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Pop-up archival tags reveal environmental influences on the vertical movements of silvertip sharks Carcharhinus albimarginatus. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 717, 85–105
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Movement patterns and residency of silvertip sharks (Carcharhinus albimarginatus) in a remote archipelago of the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Environmental Biology of Fishes, in press
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Toothed whale and shark depredation and bycatch in the longline fishery of French Polynesia. Fisheries Research, 271, Article 106928
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A decade of submersible observations revealed temporal trends in elasmobranchs in a remote island of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean. Scientific Reports, 14, Article 13786
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Incorporating environmental factors is critical for determining conservation baselines for relative abundance of sharks on coral reefs. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 736, 93–105
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Predicting time-at-depth weighted biodiversity patterns for sharks of the North Pacific. Ecography, in press
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Linking extinction risk to the economic and nutritional value of sharks in small-scale fisheries. Conservation Biology, in press
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A comprehensive phylogenomic study unveils evolutionary patterns and challenges in the mitochondrial genomes of Carcharhiniformes: A focus on Triakidae. Genomics, 116(1), Article 110771
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