Zoology of New-York, or the New-York fauna; comprising detailed descriptions of all the animals hitherto observed within the state of New-York, with brief notices of those occasionally found near its borders, and accompanied by appropriate illustrations. Part IV. Fishes. Zoology of New–York, or the New–York fauna; ...: i–xv + 1–415, Pls. 1–79. [Plates in separate volume; fishes, Pls. 1–79 [most in color]
A synopsis of the fishes of North America. Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, n.s., 2, 253–550
Ichthyology. British Fishes. Part 2 (Natural history of British fishes, Elasmobranchs) in Jardine W. B. (ed.), The Naturalist’s Library 37. W.H. Lizars, Edinburgh & Henry G. Bohn, London: 295–337
Fishes of Ireland. In The natural history of Ireland. London. Vol. IV. Mammalia, reptiles, and fishes, also invertebrata. Fishes of Ireland: 69–268
Contribuzione alia storia naturale del genere Selache. Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova, (Series 1), 6, 5–72
Seconda contribuzione alia morfologia e sistematica dei Selachi. Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova, (Series 1), 12, 348–418
Meddelelser om Norges Fiske i Aarene 1875-78. Forhandlinger i Videnskabs–selskabet i Christiania, 1879, 1, 1–107
Basking Shark on Coast of Sligo. The Zoologist, 3. Serie, 17, 270