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Seasonal Presence of Atlantic Sturgeon and Sharks at Cape Hatteras, a Large Continental Shelf Constriction to Coastal Migration. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 12(5), 308–321
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Bangley, C.W. & Paramore, L. & Dedman, S. & Rulifson, R.A. (2018)
Delineation and mapping of coastal shark habitat within a shallow lagoonal estuary. PLoS ONE, 13(4), Article e0195221
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Bangley, C.W. & Paramore, L. & Shiffman, D.S. & Rulifson, R.A. (2018)
Increased Abundance and Nursery Habitat Use of the Bull Shark (Carcharhinus leucas) in Response to a Changing Environment in a Warm-Temperate Estuary. Scientific Reports, 8, Article 6018
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Bangley, C.W. & Rulifson, R.A. (2017)
Habitat partitioning and diurnal-nocturnal transition in the elasmobranch community of a North Carolina estuary. Bulletin of Marine Science, 93(2), 319–338
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Dell'apa, A. & Bangley, C.W. & Rulifson, R.A. (2015)
Who let the dogfish out? A review of management and socio-economic aspects of spiny dogfish fisheries. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 25(2), 273–295
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Feeding Habits, Daily Ration, and Potential Predatory Impact of Mature Female Spiny Dogfish in North Carolina Coastal Waters. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 34(3), 668–677
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Dell'apa, A. & Cudney-Burch, J. & Kimmel, D.G. & Rulifson, R.A. (2014)
Sexual Segregation of Spiny Dogfish in Fishery-Dependent Surveys in Cape Cod, Massachusetts: Potential Management Benefits. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 143(4), 833–844
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Bangley, C.W. & Rulifson, R.A. & Overton, A.S. (2013)
Evaluating the Efficiency of Flushed Stomach-tube Lavage for Collecting Stomach Contents from Dogfish Sharks. Southeastern Naturalist, 12(3), 523–533
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