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Herman, J. & Hovestadt-Euler, M. & Hovestadt, D.C. & Stehmann, M. (1995)
Contributions to the study of the comparative morphology of teeth and other relevant ichthyodorulites in living supraspecific taxa of chondrichthyan fishes. Part B: Batomorphii No. 1b: Order: Rajoidei - Family: Rajidae Genera and Subgenera: Bathyraja (with a deep-water, shallow-water and transitional morphotype) Psammobatis, Raja (Amblyraja), Raja (Dipturus), Raja (Leucoraja), Raja (Raja), Raja (Rajella) (with two morphotypes), Raja (Rioraja), Raja (Rostroraja), Raja lintea and Sympterygia. Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Biologie, 65, 237–307
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