Reported siphonostomatoid copepods parasitic on marine fishes of southern Africa. Crustaceana, 77(11), 1281–1328
Schistobrachia jordaanae n. sp. (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida: Lernaeopodidae) from gill filaments of a diamond ray (Gymnura natalensis) captured in the Indian Ocean and a key to species of Schistobrachia, Dendrapta, and Brianella. Journal of Parasitology, 90(3), 481–484
DOI: 10.1645/GE-3268
Parasites of cartilaginous fishes (Chondrichthyes) in South Africa - a neglected field of marine science. Folia Parasitologica, 66, Article 002
DOI: 10.14411/fp.2019.002