Copepods Crustaceans Parasitic on Elasmobranch Fishes of the Hawaiian Islands. Proceedings of The United States National Museum, 118, 57–154
Analysis of the parasitic copepod species richness among Mediterranean fish. Journal of Marine Systems, 15(1–4), 185–206
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First report of Demoleus heptapus (Otto, 1821) (Copepoda: Pandaridae) from Sixgill bluntnose shark, Hexanchus griseus caught in the north Adriatic waters off Slovenia. Mediterranean Marine Science, 19(2), 404
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New Mediterranean Biodiversity Records (November 2018). 2.1 First report of Demoleus heptapus (Otto, 1821) (Copepoda: Pandaridae) from Sixgill bluntnose shark, Hexanchus griseus caught in the north Adriatic waters off Slovenia. Mediterranean Marine Science, 19(3), 673–689
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Occurrence of bluntnose sixgill shark, Hexanchus griseus (Bonnaterre, 1788) in the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic) with particular reference to historical and contemporary records in the Adriatic Sea. Acta Adriatica. 63(1), 127–138
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New record of Hexanchus griseus in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea with insights into its biology and feeding ecology predator or scavenger? Mediterranean Marine Science, 24(1), 109–116
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