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Pontobdella muricata and Trachelobdella lubrica (Hirudinea : Piscicolidae) on some marine fish in the Dardanelles, Turkey. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 83(6), 1315–1316
DOI: 10.1017/S0025315403008749
Parasites and diseases of fishes in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov: I. - Sevastopol. EKOSI– Gidrofizika, 2012. – 380 pp.
Pontobdella muricata infection of Raja clavata and Dasyatis pastinaca off the coast of Lesvos, Greece. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 94(2), 405–409
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Some marine leeches and first record of Branchellion torpedinis Savigny, 1822 (Annelida, Hirudinea, Piscicolidae) from elasmobranchs in Turkish waters, with new host records. Marine Biodiversity, 46(3), 713–716
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Occurrence of the leech, Pontobdella muricata Linnaeus, on elasmobranch species in the Northern and Central Adriatic Sea. Journal of Parasitology, 102(6), 643–645
On the presence of Pontobdella muricata (Hirudinea: Piscicolidae) on some elasmobranchs of the Tyrrhenian Sea (Central Mediterranean). Acta Adriatica, 58(2), 225–234
New marine leech species of Branchellion Savigny, 1822 (Hirudinida: Piscicolidae) and new host record of Pontobdella muricata in the Gulf of Tunis. Biologia, in press
DOI: 10.1007/s11756-024-01639-z