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Henderson, A.C. & Reeve, A.J. & Ambu-Ali, A. (2014)
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Henderson, A.C. & Reeve, A.J. & Tang, D. (2013)
Parasitic copepods from some northern Indian Ocean elasmobranchs. Marine Biodiversity Records, 6, Article e44
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Reeve, A.J. & Kayoueche-Reeve, M. & Al-Mamari, T. & Al-Shuaily, S. & Henderson, A.C. (2011)
A field guide to the elasmobranchs of south-east Arabia. Part I: Sharks. Shark Project Oman, www.sharkprojectoman.com
Reeve, A.J. & Kayoueche-Reeve, M. & Al-Mamari, T. & Al-Shuaily, S. & Henderson, A.C. (2011)
A field guide to the elasmobranchs of south-east Arabia. Part II: Guitarfishes and sawfishes, Part III: Rays. Shark Project Oman, www.sharkprojectoman.com
Henderson, A.C. & Reeve, A.J. (2011)
Noteworthy elasmobranch records from Oman. African Journal of Marine Science, 33(1), 171–175
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