Triassic fishes from Spitzbergen. Part 1 XXVIII+307 pp., 90 fig., 35 tabl., Vienna(A. Holzhausen)

Pisces Triadici. In POMPECKJ, F. J.(Ed.): Fossilium Catalogus I: Animalia. Pars 33. Berlin(W. JUNK): 201 p.

A new specimen of the hybodont shark Palaeobates polaris with three-dimensionally preserved Meckel's cartilage from the Smithian (Early Triassic) of Spitsbergen. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 30(6), 1673–1683
DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2010.521962

Chondrichthyans from the Grippia bonebed (Early Triassic) of Marmierfjellet, Spitsbergen. Master Thesis, University of Oslo