The ichthyological collections of the steamer Albatross during the years 1890 and 1891. Report of the United States Fish Commission, 1893(17), 393–476
The fishes of North and Middle America: a descriptive catalogue of the species of fish-like vertebrates found in the waters of North America, north of the Isthmus of Panama. Part I. Bulletin of the United States National Museum, 47, 1–1240
Check list of the fishes and fishlike vertebrates of North and Middle America north of the northern boundary of Venezuela and Colombia. Report of the United States Fish Commission, 1928(2), 1–670
Contributions to the biology of the Philippine archipelago and adjacent regions. The fishes of the groups Elasmocephalii, Holocephali, Isospondyli, and Ostariophysi obtained by the United States Fisheries Steamer "Albatross" in 1907 to 1910, chiefly in the Philippine islands and adjacent seas. Bulletin of the United States National Museum, 100, i–x, 1–879

Studies on the rays and skates belonging to the family Rajidae, found in Japan and adjacent regions. 1. Egg-capsules of ten species. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology, 1(1), 30–36