Peixoto-Rodrigues, M.C. & Adesse, D. & Vianna, M. & Hauser-Davis, R.A. (2025)
Shark-on-a-dish: Elasmobranch cell cultures as a promising tool for the conservation of threatened species. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 210, Article 117349
DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2024.117349
Torres, Y. & Rotundo, M.M. & Vianna, M. & Charvet, P. & Faria, V.V. & Oliveira, C. & Foresti, F. & Cruz, V.P. (2024)
Population structure of the critically endangered Brazilian guitarfish Pseudobatos horkelii (Rhinobatidae) revealed by double-digest restriction site-associated DNA sequencing. Aquatic Conservation, Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 34(1), Article e4035
DOI: 10.1002/aqc.4035
de Farias Araujo, G. & Alves de Oliveira, L.V. & Hoff, R.B. & Wosnick, N. & Vianna, M. & Verruck, S. & Hauser-Davis, R.A. & Saggioro, E.M. (2024)
“Cocaine Shark”: First report on cocaine and benzoylecgonine detection in sharks. Science of The Total Environment, 948, Article 174798
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Teixeira-Leite, C.V. & Santana, F.M. & Valle, R.F. & Takasuka, V. & de Góes, M.F. & Bonatelli, S.P. & Santos, S.R. & Vianna, M. (2024)
Life-history of the spiny butterfly ray, Gymnura altavela (Chondrichthyes: Myliobatiformes), kept under human care in a marine aquarium. Journal of Fish Biology, in press
DOI: 10.1111/jfb.15862
Monteiro, F.C. & Carreira, R.D. & Gramlich, K.C. & de Pinho, J.V. & de Almeida, R.F. & Vianna, M. & Massone, C.G. & Hauser-Davis, R.A. (2024)
Baseline polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon maternal transfer data in Lesser Numbfish Narcine brasiliensis (Elasmobranchii: Batoidea) from an impacted estuary in Southeastern Brazil. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 110, Article 104531
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Gadig, O.B.F. & Santana, F.M. & Santander Neto, J. & Barreto, R.R.P. & Vianna, M. (2023)
Diversidade de Tubarões e Raias. Rio de Janeiro, FUNBIO, 2023, 66pp., ISBN 979-65-00-88561-3
Teixeira-Leite, C.V. & Vianna, M. (2023)
Building a baseline: a survey of the composition and distribution of the ichthyofauna of Guanabara Bay, a deeply impacted estuary. Neotropical Ichthyology, 21(2), Article e220068
DOI: 10.1590/1982-0224-2022-0068
Adachi, A. & Roque, P.C.G. & Hazin, F.H.V. & Vianna, M. & Rotundo, M.M. & Oliveira, C. & Foresti, F. & Cruz, V.P. (2023)
Genetic Population Structure and Diversity of the Whitetail Dogfish Squalus albicaudus (Chondrichthyes, Squaliformes) along the Brazilian Coast as Identified by SNP Markers. Fishes, 8(7), Article 373
DOI: 10.3390/fishes8070373
Nascimento, M.C. & Santos, S.R. & Vianna, M. (2023)
A Bibliometric Analysis Concerning Local Ecological Knowledge on Elasmobranchs and Chimaeras. Ethnobiology and Conservation, 12, Article 25
DOI: 10.15451/ec2023-12-12.25-1-19
Leite, R.D. & Wosnick, N. & Lopes, A.P. & Dillenburg Saint'Pierre, T. & Vianna, M. & Hauser-Davis, R.A. (2023)
Ecotoxicology applied to conservation: Potential negative metal and metalloid contamination effects on the homeostatic balance of the critically endangered Brazilian guitarfish, Pseudobatos horkelii (Elasmobranchii: Rhinobatidae). Chemosphere, 341, Article 140119
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.140119
Monteiro, F.C. & da Silva Carreira, R. & Gramlich, K.C. & Vianna de Pinho, J. & Massone, C.G. & Vianna, M. & Hauser-Davis, R.A. (2023)
A systematic review on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contamination in elasmobranchs and associated human health risks. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 195, Article 115535
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Hauser-Davis, R.A. & Monteiro, F. & Willmer, I.Q. & Lemos, L.S. & Bordon, I.C. & Dillenburg Saint'Pierre, T. & Lutfi, D.S. & Vianna, M. (2022)
Subcellular metal partitioning as a novel tool in ecotoxicological elasmobranch assessments: The case of lesser numbfish (Narcine brasiliensis) affected by the Mariana dam disaster in Southeastern Brazil. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 177, Article 113569
DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.113569
Willmer, I.Q. & Wosnick, N. & Chávez Rocha, R.C. & Dillenburg Saint'Pierre, T. & Vianna, M. & Hauser-Davis, R.A. (2022)
First report on metal and metalloid contamination of Ampullae of Lorenzini in sharks: A case study employing the Brazilian sharpnose shark Rhizoprionodon lalandii from Southeastern Brazil as an ecotoxicological model. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 179, Article 113671
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Ariza, A.A. & Adachi, A. & Roque, P. & Hazin, F.H.V. & Vianna, M. & Rotundo, M.M. & Delpiani, S.M. & de Astarloa, J.M.D. & Delpiani, G. & Oliveira, C. & Foresti, F. & Cruz, V.P. (2022)
DNA Barcoding and Species Delimitation for Dogfish Sharks Belonging to the Squalus Genus (Squaliformes: Squalidae). Diversity, 14(7), Article 544
DOI: 10.3390/d14070544
Vilasboa, A. & Lamarca, F. & SoléCava, A.M. & Vianna, M. (2022)
Genetic evidence for cryptic species in the vulnerable spiny butterfly ray Gymnura altavela (Rajiformes: Gymnuridae). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 102(5), 345–349
DOI: 10.1017/S002531542200056X
Correa, B. & Paiva, L.G. & Santos-Neto, E. & Vidal, L.G. & Azevedo-Silva, C.E. & Vianna, M. & Lailson-Brito, J.L. (2022)
Organochlorine contaminants in Rio skate (Rioraja agassizii), an endangered batoid species, from southeastern coast of Brazil. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 182, Article 114002
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Ostrovski, R.L. & Violante, G.M. & de Brito, M.R. & Valentin, J.L. & Vianna, M. (2021)
The media paradox: influence on human shark perceptions and potential conservation impacts. Ethnobiology and Conservation, 10, Article 12
DOI: 10.15451/ec2020-12-10.12-1-15
Paiva, L.G. & Vannuci-Silva, M. & Correa, B. & Santos-Neto, E. & Vianna, M. & Lailson-Brito, J.L. (2021)
Additional Pressure to a Threatened Species: High Persistent Organic Pollutant Concentrations in the Tropical Estuarine Batoid Gymnura altavela. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 107, 37–44
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Cruz, V.P. & Adachi, A. & Oliveira, P.H. & Ribeiro, G.S. & Paim, F.G. & Souza, B.C. & Rodrigues, A.S.F. & Vianna, M. & Delpiani, S.M. & de Astarloa, J.M.D. & Rotundo, M.M. & Mendonca, F.F. & Oliveira, C. & Lessa, R.P. & Foresti, F. (2021)
Genetic diversity in two threatened species of guitarfish (Elasmobranchii: Rhinobatidae) from the Brazilian and Argentinian coasts: an alert for conservation. Neotropical Ichthyology, 19(2), Article e210012
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Freire, K.M.F. & de Almeida, Z.D. & Amador, J. & Aragao, J.A. & Araujo, A.R.D. & Avila-da-Silva, A.O. & Bentes, B. & Carneiro, M.H. & Chiquieri, J. & Fernandes, C.A.F. & Figueiredo, M.B. & Hostim-Silva, M. & Jimenez, E.A. & Keunecke, K.A. & Lopes, P.F.M. & Mendonca, J.T. & Musiello-Fernandes, J. & Olavo, G. & Primitivo, C. & Rotundo, M.M. & Santana, R.F. & Sant'Ana, R. & Scheidt, G. & da Silva, L.M.A. & Trindade-Santos, I. & Velasco, G. & Vianna, M. (2021)
Reconstruction of Marine Commercial Landings for the Brazilian Industrial and Artisanal Fisheries From 1950 to 2015. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, Article 659110
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Souza, B.C. & Cruz, V.P. & Almeida, T.R.A. & Sales, J.B.L. & Rodrigues, L.F.S. & Vianna, M. & Rotundo, M.M. & Oliveira, C. & Foresti, F. (2021)
Genetic diversity assessment for the vulnerable migratory cownose ray Rhinoptera bonasus (Myliobatiformes: Rhinopteridae) from the southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Neotropical Ichthyology, 19(4), Article 210077
DOI: 10.1590/1982-0224-2021-0077
Hauser-Davis, R.A. & Pereira, C.F. & Pinto, F. & Torres, J.P.M. & Malm, O. & Vianna, M. (2020)
Mercury contamination in the recently described Brazilian white-tail dogfish Squalus albicaudus (Squalidae, Chondrichthyes). Chemosphere, 250, Article 126228
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Marques, R.A. & Julio, T.G. & Sole-Cava, A.M. & Vianna, M. (2020)
A new strategy proposal to monitor ray fins landings in south-east Brazil. Aquatic Conservation, Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 30(1), 68–85
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Lamarca, F. & Vianna, M. & Vilasboa, A. (2020)
The first reproductive parameters and evidence of multiple paternity in one new spiny dogfish species, Squalus albicaudus (Squaliformes, Squalidae). Journal of Fish Biology, 97(4), 1268–1272
DOI: 10.1111/jfb.14479
Lamarca, F. & Carvalho, P.H. & Vilasboa, A. & Netto-Ferreira, A.L. & Vianna, M. (2020)
Is multiple paternity in elasmobranchs a plesiomorphic characteristic? Environmental Biology of Fishes, 103, 1463–1470
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Santos de Moura, M. & Vianna, M. (2020)
A new threat: assessing the main interactions between marine fish and plastic debris from a scientometric perspective. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 30, 623–636
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Gonçalves E Silva, F. & Santos, H.F. & Assis Leite, D.C. & Lutfi, D.S. & Vianna, M. & Rosado, A.S. (2020)
Skin and stinger bacterial communities in two critically endangered rays from the South Atlantic in natural and aquarium settings. MicrobiologyOpen, 9(12), Article 1141
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Amorim-Lopes, C. & Willmer, I.Q. & Araujo, N.L.F. & de S.Pereira, L.H.S. & Monteiro, F. & Rocha, R.C.C. & Saint’pierre, T.D. & Dos Santos, L.N. & Siciliano, S. & Vianna, M. & Hauser-Davis, R.A. (2020)
Mercury screening in highly consumed sharpnose sharks (Rhizoprionodon lalandii and R. porosus) caught artisanally in southeastern Brazil. Elementa - Science of the Anthropocene, 8(1): 022
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Lopes, C.A. & Araujo, N.L.F. & Rocha, L. & Monteiro, F. & Rocha, R.C.C. & Saint’pierre, T.D. & Lutfi, D.S. & Vianna, M. & Hauser-Davis, R.A. (2019)
Toxic and essential metals in Narcine brasiliensis (Elasmobranchii: Narcinidae): A baseline ecotoxicological study in the Southeast Atlantic and preliminary maternal transfer implications. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 149, Article 110606
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Paiva, L.G. & Julio, T.G. & Marques, R.A. & Vianna, M. (2018)
First description of the embryos of the stingray Gymnura altavela (Linnaeus, 1758) (Myliobatiformes: Gymnuridae), a species at risk of extinction. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 34(4), 984–987
DOI: 10.1111/jai.13711
Gonçalves Silva, F. & Vianna, M. (2018)
Diet and reproductive aspects of the endangered butterfly ray Gymnura altavela raising the discussion of a possible nursery area in a highly impacted environment. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 66(3), 315–324
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Gonçalves-Silva, F. & Vianna, M. (2018)
Use of a species-rich and degraded tropical estuary by Elasmobranchs. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 66(4), 339–346
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Viana, A.F. & Valentin, J.L. & Vianna, M. (2017)
Feeding ecology of elasmobranch species in southeastern Brazil. Neotropical Ichthyology, 15(2), Article e160176
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Lamarca, F. & Ribeiro, N. & Galheigo, F. & Vianna, M. (2017)
The first record of diprosopus tetrophthalmus in the South Atlantic Ocean: The case of Prionace glauca (Elasmobranchii: Carcharhiniformes: Carcharhinidae) in Brazil. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria, 47(4), 385–389
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Rosenfelder, N. & Lehnert, K. & Kaffarnik, S. & Torres, J.P.M. & Vianna, M. & Vetter, W. (2012)
Thorough analysis of polyhalogenated compounds in ray liver samples off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 19(2), 379–389
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da Silva-Junior, L.C. & de Andrade, A.C. & Vianna, M. (2011)
Length-weight relationships for elasmobranchs from southeastern Brazil. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 27(6), 1408–1410
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Andrade, A.C. & Silva-Junior, L.C. & Vianna, M. (2008)
Reproductive biology and population variables of the Brazilian sharpnose shark Rhizoprionodon lalandii (Müller & Henle, 1839) captured in coastal waters of south-eastern Brazil. Journal of Fish Biology, 72(3), 473–484
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Silva-Junior, L.C. & Andrade, A.C. & Vianna, M. (2008)
Characterization of a small-scale fishery in an area of ecological relevance for elasmobranchs, at Recreio dos Bandeirantes, Rio de Janeiro State. Arquivos de Ciências do Mar, 41(2), 47–57