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Environmental DNA evidence of the Critically Endangered smalltooth sawfish, Pristis pectinata, in historically occupied US waters. Aquatic Conservation, Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 32(1), 42–54
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A new genus and species of fish blood fluke, Achorovermis testisinuosus gen. et sp. n. (Digenea: Aporocotylidae), infecting critically endangered smalltooth sawfish, Pristis pectinata (Rhinopristiformes: Pristidae) in the Gulf of Mexico. Folia Parasitologica, 67, Article 009
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Resurrection of Mycteronastes (Monogenoidea: Monocotylidae), with Description of Mycteronastes caalusi n. sp. from Olfactory Sacs of the Smalltooth Sawfish, Pristis pectinata (Pristiformes: Pristidae), in the Gulf of Mexico off Florida. Journal of Parasitology, 103(5), 477–485
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Diel movements of juvenile smalltooth sawfish: implications for defining the size of a nursery hotspot. Endangered Species Research, 34, 311–322
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Insights into reproduction and behavior of the smalltooth sawfish Pristis pectinata. Endangered Species Research, 34, 463–471
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All nurseries are not created equal: large-scale habitat use patterns in two smalltooth sawfish nurseries. Endangered Species Research, 34, 473–492
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Non-fishery related anthropogenic and natural effects on the smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata) in Florida, with a summary of these effects on sawfishes worldwide [Abstract]. American Elasmobranch Society 21th Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida
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