Diet composition of the whiptail stingray Dasyatis colarensis Santos, Gomes & Charvetalmeida, 2004 (Chondrichthyes: Dasyatidae) in the Colares Island region, Pará, Brazil. (Composição da dieta da arraia Dasyatis colarensis Santos, Gomes & Charvet-Almeida, 2004 (Chondrichthyes: Dasyatidae) na região da Ilha de Colares, Pará, Brasil). Arquivos de Ciências do Mar, 41(2), 29–33
Freshwater stingray diversity (Chondrichthyes Potamotrygonidae) in the Amazon estuary. (Diversidade de raias de água doce (Chondrichthyes:Potamotrygonidae) no estuário Amazônico). Arquivos de Ciências do Mar, 41(2), 82–89
Occurrence report of Himantura schmardae (Chondrichthyes: Dasyatidae) off northern Brazil. (Registro de ocorrência de Himantura schmardae (Chondrichthyes: Dasyatidae) na Costa Norte do Brasil). Arquivos de Ciências do Mar, 41(2), 90–94

A test of the utility of DNA barcoding in the radiation of the freshwater stingray genus Potamotrygon (Potamotrygonidae, Myliobatiformes). Genetics and Molecular Biology, 31(Suppl. 1), 324–336
DOI: 10.1590/S1415-47572008000200028
Dasyatis colarensis IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2,
Dasyatis geijskesi IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2,
Himantura schmardae IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2,
Reproductive Aspects of Freshwater Stingrays (Chondrichthyes: Potamotrygonidae) in the Brazilian Amazon Basin. Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science, 35, 165–171
DOI: 10.2960/J.v35.m502

Reproductive Aspects of Freshwater Stingrays (Chondrichthyes: Potamotrygonidae) in the Brazilian Amazon Basin [Abstract]. Symposium Proceedings International Congress on the Biology of Fish, Manaus, Brazil: 35–40

Conservation Status of Freshwater Stingrays (Chondrichthyes: Potamotrygonidae) in the Brazilian Amazon. Symposium Proceedings International Congress on the Biology of Fish, Manaus, Brazil: 53–63
Potamotrygon scobina IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2,