.F. & Taylor, M.D. & Peddemors, V.M. & Harcourt, R. (2022)
Environmental Drivers of Fine-Scale Predator and Prey Spatial Dynamics in Sydney Harbour, Australia, and Adjacent Coastal Waters. Estuaries and Coasts, 45, 1465–1479
DOI: 10.1007/s12237-021-01020-2
Grainger, R. & Raubenheimer, D. & Peddemors, V.M. & Butcher, P.A. & Machovsky-Capuska, G.E. (2022)
Integrating Biologging and Behavioral State Modeling to Identify Cryptic Behaviors and Post-capture Recovery Processes: New Insights From a Threatened Marine Apex Predator. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, Article 791185
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.791185
Chan, A.J. & Raoult, V. & Jaine, F.R.A. & Peddemors, V.M. & Broadhurst, M.K. & Williamson, J.E. (2022)
Trophic niche of Australian cownose rays (Rhinoptera neglecta) and whitespotted eagle rays (Aetobatus ocellatus) along the east coast of Australia. Journal of Fish Biology, 100(4), 970–978
DOI: 10.1111/jfb.15028
Goodman, K. & Niella, Y. & Bliss-Henaghan, T. & Harcourt, R. & Smoothey, A.F. & Peddemors, V.M. (2022)
Ontogenetic changes in the tooth morphology of bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas). Journal of Fish Biology, 101(4), 1033–1046
DOI: 10.1111/jfb.15170
Lee, K.A. & Butcher, P.A. & Harcourt, R.G. & Patterson, T.A. & Peddemors, V.M. & Roughan, M. & Harasti, D. & Smoothey, A.F. & Bradford, R.W. (2021)
Oceanographic conditions associated with white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) habitat use along eastern Australia. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 659, 143–159
DOI: 10.3354/meps13572
Mcphee, D.P. & Blount, C. & Smith, M.P.L. & Peddemors, V.M. (2021)
A comparison of alternative systems to catch and kill for mitigating unprovoked shark bite on bathers or surfers at ocean beaches. Ocean & Coastal Management, 201, Article 105492
DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2020.105492
Lopes da Silva Ferrette, B. & Coelho, R. & Peddemors, V.M. & Ovenden, J.R. & de Franco, B.A. & Oliveira, C. & Foresti, F. & Mendonça, F.F. (2021)
Global phylogeography of the smooth hammerhead shark: Glacial refugia and historical migration patterns. Aquatic Conservation, Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 31(9), 2348–2368
DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3629
Ryan, L.A. & Slip, D.J. & Chapuis, L. & Collin, S.P. & Gennari, E. & Hemmi, J.M. & How, M.J. & Huveneers, C. & Peddemors, V.M. & Tosetto, L. & Hart, N.S. (2021)
A shark's eye view: testing the 'mistaken identity theory' behind shark bites on humans. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 18, Article 20210533
DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2021.0533
Grainger, R. & Peddemors, V.M. & Raubenheimer, D. & Machovsky-Capuska, G.E. (2020)
Diet Composition and Nutritional Niche Breadth Variability in Juvenile White Sharks (Carcharodon carcharias). Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, Article 422
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00422
Niella, Y. & Raoult, V. & Gaston, T. & Peddemors, V.M. & Harcourt, R. & Smoothey, A.F. (2020)
Overcoming multi-year impacts of maternal isotope signatures using multi-tracers and fast turnover tissues in juvenile sharks. Chemosphere, 269, Article 129393
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.129393
Lee, K.A. & Smoothey, A.F. & Harcourt, R.G. & Roughan, M. & Butcher, P.A. & Peddemors, V.M. (2019)
Environmental drivers of abundance and residency of a large migratory shark, Carcharhinus leucas, inshore of a dynamic western boundary current. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 622, 121–137
DOI: 10.3354/meps13052
Smoothey, A.F. & Lee, K.A. & Peddemors, V.M. (2019)
Long-term patterns of abundance, residency and movements of bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) in Sydney Harbour, Australia. Scientific Reports, 9, Article 18864
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-54365-x
Raoult, V. & Howell, N. & Zahra, D. & Peddemors, V.M. & Howard, D.L. & de Jonge, M.D. & Buchan, B.L. & Williamson, J.E. (2018)
Localized zinc distribution in shark vertebrae suggests differential deposition during ontogeny and across vertebral structures. PLoS ONE, 13(1), Article e0190927
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0190927
Lee, K.A. & Roughan, M. & Harcourt, G. & Peddemors, V.M. (2018)
Environmental correlates of relative abundance of potentially dangerous sharks in nearshore areas, southeastern Australia. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 599, 157–179
DOI: 10.3354/meps12611
Macbeth, W.G. & Butcher, P.A. & Collins, D. & Mcgrath, S.P. & Provost, S.C. & Bowling, A.C. & Geraghty, P.T. & Peddemors, V.M. (2018)
Improving reliability of species identification and logbook catch reporting by commercial fishers in an Australian demersal shark longline fishery. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 25(3), 186–202
DOI: 10.1111/fme.12276
Smoothey, A.F. & Gray, C.A. & Kennelly, S.J. & Masens, O.J. & Peddemors, V.M. & Robinson, W.A. (2016)
Patterns of Occurrence of Sharks in Sydney Harbour, a Large Urbanised Estuary. PLoS ONE, 11(1), Article e0146911
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0146911
Raoult, V. & Peddemors, V.M. & Zahra, D. & Howell, N. & Howard, D.L. & de Jonge, M.D. & Williamson, J.E. (2016)
Strontium mineralization of shark vertebrae. Scientific Reports, 6, Article 29698
DOI: 10.1038/srep29698
Barnes, C.J. & Butcher, P.A. & Macbeth, W.G. & Mandelman, J.W. & Smith, S.D.A. & Peddemors, V.M. (2016)
Movements and mortality of two commercially exploited carcharhinid sharks following longline capture and release off eastern Australia. Endangered Species Research, 30, 193–208
DOI: 10.3354/esr00730
Holmes, B.J. & Peddemors, V.M. & Gutteridge, A.N. & Geraghty, P.T. & Chan, R.W.K. & Tibbetts, I.R. & Bennett, M.B. (2015)
Age and growth of the tiger shark Galeocerdo cuvier off the east coast of Australia. Journal of Fish Biology, 87(2), 422–448
DOI: 10.1111/jfb.12732
Gilbert, J.M. & Reichelt-Brushett, A.J. & Butcher, P.A. & Mcgrath, S.P. & Peddemors, V.M. & Bowling, A.C. & Christidis, L. (2015)
Metal and metalloid concentrations in the tissues of dusky Carcharhinus obscurus, sandbar C. plumbeus and white Carcharodon carcharias sharks from south-eastern Australian waters, and the implications for human consumption. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 92(1–2), 186–194
DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2014.12.037
Pleizier, N. & Gutowsky, L.F.G. & Peddemors, V.M. & Cooke, S.J. & Butcher, P.A. (2015)
Variation in whole-, landed- and trimmed-carcass and fin-weight ratios for various sharks captured on demersal set-lines off eastern Australia. Fisheries Research, 167, 190–198
DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2015.02.008
Gilbert, J.M. & Baduel, C. & Li, Y. & Reichelt-Brushett, A.J. & Butcher, P.A. & Mcgrath, S.P. & Peddemors, V.M. & Hearn, L. & Mueller, J. & Christidis, L. (2015)
Bioaccumulation of PCBs in liver tissue of dusky Carcharhinus obscurus, sandbar C. plumbeus and white Carcharodon carcharias sharks from south-eastern Australian waters. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 101(2), 908–913
DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.10.071
Butcher, P.A. & Peddemors, V.M. & Mandelman, J.W. & Mcgrath, S.P. & Cullis, B.R. (2015)
At-vessel mortality and blood biochemical status of elasmobranchs caught in an Australian commercial longline fishery. Global Ecology and Conservation, 3, 878–889
DOI: 10.1016/j.gecco.2015.04.012
Robbins, W.D. & Peddemors, V.M. & Kennelly, S.J. & Ives, M.C. (2014)
Experimental Evaluation of Shark Detection Rates by Aerial Observers. PLoS ONE, 9(2), Article e83456
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0083456
Butcher, P.A. & Mcgrath, S.P. & Peddemors, V.M. (2014)
Why do they die? mortality indices of elasmobranchs caught on demersal long lines in a south-east Australian commercial shark fishery [Abstract]. In Programm and Abstracts of Shark International, Durban 2014: 28
Gilbert, J.M. & Reichelt-Brushett, A.J. & Butcher, P.A. & Mcgrath, S.P. & Peddemors, V.M. & Bowling, A.C. & Christidis, L. (2014)
Metal and metalloid concentrations in the tissues of dusky, Carcharhinus obscurus, sandbar , C. plumbeus, and great white, Carcharodon carcharias, sharks from south-eastern Australian waters, and implications for human consumption [Abstract]. In Programm and Abstracts of Shark International, Durban 2014: 75
Green, M. & Peddemors, V.M. & Gallagher, P. (2014)
Improving the environmental performance of the New South Wales shark meshing (bather protection) program [Abstract]. In Programm and Abstracts of Shark International, Durban 2014: 80
Peddemors, V.M. & Reid, D. & West, J. (2014)
An investigation into the efficacy of shark nets in reducing incidence of shark bite in New South Wales, Australia [Abstract]. In Programm and Abstracts of Shark International, Durban 2014: 145
Raoult, V. & Peddemors, V.M. & Zahra, D. & Howell, N. & Dejonge, M. & Williamson, J.E. (2014)
Shark ageing with a particle accelerator: Is calcification the driver for shark age banding? Abstract. In Programm and Abstracts of Shark International, Durban 2014: 150
Wray-Barnes, A.M. & Powter, D. & Peddemors, V.M. & Moltschaniwskyj, N. (2014)
Environmental and spatial variables influencing the catch of smooth hammerhead sharks, Sphyrna zygaena, within the shark meshing program off the coast of New South Wales, Australia [Abstract]. In Programm and Abstracts of Shark International, Durban 2014: 183
Robbins, W.D. & Peddemors, V.M. & Broadhurst, M.K. & Gray, C.A. (2013)
Hooked on fishing? Recreational angling interactions with the Critically Endangered grey nurse shark Carcharias taurus in eastern Australia. Endangered Species Research, 21(2), 161–170
DOI: 10.3354/esr00520
Robbins, W.D. & Peddemors, V.M. & Kennelly, S.J. (2011)
Assessment of permanent magnets and electropositive metals to reduce the line-based capture of Galapagos sharks, Carcharhinus galapagensis. Fisheries Research, 109(1), 100–106
DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2011.01.023
Reid, D.D. & Robbins, W.D. & Peddemors, V.M. (2011)
Decadal trends in shark catches and effort from the New South Wales, Australia, Shark Meshing Program 1950-2010. Marine and Freshwater Research, 62(6), 676–693
DOI: 10.1071/MF10162
Barker, S.M. & Peddemors, V.M. & Williamson, J.E. (2011)
A video and photographic study of aggregation, swimming and respiratory behaviour changes in the Grey Nurse Shark (Carcharias taurus) in response to the presence of SCUBA divers. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 44(2), 75–92
DOI: 10.1080/10236244.2011.569991
Peddemors, V.M. & Abernathy, K. & Macdougal, K. & Marshall, G.J. & Masens, O.J. & Smale, M.J. & Smoothey, A.F. & Gray, C.A. (2011)
Animal-borne cameras: An opportunity to investigate detailed behaviour of sharks [Abstract]. In Program and Abstracts for the 2011 Workshop and Conference of the Oceania Chondrichthyan Society, 13th–15th September 2011, Sea World Resort and Water Park, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
Robbins, W.D. & Peddemors, V.M. (2011)
Reactionary behaviour of free-ranging Galapagos sharks (Carcharhinus galapagensis) to an electronic shark deterrent [Abstract]. In Program and Abstracts for the 2011 Workshop and Conference of the Oceania Chondrichthyan Society, 13th–15th September 2011, Sea World Resort and Water Park, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
Macbeth, W.G. & Geraghty, P.T. & Peddemors, V.M. & Gray, C.A. (2009)
Observer-based study of targeted commercial fishing for large shark species in waters off northern New South Wales. Northern Rivers Catchment Management Authority, Project No. IS8–9–M–2, Industry & Investment NSW
Bradshaw, C.J.A. & Peddemors, V.M. & McAuley, R.B. & Harcourt, R.G. (2008)
Population viability of Australian grey nurse sharks under fishing mitigation and climate change. Final report prepared for the Australian Government Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts. University of Adelaide, Adelaide. 36 pp.
Cliff, G. & Anderson-Reade, M.D. & Aitken, A.P. & Charter, G.E. & Peddemors, V.M. (2007)
Aerial census of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) on the northern KwaZulu-Natal coast, South Africa. Fisheries Research, 84(1), 41–46
DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2006.11.012
Van Tienhoven, A.M. & den Hartog, J.E. & Reijns, R.A. & Peddemors, V.M. (2007)
A computer-aided program for pattern-matching of natural marks on the spotted raggedtooth shark Carcharias taurus. Journal of Applied Ecology, 44(2), 273–280
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2006.01273.x