NEWSLETTER 04/2015 29.04.2015
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Pollerspöck, J. & Straube, N. 2015, Bibliography database of living/fossil sharks, rays and chimaeras (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali),, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 2015 |
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image: Dr. Danny Tang, Orange County Sanitation District; Environmental Laboratory & Ocean Monitoring Division
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At the moment we are looking for the following papers:
Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (new added) SIGNEUX, J. 1949 Notes paleoichthyologiques. I. Observations sur le genre Scapanorhynchus et ses relations. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, (Série 2), 21 (5): 633-638, figs 1-3 SIGNEUX, J. 1949 Notes paléoichthyologiques. II: Sur les genres Isurus, Chiloscyllium et Triakis trouvés à l'état fossile dans le gisement sénonien de Sahel-Alma. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 21 (5): 635-638, 3 fig. SIGNEUX, J. 1950 Notes Paléoichthyologiques. III: Squalidae fossiles du Sénonien de Sahel-Alma. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 22 (2): 315-319, fig. SIGNEUX, J. 1951 Notes Paléoichthyologiques. IV: Les Rhinobatidae du Liban. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 23 (6): 693-695,1 pl. SIGNEUX, J. 1954 Notes Paléoichthyologiques. VI (suite). Cas d'ovoviviparité chez un Rhinobate fossile. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 26 (5): 644-645 BRANISA, L. & HOFSTAETTER, R. & SIGNEUX, J. 1964 Addditions a la faune ichthyologique du Cretace supérieur de Bolivie. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, (Serie 2), 36: 279-297, 3 Fig. BRANISA, L. & HOFSTETTER, R. 1966 Nouvelle contribution a I etude de la paléontologie et de I Age du groupe Puca (Cretace-Paleogene, Bolivie). Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, (Série 2), 38: 301-310, 1 Fig.; Paris. BLOT, J. 1980 La faune ichtyologique des gisements du Monte Bolca (Province de Ve´rone, Italie). Catalogue syste´matique pre´sentant l'etat actuel des recherches concernant cette faune. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, (Série 4), sect. C, 2 (4): 339-396. Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum (new added) ITOIGAWA, J. & NISHIMOTO, N. & HIROYUKI, A. 1977 Cretaceous fossil elasmobranchs from japan (first report). Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum, 4: 119-138 NISHIMOTO, H. & MOROZUMI, Y. 1979 Late Cretaceous elasmobranches from the Izumi Mountain Range. Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum, 6: 133-140 NOMURA, M. & HATANAKA, O. & NISHIMOTO, H. & KARASAWA, H. & NANAO NOJIRIKO GROUP 1991 Megasqualus serriculus Jordan and Hannibal (Squalidae: Squaliformes: Elasmobranchii) from the Middle Miocene Nanao Calcareous Sandstone, Nanao City, Noto Peninsula, Central Japan. Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum, 18: 33-45 OKAMURA, Y. & FUDOUJI, Y. & KARASAWA, H. 2000 A first record of the genus Pseudaetobatus (Myliobatiformes, Myliobatidae) from the middle Eocene Okinoshima Group, Kyushu, Japan. Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum, 27: 199-200 Revista de la Societat Paleontologica d'Elx (new added) MENDIOLA, C. 1995 Familia Zygzabatidae n. (Batomorphii, Myliobatoidea). Zygzabatis maroccana n. gen., n. sp. Revista de la Societat Paleontologica d'Elx, 1: 1-4, 2 tabl., 1 pl. MENDIOLA, C. 1996 Rhincodon ferriolensis n. sp. (Neoselachii, Orectolobiformes, Rhincodontidae) del Burdigaliense superior de Elche (Sureste de España). Revista de la Societat Paleontologica d'Elx, 2: 1-6, 2 fig., 1 pl. MENDIOLA, C. 1999 Myliobatoideos nuevos (Neoselachii, Batomorphii) del Thanesiense ? de oued Zem (Cuenca de los Ouled Abdoun, Marruecos). Revista de la Societat Paleontologica d'Elx, 6: 1-42, 10 fig., pl. 1-12 MENDIOLA, C. 2001 Hallazgo de Carcharodon carcharias (Linnaeus 1758) en el Plioceno superior de Conil de la Frontera (Cádiz, España). Revista de la Societat Paleontológica d'Elx, 7: 1-9 MENDIOLA, C. 2002 Notorynchus lawleyi Cigala Fulgosi 1983 (Chondrichthyes, Hexanchiformes) en el Plioceno inferior de Guardamar y Plioceno medio de Rojales (Sureste de España, Cuenca del Bajo Segura, Cordillera Bética Oriental). Revista de la Societat Paleontológica d'Elx, 8: 1-15 MENDIOLA, C. & MARTINEZ, J. 2003 La ictiofauna fósil (Chondrichthyes, Euselachii) del Mesozoico y Cenozoico de España. Revista de la Societat Paleontológica d'Elx, 9: 1-103 MENDIOLA, C. 2004 Primera cita española del género Ptychodus AGASSIZ 1839 (Chondrichthyes, Euselachii). Revista de la Societat Paleontológica d'Elx, 13: 1-14 MENDIOLA, C. & LÓPEZ, A. 2005 La ictiofauna fósil (Chondrichthyes, Euselachii) del Serravalliense de Alicante (Sureste de España). Revista de la Societat Paleontológica d'Elx, 14: 1-51
Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (new added) BREARD, S. & STRINGER, G.L. 1995 Paleoenvironment of a diverse marine vertebrate fauna from the Yazoo Clay (Late Eocene) at Copenhagen, Caldwell Parish, Louisiana.Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, 45: 77-85 STRINGER, G.L. & BREARD, S. 1997 Comparison of otolith-based paleoecology to other fossil groups: an example from the Cane River Formation (Eocene) of Louisiana.Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, 47: 563-570 BREARD, S. & STRINGER, G.L. 1999 Integrated paleoecology and marine vertebrate fauna of the Stone City Formation (Middle Eocene), Brazos River section, Texas.Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, 49: 132-142 STRINGER, G.L. & BREARD, S.Q. & KONTROVITZ, M. 2001 Biostratigraphy and paleoecology of diagnostic invertebrates and vertebrates from the type locality of the Oligocene Rosefield Marl Beds, Louisiana. Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, 51: 321-328 STRINGER, G.L. & MILLER, M. 2001 Paleoenvironmental interpretations based on vertebrate fossil assemblages: an example of their utilization in the Gulf Coast. Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, 51: 329-338
Journal of Ichthyology:
PINCHUK, V.I. & PERMITIN, Y.Y. 1970 New data on dogfish sharks of the Family Squalidae in the southeastern Atlantic. Journal of Ichthyology, 10 (3): 273-276
RASS, T.S. & LINDBERG, G.U. 1971 Modern concepts of the classification of living fishes.Journal of Ichthyology, 11: 302-319
GUBANOV, Y.P. 1972 On the biology of the thresher shark (Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre)) in the northwest Indian Ocean. Journal of Ichthyology, 12 (4): 591-600, figs 1-2, tabs 1-3
DOMANEVSKIY, L.N. 1975 The Frill Shark, Chlamydoselachus anguineus, from the Cape Blanc Area (Central Eastern Atlantic). Journal of Ichthyology, 15 (6): 1000-1002
GUBANOV, Y.P. & GRIGOREV, V.N. 1975 Distribution and biology of the blue shark Prionace glauca (Carcharhinidae) of the Indian Ocean. Journal of Ichthyology, 15: 37-43
GUBANOV, Y.P. 1976 The first catch of a tagged thresher shark (Alopias vulpinus). Journal of Ichthyology, 16 (3): 497-498
GUBANOV, Y.P. 1978 The reproduction of some species of pelagic sharks from the equatorial zone of the Indian Ocean. Journal of Ichthyology, 18: 781-792
SVETLOV, M.F. 1978 The porbeagle, Lamna nasus, in Antarctic waters. Journal of Ichthyology, 18 (5): 850-851
MYAGKOV, N.A. & KONDYURIN, V.V. 1978 Reproduction of the catshark Apristurus saldanha. Journal of Ichthyology, 4: 627-628
KONSTANTINOV, K.G. & NIZOVTSEV, G.P. 1979 The basking shark, Cetorhinus maximus, in Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea. Journal of Ichthyology, 19 (1): 155-156
PIOTROVSKIY, A.S. & PRUT'KO, V.G. 1980 The occurrence of the goblin shark, Scapanorhynchus owstoni (Chondrichthyes, Scapanorhynchidae) in the Indian Ocean.Journal of Ichthyology, 20 (1): 124-125
TUMOKHIN, I.G. 1980 Discovery of the frill shark, Chlamydoselachus anguineus, in the southwest Indian Ocean. Journal of Ichthyology, 20 (1): 125-126
PINCHUK, V.I. 1981 Mistaken identification of the so-called "dogfish", a member of the gray shark genus, Carcharhinus , from open waters of world oceans. Journal of Ichthyology, 21 (5): 115-117
LITVINOV, F.F. 1982 Two forms of teeth in Blue shark, Prionace glauca (Carcharhinidae).Journal of Ichthyology, 22 (4): 154-156
LITVINOV, F.F. & AGAPOV, S.N. & KATALIMOV, V.G. & MIRONOV, S.G. 1983 Rate of tooth Replacement in Blue Shark, Prionace glauca (Carcharhinidae), in relation to Feeding.Journal of Ichthyology, 23 (1): 143-145
MYAGKOV, N.A. 1984 Unusual brain structure of luminous shark, Isistius brasiliensis (Dalatiidae). Journal of Ichthyology, 24 (2): 109-112
GUBANOV, E.P. 1985 Presence of the sharp tooth sand shark, Odontaspis ferox (Odontaspididae), in the open waters of the Indian Ocean. Journal of Ichthyology, 25 (2): 156-158
PARIN, N.V. & KOTLYAR, A.N. 1985 Electric rays of the genus Torpedo in open waters of the eastern south Pacific Ocean. Journal of Ichthyology, 26 (1): 1-12
IVANOV, A. 1986 A new capture of the rare catshark, Apristurus longicephalus (Scyliorhinidae). Journal of Ichthyology, 27 (1): 147-149
MYAGKOV, N.A. & KONDYURIN, V.V. 1986 Dogfishes Squalus (Squalidae), of the Atlantic Ocean and comparative notes on the species of this genus from other regions. Journal of Ichthyology, 27 (1): 1-18
IVANOV, A. 1987 On the distribution of the bigeye thresher shark, Alopias superciliosus, in the Pacific Ocean. Journal of Ichthyology, 26 (5): 121-122, fig
SHCHERBACHEV, Y.N. 1987 Preliminary list of thalassobathyal fishes of the tropical and subtropical waters of the Indian Ocean. Journal of Ichthyology, 27 (2): 37-46
GUSHCHIN, A.V. & SUKHOVERSHIN, V.V. & KONOVALENKO, I.I. & SUKHORUKOVA, V.S. 1987 On the capture of the polar shark genus Somniosus (Squalidae) in the Southern Hemisphere. Journal of Ichthyology, 27 (1): 115-117
MYAGKOV, N.A. 1987 External structure of the cephalic brain of the pelagic shark, Squaliolus laticaudus. Journal of Ichthyology, 27 (6): 125-127
GUBANOV, E.P. 1988 Morphological characteristics of the requiem shark, Carcharinus obscurus , of the Indian Ocean. Journal of Ichthyology, 28 (6): 68-73
KASHKIN, N.I. 1989 Mesopelagic ichthyofauna of the southwestern Pacific. Journal of Ichthyology, 29 (3): 116-127, tabs 1-4
BERESTOVSKIY, E.G. 1990 Feeding in the skates, Raja radiata and Raja fyllae, in the Barents and Norwegian seas. Journal of Ichthyology, 29 (8): 88-96
MANILO, L.G. 1993 New reports of fish on the shelf and upper slope of the Western Indian Ocean. Journal of Ichthyology, 33 (1): 128-136
BLAGODEROV, A.I. 1994 Seasonal distribution and some notes on the biology of salmon shark (Lamna ditropis) in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Journal of Ichthyology, 34 (2): 115-121, figs 1-2, table
ROMANOV, E.V. & SAMOROV, V.V. 1994 On discoveries of the crocodile shark, Pseudocarcharias kamoharai (Pseudocarchariidae), in the Equatorial Indian Ocean. Journal of Ichthyology, 34 (4): 155-157
SAVELEV, S.V. & CHERNIKOV, V.P. 1994 The oceanic whitetip shark, Carcharhinus longimanus, and its use of aerial olfaction in search for food. Journal of Ichthyology, 34 (6): 38-47
PSHENICHNOV, L.K. 1997 A new record for subantarctic fish fauna species of shark Squalus acanthias (Squalidae). Journal of Ichthyology, 37 (8): 678-679
SOKOLOVSKAYA, T.G. & SOKOLOVSKII, A.S. & SOBOLEVSKII, E.I. 1998 A list of fishes of Peter the Great Bay (the Sea of Japan). Journal of Ichthyology, 38 (1): 1-11
NOVIKOV, N.P. 2002 Ecology of the ratfish Hydrolagus africanus (Gilchrist) from the Madagascar and Mozambique submarine ridges. Journal of Ichthyology, 42 (3): 271-274
Aqua, International Journal of Ichyology
LASSO, C.A. & RIAL, B.A. & LASSO-ALCALA, O. 1997 Notes on the biology of the freshwater stingrays Paratrygon aiereba (Müller & Henle, 1841) and Potamotrygon orbignyi (Castelnau, 1855) (Chondrichthyes: Potamotrygonidae) in the Venezuelan Llanos. Aqua, International Journal of Ichyology, 2 (3): 39-50
HUMAN, B.A. 2011 Description of a unique catshark egg capsule (Chondrichthyes: Scyliorhinidae) from the North West Shelf, Western Australia. Aqua, International Journal of Ichyology, 17 (4): 199-209
Upcoming Meetings:
- FSBI 2015, Plymouth, United Kingdom: Biology, Ecology And Conservation Of Elasmobranchs. University of Plymouth: Sherwell Centre and Portland Square Building. 27-31 July 2015
- 14th DSBS, Aveiro, Portugal: 14th Deep Sea Biology Symposium. University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal, 31 August - 4 September 2015
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New described species/Taxonomic News:
HASELI, M. & AZAD, S. (2015): Diphyllidean cestodes from the bigeye houndshark Iago omanensis (Norman) (Carcharhiniformes: Triakidae) in the Gulf of Oman, with the description of Coronocestus ehsanentezarii sp nov (Echinobothriidae). Acta Parasitologica, 60 (2): 308-314 New species: Coronocestus ehsanentezarii Abstract: A new species of Coronocestus Caira, Marques, Jensen, Kuchta and Ivanov, 2013 is described from Iago omanensis (Norman) from the Gulf of Oman. Coronocestus ehsanentezarii sp. nov. differs from C. musteli (Pintner, 1889) Caira, Marques, Jensen, Kuchta and Ivanov, 2013 in that its ovary is H- rather than U-shape. The new species is easily distinguished from C. diamanti (Ivanov and Lipshitz, 2006) Caira, Marques, Jensen, Kuchta and Ivanov, 2013 by the number of spines per column on the cephalic peduncle (24-36 vs 95-118). It differs from C. hormozganiense (Haseli, Malek, Palm and Ivanov, 2012) Caira, Marques, Jensen, Kuchta and Ivanov, 2013 based on a greater number of spines per column on the cephalic peduncle (24-36 vs 18-21). The new species differs from C. notoguidoi (Ivanov 1997) Caira, Marques, Jensen, Kuchta and Ivanov, 2013 in that of its scolex is craspedote rather than acraspedote. Unlike C. coronatum (Robinson 1959) Caira, Marques, Jensen, Kuchta and Ivanov, 2013, C. ehsanentezarii sp. nov. possesses 29-35 rather than 20 apical hooks in each dorso-ventral group. The new species possesses lateral hooklets with two rows (a and b designations) in each cluster. This character had been presented earlier only for Andocadoncum Abbott and Caira, 2014. Furthermore, a new locality record is presented for C. diamanti from Iago omanensis in the Gulf of Oman. Thus, I. omanensis certainly hosts two diphyllidean species simultaneously in the Gulf of Oman. The generic diagnosis of Coronocestus is also revised to include new data.
 SOARES, K.D.A. & GADIG, O.F.B. & GOMES, U.L. (2015): Scyliorhinus ugoi, a new species of catshark from Brazil (Chondrichthyes: Carcharhiniformes: Scyliorhinidae).Zootaxa, 3937 (2): 347–361 New species: Scyliorhinus ugoi Abstract: A new species of catshark (Carcharhiniformes, Scyliorhinidae), Scyliorhinus ugoisp. nov., is described from off Northeastern and Southeastern Brazil. The new species is closest to the Scyliorhinus haeckelii/besnardi group and S. hesperius but differs in background coloration, head width, sexual maturity, and in cranial and body proportions.
 DEL MORAL-FLORES, L.F. & ANGULO, A. & LÓPEZ, M.I. & BUSSING, W.A. (2015):Nueva especie del género Urobatis (Myliobatiformes: Urotrygonidae) del Pacífico oriental tropical. International Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation, 63 (2): 501-514 New species: Urobatis pardalis Abstract: A new species of Urobatis (Myliobatiformes: Urotrygonidae) from the tropical Eastern Pacific. A new species of round stingray, Urobatis pardalis sp. nov., is described from material collected in the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. This new species differs from its congeners by the color pattern of the dorsal surface and by several proportional measurements. A key to all species of the genus is provided.
 DEL MORAL-FLORES, L.F. & RAMÍREZ-ANTONIO, E. & ANGULO, A. & PÉREZ-PONCE DE LEÓN, G. (2015): Ginglymostoma unami sp. nov. (Chondrichthyes: Orectolobiformes: Ginglymostomatidae): una especie nueva de tiburón gata del Pacífico oriental tropical. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 86: 48-58 New species: Ginglymostoma unami Abstract: A new species of shark belonging to the family Ginglymostomatidae is herein described; the new species show a wide distribution in the Tropical Eastern Pacific, where it is endemic. Ginglymostoma unami sp. nov. was previously recognized as G. cirratumexhibiting an amphi-American distribution; however that species is now considered to be restricted to the Atlantic Ocean. Ginglymostoma unami sp. nov. can be readily distinguished from G. cirratum by comparing several meristic characters such as the distance between the prebanchial and interdorsal regions, and that between posterior end of the second dorsal fin and the beginning of the caudal lobe, both being shorter; the new species also differs by the position of the insertion of the first dorsal fin with regard to the pelvic fins and in the form and number of keels on the dermal denticles and teeth morphology.
GRACE, M.A. & DOOSEY, M.H. & BART, H.L. & NAYLOR, G.J.P. (2015) First record of Mollisquama sp. (Chondrichthyes: Squaliformes: Dalatiidae) from the Gulf of Mexico, with a morphological comparison to the holotype description of Mollisquama parini Dolganov.Zootaxa, 3948 (3): 587–600
Abstract:The description of the pocket shark genus Mollisquama (M. parini Dolganov, 1984) is based on a single known specimen collected from the Nazca Ridge of the southeast Pacific Ocean. A second Mollisquama specimen has been captured in the central Gulf of Mexico establishing a considerable range extension and a parturition locality because the specimen has a healed vitelline scar. Both the holotype of M. parini and the Gulf of Mexico specimen possess the remarkable pocket gland with its large slit-like external opening located just above the pectoral fin. Features found on the Gulf of Mexico specimen that were not noted in the description of M. parini include a series of ventral abdominal photophore agglomerations and a modified dermal denticle surrounded by a radiating arrangement of denticles just posterior to the mouth. Based on a morphometric and meristic comparison of the Gulf of Mexico specimen with information in the description of M. parini, the Gulf of Mexico specimen is identified as Mollisquama sp. due to differences in tooth morphology and vertebral counts. Phylogenetic analysis of NADH2 gene sequences places Mollisquamasister to Dalatias plus Isistius within the family Dalatiidae.
Latest Research Articles
Extant Chondrichthyes:
AFONSO, A.S. & SANTIAGO, R. & HAZIN, H. & HAZIN, F.H.V. (2015) Corrigendum to "Shark bycatch and mortality and hook bite-offs in pelagic longlines: Interactions between hook types and leader materials." Fisheries Research, 167: 278-279 ALBO-PUIGSERVER, M. & NAVARRO, J. & COLL, M. & AGUZZI, J. & CARDONA, L. & SÁEZ-LIANTE, R. (2015) Feeding ecology and trophic position of three sympatric demersal chondrichthyans in the northwestern Mediterranean. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 524: 255-268 ALVES, L.M. & LEMOS, M.F.L. & CORREIA, J.P.S. & DA COSTA, N.A.R. & NOVAIS, S.C. (2015) The potential of cholinesterases as tools for biomonitoring studies with sharks: Biochemical characterization in brain and muscle tissues of Prionace glauca. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 465: 49-55 AMSLER, M.O. & SMITH, K.E. & MCCLINTOCK, J.B. & SINGH, H. & THATJE, S. & VOS, S.C. & BROTHERS, C.J. & BROWN, A. & ELLIS, D. & ANDERSON, J. & ARONSON, R.B. (2015) In situ observations of a possible skate nursery off the western Antarctic Peninsula. Journal of Fish Biology, in press BEAUDRY, M.C. & HUSSEY, N.E. & MCMEANS, B.C. & MCLEOD, A.M. & WINTNER, S.P. & CLIFF, G. & DUDLEY, S.F.J. & FISK, A.T. (2015) Comparative organochlorine accumulation in two ecologically similar shark species (Carcharodon carcharias and Carcharhinus obscurus) with divergent uptake based on different life history. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, in press BRADBURN, M.J. & KELLER, A.A. (2015) Impact of light on catch rate of four demersal fish species during the 2009-2010 US west coast groundfish bottom trawl survey. Fisheries Research, 164: 193-200 CAGUA, E.F. & COCHRAN, J.E.M. & ROHNER, C.A. & PREBBLE, C.E.M. & SINCLAIR-TAYLOR, T.H. & PIERCE, S.J. & BERUMEN, M.L. (2015) Acoustic telemetry reveals cryptic residency of whale sharks. Biology Letters, 11 (4): CALICH, H.J. & CAMPANA, S.E. (2015) Mating scars reveal mate size in immature female blue shark Prionace glauca. Journal of Fish Biology, in press CARLISLE, A.B. & LITVIN, S.Y. & HAZEN, E.L. & MADIGAN, D.J. & GOLDMAN, K.J. & LEA, R.N. & BLOCK, B.A. (2015) Reconstructing habitat use by juvenile salmon sharks links upwelling to strandings in the California Current. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 525: 217-228 CAVALLARO, M. & DANZE, A. & AMMENDOLIA, G. & NAVARRA, E. (2015)Finding of a rare Squatina squatina (Linnaeus, 1758) (Chondrichthyes: Squatinidae) along the Tyrrhenian coast of the Strait of Messina and its maintenance in an aquarium.Marine Biodiversity Records, 8: e44 CHEN, X. & XIANG, D. & AI, W. & SHI, X. (2015) Complete mitochondrial genome of the pelagic thresher Alopias pelagicus (Lamniformes: Alopiidae) Mitochondrial DNA, 26 (2): 323-4 CIENA, A.P. & DE S. RANGEL, B. & BRUNO, C.E.M. & MIGLINO, M.A. & DE AMORIM, A.F. & RICI, R.E.G. & WATANABE, I. (2015) Morphological Aspects of Oral Denticles in the Sharpnose Shark Rhizoprionodon lalandii (Müller and Henle, 1839) (Elasmobranchii, Carcharhinidae). Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia, in press CLARKE, C.R. & KARL, S.A. & HORN, R.L. & BERNARD, A.M. & LEA, J.S. & HAZIN, F.H. & PRODÖHL, P.A. & SHIVJI, M.S. (2015) Global mitochondrial DNA phylogeography and population structure of the silky shark, Carcharhinus falciformis.Marine Biology, 162 (5): 945-955 CRAMP, R.L. & HANSEN, M.J. & FRANKLIN, C.E. (2015) Osmoregulation by juvenile brown-banded bamboo sharks, Chiloscyllium punctatum, in hypo- and hyper-saline waters. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, in press DE VOS, A. & O'RIAIN, M.J. & MEŸER, M.A. & KOTZE, P.G.H. & KOCK, A.A. (2015) Behavior of Cape fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus) in response to spatial variation in white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) predation risk. Marine Mammal Science, in press DE VOS, A. & O'RIAIN, M.J. & MEŸER, M.A. & KOTZE, P.G.H. & KOCK, A.A. (2015) Behavior of Cape fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus) in relation to temporal variation in predation risk by white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) around a seal rookery in False Bay, South Africa. Marine Mammal Science, in press DEL MORAL-FLORES, L.F. & ANGULO, A. & LÓPEZ, M.I. & BUSSING, W.A. (2015) Nueva especie del género Urobatis (Myliobatiformes: Urotrygonidae) del Pacífico oriental tropical. International Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation, 63 (2): 501-514 DEL MORAL-FLORES, L.F. & RAMÍREZ-ANTONIO, E. & ANGULO, A. & PÉREZ-PONCE DE LEÓN, G. (2015) Ginglymostoma unami sp. nov. (Chondrichthyes: Orectolobiformes: Ginglymostomatidae): una especie nueva de tiburón gata del Pacífico oriental tropical. [Ginglymostoma unami sp. nov. (Chondrichthyes: Orectolobiformes: Ginglymostomatidae): a new species of nurse shark from the Tropical Eastern Pacific]. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 86: 48-58 FRANCIS, M.P. & DUFFY, C. & LYON, W.S. (2015) Spatial and temporal habitat use by white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) at an aggregation site in southern New Zealand. Marine and Freshwater Research, in press GRACE, M.A. & DOOSEY, M.H. & BART, H.L. & NAYLOR, G.J.P. (2015) First record of Mollisquama sp. (Chondrichthyes: Squaliformes: Dalatiidae) from the Gulf of Mexico, with a morphological comparison to the holotype description of Mollisquama parini Dolganov. Zootaxa, 3948 (3): 587–600 HARRISON, S. (2015) Diet Shifts Detected in Sandbar Sharks Using a Nonlethal Technique. Fisheries, 40 (2): 52 HERNÁNDEZ, S. & DALEY, R. & WALKER, T. & BRACCINI, M. & VARELA, A. & FRANCIS, M.P. & RITCHIE, P.A. (2015) Demographic history and the South Pacific dispersal barrier for school shark (Galeorhinus galeus) inferred by mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite DNA mark. Fisheries Research, 167: 132-142 HEUPEL, M.R. & SIMPFENDORFER, C.A. 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Extinct Chondrichthyes:
CICIMURRI, D.J. & EBERSOLE, J.A. (2015) Two new species of Pseudaetobatus Cappetta, 1986 (Batoidei: Myliobatidae) from the southeastern United States.Palaeontologia Electronica, 18.1.15A: 1-17 CUNY, G. & SUTEETHORN, V. & KHANSUBHA, S. (2015) A sclerorhynchoid (Chondrichthyes: Batomorphii) in the lower cretaceous of Thailand? New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 67: 15-18 GESS, R.W. & COATES, M.I. (2015) High-latitude Chondrichthyans from the Late Devonian (Famennian) Witpoort formation of South Africa. Paläontologische Zeitschrift, in press IKEJIRI, T. & EVERHART, M.J. (2015) Notes on the authorship and the holotype of the Late Cretaceous durophagous shark Ptychodus mortoni (Chondrichthyes, Ptycodontidae). New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 67: 69-74 KORNEISEL, D. & GALLOIS, R.W. & DUFFIN, C.J. & BENTON, M.J. (2015)Corrigendum to ‘‘Latest Triassic marine sharks and bony fishes from a bone bed preserved in a burrow system, from Devon, UK’’ [Proc. Geol. Assoc. 126 (1) (2015) 130–142] Proceedings of the Geologists Association, in press LOEWEMARK, L. (2015) Evidence for targeted elasmobranch predation on thalassinidean shrimp in the Miocene Taliao Formation, NE Taiwan. Lethaia, 48 (2): 227-234 PEREDA-SUBERBIOLA, X. & CORRAL, J.C. & ASTIBIA, H. & BADIOLA, A. & BARDET, N. & BERRETEAGA, A. & BUFFETAUT, E. & BUSCALIONI, A.D. & CAPPETTA, H. & CAVIN, L. & DÍEZ DÍAZ, V. & GHEERBRANT, E. & MURELAGA, X. & ORTEGA, F. & PÉREZ-GARCÍA, A. & POYATO-ARIZA, F. & RAGE, J.-C. & SANZ, J.L. & TORICES, A. (2015) Late Cretaceous continental and marine vertebrate assemblages of the Laño Quarry (Basque-Cantabrian Region, Iberian Peninsula): an update. Journal of Iberian Geology, 41: 101-124 PIMIENTO, C. AND CLEMENTS, C.F. (2015) Correction: When Did Carcharocles megalodon Become Extinct? A New Analysis of the Fossil Record (vol 9, e111086, 2014) PLoS ONE, 10 (1): e0117877 STRGANAC, C. & JACOBS, L.L. & POLCYN, M.J. & MATEUS, O. & MYERS, T.S. & SALMINEN, J. & MAY, S.R. & ARAUJO, R. & FERGUSON, K.M. & OLIMPIO GONCALVES, A. & MORAIS, M.L. & SCHULP, A.S. & DA SILVA TAVARES, T. (2015) Geological setting and paleoecology of the Upper Cretaceous Bench 19 Marine Vertebrate Bonebed at Bentiaba, Angola Netherlands Journal of Geosciences - Geologie En Mijnbouw, 94 (1): 121-136
Parasites: HASELI, M. & AZAD, S. (2015) Diphyllidean cestodes from the bigeye houndshark Iago omanensis (Norman) (Carcharhiniformes: Triakidae) in the Gulf of Oman, with the description of Coronocestus ehsanentezarii sp nov (Echinobothriidae). Acta Parasitologica, 60 (2): 308-314 |
Tagged mako shark traveled more than 7,300 in less than a year MantaMatcher
 Manta Matcher represents the first global online database for manta rays. This innovative site was specifically designed to manage manta ray sightings and identifications across their distribution. Please have a look:
Lost Sharks
 How can you protect something if you don’t even know it exists? That’s the predicament for Dave Ebert, from Moss Landing Marine Laboratories. The Academy research associate is a shark specialist for the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), the organization responsible for the Red List, assessing the conservation status (from Least Concern to Extinct) for many of the species on this planet. More at:
Second ever pocket shark described
 The apparent unfathomable nature of the ocean is what first attracted me to marine biology; the mystery of the unknown. The vast depths of the ocean still hold so many secrets and I find great excitement in the exploration of these alien worlds. This week, a team of scientists describe the first record of the pocket shark, Mollisquama sp, from the Gulf of Mexico. It is only the second one we have ever seen! Read more here: utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Fplants_animals%2Ffish+%28Fish+News+--+ScienceDaily%29 |