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Species Descriptions (version: 14.10.2011) 111 pp, 1,29 MB
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HAMM, S.A. & CICIMURRI, D.J. (2011); Early coniacian (late cretaceous) selachian fauna from the basal Atco Formation, lower Austin Group, north central Texas. Paludicola, 8 (3): 107-127
HENZ, M. & HERTEL, S. (2011); Die Selachierfauna der „Mainfränkischen Trias“. Naturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch Schweinfurt, 25: 133-156
PRADEL, A. & TAFFOREAU, P. & MAISEY, J.G. & JANVIER, P. (2011); A New Paleozoic Symmoriiformes (Chondrichthyes) from the Late Carboniferous of Kansas (USA) and Cladistic Analysis of Early Chondrichthyans. PLoS ONE, 6 (9): e24938
THOMAS, D.B. & MCGOVERIN, C.M. & FORDYCE, R.E. & FREW, R.D. & GORDON, K.C. (2011); Raman spectroscopy of fossil bioapatite - A proxy for diagenetic alteration of the oxygen isotope composition. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 310 (1-2): 62-70
STEPANEK, R. & KRIWET, J. (2011); A review of the evolution of potamotrygonid freshwater stingrays (Chondrichthyes, Myliobatiformes). Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
AKYOL, O. & ÇOKER, T. & PERÇIN, F. (2011); The very rare and little-known fishes along the coasts of Izmir (Aegean Sea, Turkey) in the past 40 years (1969-2008). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 27 (6): 1337-1345
BECKER, S. & HANNER, R. & STEINKE, D. (2011); Five years of FISH-BOL: Brief status report. Mitochondrial DNA, 22 (Suppl 1): 3-9
BORRELL, A. & AGUILAR, A. & GAZO, M. & KUMARRAN, R.P. & CARDONA, L. (2011); Stable isotope profiles in whale shark (Rhincodon typus) suggest segregation and dissimilarities in the diet depending on sex and size. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 92 (4): 559-567
BRUCE, B.D. & BRADFORD, R.W. (2011); The effects of berleying on the distribution and behaviour of white sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, at the Neptune Islands, South Australia. Final report to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, South Australia, 50 pp [electronic resource]
CARLISLE, A.B. & PERLE, C.R. & GOLDMAN, K.J. & BLOCK, B.A. (2011); Seasonal changes in depth distribution of salmon sharks (Lamna ditropis) in Alaskan waters: implications for foraging ecology. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 68 (11): 1905-1921
CUTMORE, S.C. & THEISS, S.M. & BENNETT, M.B. & CRIBB, T.H. (2011); Hemipristicola gunterae gen. n., sp. n. (Cestoda: Tetraphyllidea: Phyllobothriidae) from the snaggletooth shark, Hemipristis elongata (Carcharhiniformes: Hemigaleidae), from Moreton Bay, Australia. Folia Parasitologica, 58 (3): 187-196
DA SILVA-JUNIOR, L.C. & DE ANDRADE, A.C. & VIANNA, M. (2011); Length-weight relationships for elasmobranchs from southeastern Brazil. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 27 (6): 1408-1410
DASIEWICZ, P.J. & CONLON, J.M. & ANDERSON, W.G. (2011); Cardiovascular and vasoconstrictive actions of skate bradykinin in the little skate, Leucoraja erinacea (Elasmobranchii). General and Comparative Endocrinology, 174 (2): 89-96
DI SANTO, V. & BENNETT, W.A. (2011); Effect of rapid temperature change on resting routine metabolic rates of two benthic elasmobranchs. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 37 (4): 929-934
DOUKAKIS, P. & HANNER, R. & SHIVJI, M. & BARTHOLOMEW, C. & CHAPMAN, D. & WONG, E. & AMATO, G. (2011); Applying genetic techniques to study remote shark fisheries in northeastern Madagascar. Mitochondrial DNA, 22 (Suppl 1): 15-20
KASHIWAGI, T. & MARSHALL, A.D. & BENNETT, M.B. & OVENDEN, J.R. (2011); Habitat segregation and mosaic sympatry of the two species of manta ray in the Indian and Pacific Oceans: Manta alfredi and M. birostris. - CORRIGENDUM Marine Biodiversity Records, 4: e86
MANDERSON, J. & PALAMARA, L. & KOHUT, J. & OLIVER, M.J. (2011); Ocean observatory data are useful for regional habitat modeling of species with different vertical habitat preferences. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 438: 1-17
MÁRQUEZ-RÍOS, E. & CASTILLO-YÁÑEZ, F.J. & GRACIANO-VERDUGO, A.Z. & JIMÉNEZ-RUIZ, E.I. & LUGO-SÁNCHEZ, M.E. & MAEDA-MARTÍNEZ, A.N. & OCAÑO-HIGUERA, V.M. (2011); Impacto das prácticas artesanais de captura e manipulação Pós-captura Na qualidade do Músculo de caçã. Interciencia, 36 (9): 672-676
MENORET, A. & IVANOV, V.A. (2011); Descriptions of two new freshwater Neotropical species of Rhinebothrium (Cestoda: Rhinebothriidea) from Potamotrygon motoro (Chondrichthyes: Potamotrygonidae). Folia Parasitologica, 58 (3): 178-186
NAIR, R.J. & ZACHARIA, P.U. (2011); Field Guide for the identification of major demersal fishes of India. CMFRI, Kochi
PAIVA, R.B. & NEVES, A. & SEQUEIRA, V. & GORDO, L.S. (2011); Reproductive parameters of the commercially exploited deep-water shark, Deania calcea (Centrophoridae). Cybium, 35 (2): 131-140
PALM, B.D. & KOESTER, D.M. & DRIGGERS, W.B. & SULIKOWSKI, J.A. (2011); Seasonal variation in fecundity, egg case viability, gestation, and neonate size for little skates, Leucoraja erinacea, in the Gulf of Maine. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 92 (4): 585-589
PASQUINO, A.F. & VASKE-JÚNIOR, T. & GADIG, O.B.F. & BARREIROS, J.P. (2011); Notes on the feeding habits of the skate Rioraja agassizi (Chondrichthyes, Rajidae) off southeastern Brazil. Cybium, 35 (2): 105-109
SANSON, B. & COLLETIER, J.-P. & XU, Y. & LANG, P.T. & JIANG, H. & SILMAN, I. & SUSSMAN, J.L. & WEIK, M. (2011); Backdoor opening mechanism in acetylcholinesterase based on X-ray crystallography and molecular dynamics simulations. Protein Science, 20: 1114-1118
SCHWARTZ, F.J. (2011); Long term long-line shark catches: variations by site and tidal stage. Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Science, 127 (3): 214-215
THOMAS, D.B. & MCGOVERIN, C.M. & FORDYCE, R.E. & FREW, R.D. & GORDON, K.C. (2011); Raman spectroscopy of fossil bioapatite - A proxy for diagenetic alteration of the oxygen isotope composition. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 310 (1-2): 62-70
TRIBUZIO, C.A. & KRUSE, G.H. (2011); Demographic and risk analyses of spiny dogfish (Squalus suckleyi) in the Gulf of Alaska using age- and stage-based population models. Marine and Freshwater Research, in press
TSAI, W.-P. & SUN, C.-L. & WANG, S.-P. & LIU, K.-M. (2011); Evaluating the impacts of uncertainty on the estimation of biological reference points for the shortfin mako shark, Isurus oxyrinchus, in the north-western Pacific Ocean. Marine and Freshwater Research, in press
WERRY, J.M. & LEE, S.Y. & OTWAY, N.M. & HU, Y. & SUMPTON, W. (2011); A multi-faceted approach for quantifying the estuarine-nearshore transition in the life cycle of the bull shark, Carcharhinus leucas. Marine and Freshwater Research, in press
YÁÑEZ, J. & FOLGUEIRA, M. & KÖHLER, E. & MARTÍNEZ, C. & ANADÓN, R. (2011); Connections of the terminal nerve and the olfactory system in two galeomorph sharks: An experimental study using a carbocyanine dye. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 519 (16): 3202-3217
BÂ, A.S. (2011); Pression anthropique sur les ressources halieutiques: cas du requin. Abstract (Poster) In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
BÂ, A.S. & BÂ, C.T. & NDIAYE, P.I. (2011); Taille, composition par sexes, relation taille-poids et présence de raies capturées par la pêcherie artisanale en Casamance, au Sud du Sénégal. Abstract (Poster) In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
BÂ, A.S. & BÂ, C.T. & NDIAYE, P.I. (2011); Pêche artisanale du requin à museau pointu, Rhizoprionodon acutus (Carcharinidae) sur les côtes sénégalaises. Abstract (Poster) In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
BAILLEUX, R. & DIOP, M.S. & DOSSA, J. (2011); Migration des pecheurs de Requins dans l'espace CSRP: problématique, trajectoires et propositions de mesures. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
BALL, R.E. & JONES, C.S. & NOBLE, L.R. (2011); Assessing adaptive divergence and health in the thornback ray Raja clavata. Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
BANHAM, S.L. & WEARMOUTH, V.J. & SIMS, D.W. (2011); How long to wait? Behavioural decisions and distributions of blonde ray Raja brachyura and spotted ray Raja montagui over temporal scales in waters off Plymouth, UK. Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
BARBOSA, C. (2011); Utilizacao dos carteliginosos no Parque Nacional Marinho Joao Viera Poilao. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
BEAVOGUI, B. & DOUMBOUYA, F. & KEITA, M. & KABA, B. (2011); Étude du régime alimentaire du requin marteau halicorne (Sphyrna lewini) débarqué à Kassa Iles de Loos. Abstract (Poster) In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
BETUNDE, D.G. (2011); Conservation et gestion durable des populations de Requins au Parc national d'Orango (PNO). Abstract (Poster) In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
BOJANG, F. (2011); Reproduction of sharks and rays in Gambian sea waters. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
BUCAL, D. & GOMES, M. & HUET, j. & JUNG, A. (2011); Données préliminaires sur les captures d'´élasmobranches en Guinée-Bissau en 2009-2010: biodiversité et contribution à la gestion. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
BURGESS, G.H. & WATERS, J. & DE CARVALHO, J.F. (2011); We Hardly Knew Ye : The Decline of Atlantic Sawfishes (Batoidea: Pristidae). Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
CAMARA, L. & DIA, A. (2011); Bilan PAN-Requins de la Mauritanie. Abstract In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
CHEIKH, E.O. & CAMARA, L (2011); Système de suivi de la pêcherie des Requin, Cas de Mamghar. Abstract (Poster) In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
CLEAR, N. & BRIERS, R. & HALL, J. & HALL, G. (2011); An analysis of body rub marks on basking sharks: could they be a result of social swimming or courtship behaviour? Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
CLO, S. & AFFRONTE, M. & BASCIANO & DE SABATA, E. & SERENA, F. & TERLIZZI (2011); SHARKLIFE : Urgent actions for the conservation of cartilaginous fish in Italy. Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
COX, J. (2011); Hidden Treasure in the Nasal Passageways of a Ghost Shark. Abstract In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
DE SABATA, E. & CLO, S. (2011); A hotspot for basking sharks in the Mediterranean Sea. Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
DÈME, M. (2011); Aspects socio-économiques des pecheries de Requins dans l'espace CSRP: cas du Sénégal. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
DIA, A.D. (2011); Dynamique des systèmes d'exploitation, de valorisation et de gestion des Requins en Mauritanie : entre logiques commerciales etlogiques de conservation. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
DIOP, M.S. (2011); Les pêcheries de sélaciens au Senegal: Aspects biologiques, mutations socioéconomiques et technologiques. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
DIOP, M.S. & DIOP, H. (2011); Quelle contribution du projet PSRA-Requins à la mise en oeuvre du Plan sous-régional d'Actions pour la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins de la CSRP: Bilan des huit années et Perspectives. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
DIOP, M.S. & DOSSA, J. (2011); Elasmobranch management and conservation in West Africa. Abstract In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
DIOP, M.S. & DOSSA, J. (2011); Preliminary results of elasmobranch bycatch in the Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission region, West Africa. Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
DOSSA, J. & DIOP, M.S. (2011); Shark conservation in the seven countries of the Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission, West Africa: Do we have any evidence of overexploitation?. Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
DOSSA, J. & DIOP, M.S. & HARISSON, L. & DULVY, N. (2011); Conservation status of shark species in West Africa: strategy for the conservation of threatened shark species. Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
DOSSA, J. & DIOP, M.S. & HARRISON, L. & DULVY, N. (2011); Statut et occurrence des espèces de Requins identifiées dans les débarquements dans les pays de la CSRP. Abstract (Poster) In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
DOUMBOUYA, F. & DOUMBOUYA, A. & CAMARA, A.L. & SYLLA, I. (2011); État de la mise en oeuvre du PAN-Requins de la Guinée: Bilan et Perspectives. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
DULVY, N.K. & HARRISON, L.R. (2011); Threatened sharks, rays and chimaeras in West Africa and a Strategie plan for the IUCN Shark Specialist Group. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
FOBA, K. & BARRY, S. (2011); PAN-Requins du Sénégal: Réalisations et Perspectives. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
FOFANA, M. & DOUMBOUYA, F. (2011); Inventaire des Requins de la famille des Carcharhinidae débarqués à Kassa. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
FORDHAM, S. (2011); Opportunities for Regional Shark Conservation. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
GARRO, A.L. (2011); Conservation of scalloped hammerhead shark (Sphyrna lewini) and its critic habitats in Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica. Abstract In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
GOLLOCK, M. (2011); Sharks on the EDGE. Abstract In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
GOMINHO, V. & CORREIA, S. & MARTINS, P. & CARVALHO, H. (2011); Trajectoire des pecheries des sélaciens au Cap-Vert. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
GORDON, C.A. (2011); Basking Shark Photo-Identification. Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
HALL, J. & HALL, G. & NOBLE, L. & STONE, E. (2011); Passport for a Basking Shark. Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
HEMIDA, F. & NOUASSERI, K. & CAPAPÉ, C. (2011); Morphology and Biometry analysis of the genus Centrophorus (Elasmobranchs, Squalidae) in the Algerian Basin. Abstract In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
HEMIDA, F. & ZOUBIR, F. & NAIL, C. & NOUAR, A. (2011); Analyse morphologique et morphométrique de quelques espèces du genre Mustelus Linnaeus, 1758 dans le bassin algérien. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
HINOJOSA-ALVAREZ, S. (2011); Comparison between ND5 and COI genes in Giant Manta ray (Manta birostris) and Mexican Caribbean Giant Manta Ray (Manta sp.). Abstract In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
HUET, J. & PONCELET, P. (2011); Conservation du Poisson-scie et de la Biodiversité marine, Archipel des Bijagos, Guinée-Bissau. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
HUGHES, B. & SCHOLL, M.C. & BURGHARDT, T. (2011); Towards fully Automated Biometric Identification of Individual White Sharks using Computer Vision on Dorsal Fin Images . Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
INCOM, I. (2011); Action de PAN-Requins-Guinée-Bissau (2005-2010). Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
ISBERT, W. & RODRÍGUEZ-CABELLO, C. & FRUTOS, I. & MONTERO-ROYO, F.E. (2011); Potential use of parasites as tags to identify populations: comparative study of the parasite fauna of Etmopterus spinax (Linnaeus, 1758) in two deep-sea NE Atlantic areas (Galicia Bank and Avilés Canyon). Abstract In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
ISBERT, W. & RODRÍGUEZ-CABELLO, C. & FRUTOS, I. & MONTERO-ROYO, F.E. (2011); First insight into the parasite fauna and diet of the deep-sea shark Deania profundorum (Smith & Radcliffe, 1912) from the Avilés Canyon (southern Bay of Biscay, northeast Atlantic): shedding light on host’s role?. Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
JABADO, R.W. & AL GHAIS, S.M. & HAMZA, W. & HENDERSON, A.C. (2011); The shark fishery and fin trade in the United Arab Emirates. Abstract In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
JACOBY, D. & BROOKS, E. & CROFT, D. & SIMS, D.W. (2011); Developing a deeper understanding of shark movements and spatial dynamics through novel application of network analyses. Abstract In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
KARIBUHOYE, C. & TENDENG, P. (2011); Vers des aires marines protégées (AMP) pour la conservation des Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest? Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
KÉBÉ, P. (2011); Les mesures de gestion de l'ICCAT pour la conservation des requins. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
KEITA, K. (2011); Problématique et perspectives de la conservation des Requins des AMP de l'Afrique de l'Ouest : cas du sanctuaire de faune des lies de Loos. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
KHALLAHI, B. (2011); Étude de la biologie de la reproduction du requin à museau pointu Rhizoprionodon acutus dans le Banc d'Arguin. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
KHALLAHI, B. (2011); Étude de la distribution spatiotemporelle du tollo (Mustelus mustelus), le long des cotes mauritaniennes. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
KINGMA, I. & METAAL, S. (2011); Divers love Sharks: The economic importance of sharks to dive tourism. Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
KOUSTENI, V. & DASSENAKIS, M. & MEGALOFONOU, P. (2011); Hg and Zn levels in the muscle, liver, gonads and gills of small-spotted catshark, Scyliorhinus canicula, from the Aegean Sea. Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
LIEBER, L. & BERROW, S. & JOHNSTON, E. & GUBILI, C. & JONES, C. & NOBLE, L. (2011); Population Genetics of Basking Sharks Cetorhinus maximus on NE Atlantic Samples using mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA markers. Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
LYNGHAMMAR, A. (2011); Chondrichthyans in the Arctic Ocean and adjacent seas. Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
MAR, N.M. & DIOP, M.S. & THIAW, O.T. & SIDIBE, A. (2011); Étude des pêcheries d'élasmobranches au Sénégal: Analyse structurale et biologique de cinq espèces débarquées sur le littoral. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
MBAYE, L. (2011); La place de la pêcherie de Requins dans le secteur de la pêche et dans l'économie sénégalaise. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
MCCULLY, S. & ELLIS, J. & BROWN, M. (2011); An overview of the biology and status of undulate ray Raja undulate. Abstract In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
MCMILLAN, H.A. & GUBILI, C. & NOBLE, L.R. & JONES, C.S. (2011); Isolation and Preliminary Characterisation of the MHC Class II Genes in the Blue shark (Prionace glauca, L. 1758). Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
MENDY, A. (2011); Progress and impact of Gambia National Plan of Action for Sharks. Abstract In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
MICARELLI, P. & SPERONE, E. & BARONE, M. & BOTTARO, M. & CLO, S. & DE SABATA, E. & MANCUSI, C. & SERENA, F. (2011); Spatiotemporal distribution of great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias, Linnaeus 1758) along Italian coasts: Records from international Medlem program and other contributions. Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
MICARELLI, P. & VENTURA, D. & SPERONE, E. & DELUCIA, L. & LAGANA, A. (2011); Husbandry of tropical benthonic sharks (Chiloscyllium griseum, C. punctatum and Atelomycterus marmoratus): First step to develop protocols for controlled breeding with conservation purpose. Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
MOORE, A.B.M. & WHITE, W.T. & NAYLOR, G.J.P. & WARD, R.D. & PEIRCE, R. (2011); Rediscovery and conservation status of Carcharhinus leiodon (Carcharhinidae) from Kuwait, a geographically restricted whaler shark. Abstract In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
MUCIENTES-SANDOVAL, G. & QUEIROZ, N. & HUMPHRIES, N. & SABORIDO, F. & SIMS, D.W. (2011); Diving behaviour and movements of satellite tracked short fin mako sharks (Isurus oxyrinchus) in the North Atlantic: preliminary results. Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
NDAO, S. & SECK, K. (2011); Le cadre juridique de protection des Requins au Sénégal. Abstract (Poster) In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
ORLOV, A. & COTTON, C.F. (2011); New morphormetric and meristic data on the pale ray Bathyraja pallida (Forster, 1967, Arhynchobatidae: Rajiformes) from the North Atlantic. Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
OULD MOHAMED MAHMOUD, E. & ARAUJO, A. & AHMED OULD SIDI CHEIKH, M. & MATHIEU, D. (2011); La conservation des requins dans les AMP en Afrique de l'Ouest; le cas du Parc National du Banc d'Arguin en Mauritanie. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
PINTO, C. & NEAT, F. & TRAVIS, J. (2011); Up with the youngsters: Demographic characteristics of deepwater sharks in the North West of Scotland (Rockall Through). Abstract In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
QUEIROZ, N. & HUMPHRIES, N.E. & MUCIENTES, G. & SOUSA, L. & SIMS, D.W. (2011); Interactions and space-use overlap between satellite-tracked blue sharks and longline fishing vessels. Abstract In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
RABEHAGASOA, N. & LORRAIN, A. & MÉNARD, F. & POTIER, M. & RICHARD, P. & BACH, P. (2011); Niche partitioning between blue and silky sharks in the south-west Indian Ocean: an example of research for West Africa Sharks. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
RAMIREZ-AMARO SERGIO ROBERTO, R. VAZQUEZ-JUAREZ, R. & GRALVAN-MAGANA, F. (2011); Cryptic vicariance of Northeastern Pacific and Gulf of California angel shark (Squatina caiifornica) populations. Evidence from Mitochondrial sequences. Abstract (Poster) In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
REVILLION, C. & OULD YARBA, L. & KIDE, A. (2011); Une base de donnees spatiale sur la pêche artisanale dans le Parc National du Banc d' Arguin (Mauritanie), outil au Service d'une gestion durable de la ressource: le cas des Requins. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
RICHARDS, K. & BRUNNSCHWEILER, J.M. (2011); Individual, sex-and species-specific boldness in three species of reef sharks from an ecotourism provisioning site in Fiji. Abstract In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
RICHARDSON, J. (2011); Assessing the footprint of the UK over-10m fishing fleet: 1986 - 2010. Abstract In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
ROBINSON, C.E. & GHARBI, K. & GUBILI, C. &MARTIN, A.P. & SIMS, D.W. & JONES, C.S. & NOBLE, L.R. (2011); Conservation genetics of white sharks: connectivity, nursery sites and health. Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
ROCCO, L. & STINGO, V. (2011); Comparative genomics in Torpediniformes (Chondrichthyes, Batoidea). Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
RODRIGUES, T. & CAMPOS, O. (2011); Importance of Rhizoprionodon lalandii (Chondrichthyes, Carcharhinidae) in Brazilian coastal fisheries and statistical data of the world and Brazilian capture of elasmobranchs between years 1970 and 2009. Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
RODRÍGUEZ-CABELLO, C. & SÁNCHEZ, F. & SERRANO, A. & PÉREZ, M. (2011); New records of deep water chondrichthyan species caught in Galicia and the Cantabrian Sea (southern Bay of Biscay). Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
ROMAGNONI, G. & KOCHALSKI, S. & SCHENDEL, C. (2011); FINET - A platform for young fisheries scientists. Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
SAINE, A. (2011); Evaluation of the socio-economic importance of the shark fisheriy and the marketing Channels in the Gambia. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
SCHLUESSEL, V. & FUSS, T. & SCHWARZE, S. (2011); Cognitive functions and their neural substrates in elasmobranchs. Abstract In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
SEISAY, L.D. & SEISAY, M.M.D. (2011); Conservation and sustainable management of shrks populations in Sierra Leone: Archievements and prospects. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
SERÉT, B. & BLAISON, A. & KISZKA, J. (2011); Requ’IEP: a research programme on the sharks of the Eparses Islands (South western Indian Ocean). Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
SILVA, J. & DE OLIVEIRA, J. & MCCULLY, S. & ELLIS, J. (2011); Spurdog Squalus acanthias in the north-east Atlantic: Do they really qualify as Critically Endangered? Abstract In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
SOW, C.O. (2011); Communication et gestion des Requins à Elinkine, Sénégal: Cas du projet de mise en oeuvre du Plan sous-regional d'Action pour la conservation et la gestion durable des Requins. Abstract (Poster) In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
SPÄT, J.L.Y. & BERUMEN, M.L. (2011); The status of elasmobranchs in the Red Sea. Abstract In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
SPERONE, E. & MICARELLI, P. & PARISE, G. & LEONE, A. & BIASONE, P. & CAMIGLIANO, G. & TRIPEPI, S. (2011); Visual approach tactics by white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) under baited conditions and effects of cloud cover. Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
STEPANEK, R. & KRIWET, J. (2011); A review of the evolution of potamotrygonid freshwater stingrays (Chondrichthyes, Myliobatiformes). Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
STONE, E. & HARDMAN, E. & HALL, J. & HALL, G. & NOBLE, L. (2011); Using genetic analysis to validate photo identification of individual basking sharks (Cetorhinus maximus). Abstract In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
SYLLA, I. & DOUMBOUYA, F. & MAGASSOUBA, M. & KABA, B. (2011); Analyse du contenu stomacal de Rhinobatos cemiculus débarqué à Kassa lies de Loos, Guinée. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
TANAKA, K. & SHIINA, T. & TOMITA, T. & KINJO, S. & HOSOMICHI, K. & SANO, K. & DOI, H. & KONO, A.& KOMIYAMA, T. & INOKO, H. & KULSKI, J.K. & TANAKA, S. (2011); Phylogeny of whole mitochondrial genomes from Hexanchiform sharks. Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
TANAKA, S. & NAKASE, T. & OHNISHI, S. (2011); Growth of young smooth hammerheads, Sphyrna zygaena, in the inner area of Suruga Bay, Japan. Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
TCHANTCHALAM, Q. (2011); Importància das raias e tubaroes na tradicao cultural Bijagos. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
THIAM, N.& FALL, M. & SARRE, A. (2011); Importance relative des prises accessoires des sélaciens observées dans les campagnes scientifiques ciblant les stocks démersaux côtiers dans la zone maritime commune entre le Senegal et la Guinée-Bissau. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
TRAORÉ, D.B. & DIOP, H. & DIOP, M.S. & DOSSA, J. (2011); Les avancées institutionnelles et juridiques dansla mise en oeuvre du Plan sous-regional d'Actions pour la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
VELTE, F. (2011); Dominance hierarchy in the Brownbanded Bambooshark (Chiloscyllium punctatum). Abstract In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
VERA, G. & CORREIA, S. (2011); A Implementacao do Piano Tubarao em Cabo Verde. Abstract In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
WAGNE, O.H. (2011); Stratégies adaptatives des pêcheurs face aux mesures techniques de gestion de la pêche des sélaciens dans la zone du Banc d'Arguin. Abstract. In: Résumés des communications/Book of abstracts Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion durable des populations de Requins en Afrique de l'Ouest: Bilan et Perspectives, 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2011, UCAD II, Dakar, Senegal
WALKER, P. & KINGMA, I. (2011); Blueprint for Shark Survival. Abstract In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
WEIGMANN, S. (2011); Contribution to the taxonomy and distribution of seven shark species (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) from coastal waters of Thailand. Abstract In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
WEIGMANN, S. & THIEL, R. (2011); Predicting the spatial distribution of blue-spotted mask ray Neotrygon kuhlii (Müller & Henle, 1841) on the Australian North and Northwest Shelf comparing two different methods of habitat modelling. Abstract (Poster) In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
WUERINGER, B.E. & SQUIRE, L. & KAJIURA, S.M. & COLLIN, S.P. (2011); The sawfish’s saw - antenna and weapon. Abstract In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
ZANELLA, I. (2011); Population dynamics and habitat use of whitetip reef shark (Triaenodon obesus) at Cocos Island National Park, Costa Rica. Abstract In: Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.-30.10.2011
A rare 40-million-year-old shark and whale encounter is preserved in stone.
About 40 million years ago, a single shark in Egyptian waters snuck below a whale and attempted to rip it to shreds, but it wasn't entirely successful.
The shark-bit and torn apart whale, described in the latestJournal of Vertebrate Paleontology, was recently discovered as a stonecutter in Italy prepared to slice into decorative limestone.
The whale, whose last moments were painful ones, turns out to represent a new species, Aegyptocetus tarfa,which lived on land as well as in the sea.
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Co-author Giovanni Bianucci of the University of Pisa's Department of Earth Sciences, told Discovery News it's probable that the shark attacked the whale as it was "diving, considering that the bite was on the abdomen"
Bianucci and co-author Phillip Gingerich of the University of Michigan's Museum of Paleontology and Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences determined that the shark bit into five of the whale's ribs, with the most significant damage occurring to its rear left side.
"The shape and position of these marks make it likely that they resulted from an individual shark attack," Bianucci said. "Probably the shark attacked from the rear and the left, an attack strategy also described for the extant white shark when attacking seals and sea lions."
PHOTOS: From Dolphins to Whales, Mammals of the Sea
The whale may have fought back, because the shark did not completely consume its target, eventually releasing it either dead or dying. Over millions of years the whale's body fossilized prior to being discovered by a shocked stonecutter from Italy who sliced it into decorative facing stone before realizing what he had found.
Normally scientists try not to cut such rare specimens, but since this one was already sliced, the researchers could see important details, enabling them to identify this as a transitional land-to-water whale. All whales evolved from a land animal that gradually started to rest, breed and give birth on land while feeding in the sea at other times.
Based on skull and skeleton measurements, Aegyptocetus weighed about 1,400 pounds when it was alive. Its teeth suggest that it primarily fed on fish.
This species lived in the middle of the great whale's move to permanent ocean life. That transition started about 55 to 50 million years ago. Modern baleen and toothed whales didn't evolve until around 30 million years ago.
Bianucci and Gingerich document how the newly found species displays characteristics of the transition, such as a retained sense of smell, which is usually lost in aquatic mammal lineages, the ability to haul itself out of water, and an enhanced ability to hear, with a better hearing than later and modern whales.
As for why whales chose the all-water life, the researchers suggest ample food might have been the irresistible draw. Gingerich explained that the whales probably first engaged in "scavenging of dead fish on a shoreline, then chasing dying fish in the water, then pursuing healthy fish farther offshore as well as the dying, and finally losing all ties to the land and becoming fully marine."
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Anthony Friscia, a researcher in the Department of Integrative Biology and Physiology at the University of California, Los Angeles, told Discovery News that "the most amazing thing about this discovery is the way it (the fossil whale) was found."
"Not only was it fortuitous that it was spotted at all, but the fact that the skull was already sliced actually made it more useful," Friscia said, mentioning that the "slicing revealed one of the more amazing characters of the specimen: the presence of small, scroll-like bones in the nose, called turbinates, which speak to the smelling ability of the species."
For those with limestone in homes, it's possible that the stone contains prehistoric animal fossils like the shark and described whale, but few see them. Gingerich explained that the fossils weather away at the same rate as the limestone.
"You have to be looking right at the surface at the right spot to see that there are bones there," he said.