Newberry, J.S. & Worthen, A.H. (1866)
Descriptions of new species of vertebrates, mainly from the Sub-Carboniferous Limestome and Coal Measures of Illinois. Geological Survey of Illinois, 2, 9–134
St.John, O.H. & Worthen, A.H. (1875)
Palaeontolgoy of Illinois. Descriptions of fossil fishes. Geological Survey of Illinois, 6, 245–488
Woodward, A.S. (1891)
Catalogue of the fossil fishes in the British Museum (Natural History). Part II. containing the Elasmobranchii (Acanthodii). Holocephali, Ichthyodorulites, Ostracodermi, Dipnoi, and Teleostomi (Crossopterygii and chondrostean Actinopterygii). XLIV + 567 pp.(Taylor & Francis), London.