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A history of British animals, exhibiting the descriptive characters and systematical arrangement of the genera and species of quadrupeds, birds, reptiles, fishes, mollusca, and radiata of the United Kingdom; including the indigenous, extirpated, and extinct kinds, together with periodical and occasional visitants. Edinburgh & London, 1: i–xxiii + 1–565
The class Pisces, arranged by the Baron Cuvier, with supplementary additions, by Edward Griffith, F.R.S. &c. and Lieut.-Col. Charles Hamilton Smith, F.R., L.S.S. &c. &c. The animal kingdom. London. Vol. 1, 1–680 pp, 62 pls
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Les poissons des côtes de Belgique, leurs parasites et leurs commensaux. Académie royale de Belgique, Bruxelles, 100 p.
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On the intestinal spiral valve in the genus Raia. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, 11, 49–62
On the Development of the Electric Organ of Raia batis. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London (1854–1905), 44(1), 120–121
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On the lateral sense organs of elasmobranchs. I. The sensory canals of the common skate (Raia batis). Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 37, 87–105
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Oceanic ichthyology, a treatise on the deep-sea and pelagic fishes of the world, based chiefly upon the collections made by the steamers Blake, Albatross, and Fish Hawk in the northwestern Atlantic, with an atlas containing 417 figures. Special Bulletin U. S. National Museum, 2: Text: i–xxxv + 1–26 + 1–553, Atlas: i–xxiii, 1–26, 123 pls.
The Development of the Hypochord in Raia batis; with a Note upon the Occurrence of the Epibranchial Groove in Amniote Embryos. Anatomischer Anzeiger, 35, 407–428
Notice sur les Selaciens conserves dans les collections du Musee Oceanographique. Bulletin de l'Institute Océanographique de Monaco, 243, 1–36
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On the calcification of the vertebral centra in sharks and rays. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character, 210, 311–407
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Lijst van de Nederlandsche visschen aanwezig in 's Rijks Museum van Natuurlijke Historie te Leiden, tevens eene vermelding van de tot nu toe in en bij Nederland waargenomen visschen. Zoologische Mededelingen, 8(8), 77–119
A monograph of the marine fishes of South Africa. Part I (Amphioxus, Cyclostomata, Elasmobranchii, and Teleostei -Isospondyli to Heterosomata). Annals of the South African Museum, 21(1), 1–418
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The fine structure of the caudal neurosecretory system in Raia batis. Cell and Tissue Research, 59(2), 289–308
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Evidence for a neurohypophyseal principle in the pituitary gland of certain elasmobranch species. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 3(3), 286–299
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Liste des poissons observés à la criée de Concarneau en fin juillet-début août 1964 : tailles maximales enregistrées. Bulletin de la Société Scientifique de Bretagne, 39(1–2), 113–117
Les hormones neurohypophysaires des Raies: Compraison des hormones du Pocheteau blanc (Raia batis) et de la Raie bouclée (Raia clavata). Comptes Rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences. Série D, Sciences naturelles, 261(20), 4234–4236
Ultrastructure of the pituitary complex in the genus Raia (elasmobranchii). I. The pars neurointermedia. Cell and Tissue Research, 130(2), 193–204
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Disappearance of common skate Raia batis from Irish Sea. Nature, 290(5801), 48–49
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