Prohaska, B.K. & Tsang, P.C.W. & Driggers, W.B. & Hoffmayer, E.R. & Wheeler, C.R. & Sulikowski, J.A. (2018)
Effects of delayed phlebotomy on plasma steroid hormone concentrations in two elasmobranch species. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 34(4), 861–866
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Using a multi-parameter approach to reassess maturity of spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias, following increased fishing pressure in the Western North Atlantic. Fisheries Research, 147, 202–212
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Williams, L.J. & Campbell, M.D. & Tsang, P.C.W. & Sulikowski, J.A. (2013)
Using estradiol and progesterone concentrations to assess individual variability in the reproductive cyclicity of captive female little skates, Leucoraja erinacea, from the western Gulf of Maine. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 39(5), 1089–1099
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Reassessment of spiny dogfish Squalus acanthias age and Size using vertebrae and dorsal-fin spines. Journal of Fish Biology, 80(5), 1300–1319
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Sulikowski, J.A. & Galuardi, B. & Bubley, W.J. & Furey, N.B. & Driggers, W.B. & Ingram, G.W. & Tsang, P.C.W. (2010)
Use of satellite tags to reveal the movements of spiny dogfish Squalus acanthias in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 418, 249–254
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Age and size at sexual maturity of the smooth skate Malacoraja senta from the western Gulf of Maine. Journal of Fish Biology, 75(10), 2832–2838
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Size and age estimates at sexual maturity for the little skate Leucoraja erinacea from the western Gulf of Maine, U.S.A. Journal of Fish Biology, 75(7), 1648–1666
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Profiling plasma steroid hormones: a non-lethal approach for the study of skate reproductive biology and its potential use in conservation management. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 80(2–3), 285–292
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Using the composite variables of reproductive morphology, histology and steroid hormones to determine age and size at sexual maturity for the thorny skate Amblyraja radiata in the western Gulf of Maine. Journal of Fish Biology, 69(5), 1449–1465
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