Sphyrna media SPRINGER, 1940


Description after Gilbert 1967 [#946]:

Teeth 13-14 0-2 13-14(first two counts listed by Springer, [1940a, p. 163]); upper teeth oblique, becoming increasingly so toward corners of mouth in upper jaw; teeth 6 to 9 or 10 longest, the outer teeth very low, but with a definite cusp; in lower jaw, teeth 2 through 8 longest (tooth 1 not markedly smaller however), the outermost two or three teeth very short, round, and without a definite cusp; one or two series of teeth functional in alternating rows along sides of upper jaw and two to three rows along sides of lower jaw.

 Sphyrna media

Figure 14. Sphyrna media: adult male, 900 mm. TL, from Panama Bay (UCLA 58-304); c, dermal denticles of same specimen; d, upper and lower teeth, left side, of same specimen, about 1.5 X. (Drawings by Dorothea B, Schultz.)


Material: male, ? cm TL, Prot of Spain, Trinidad, 05.06.1986, collection: Jaws International, Gordon Hubbell, Florida 

Images: © Ross Robertson, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama, images shows the correct position of the teeth;

 Sphyrna media


 Sphyrna media


 Sphyrna media


 Sphyrna media


 Sphyrna media


 Sphyrna media


 Sphyrna media


 Sphyrna media