NEWSLETTER 07/2017 03.07.2017
Pollerspöck, J. & Straube, N. 2017, Bibliography database of living/fossil sharks, rays and chimaeras (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali),, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 2017 |

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The Dutch Elasmobranch Society is pleased to invite you to the 21st European Elasmobranch Association Scientific Conference from 12th-14th October in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The conference will include a diverse programme of lectures and breakout sessions on key topics in the study of cartilaginous fishes.
This year’s theme will be “The science you need, for the policy you want” to address one of the main objectives of the EEA which is to bridge the gap between scientists and policy makers and thus ensuring management of elasmobranchs is based on the best available science.
more information:
New images at shark-references:
Many thanks to the following persons for the permission to use their images:
 Menaka Goonewardena and David Ebert for the images of Planonasus parini WEIGMANN, STEHMANN & THIEL, 2013
 Anika Mora Coral, Fundación Alium Pacific for the image of Nasolamia velox (GILBERT, 1898)
 David Ebert, Pacific Shark Research Center for a image of Rhinobatos austini EBERT & GON, 2017
 Markus Bühler, Germany, for the images of Inuit tools with teeth of Somniosus microcephalus (BLOCH & SCHNEIDER, 1801) |
Missing papers:
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Upcoming Meetings:

The Dutch Elasmobranch Society is pleased to host the 21st EEA Annual Scientific Conference from 12-14 October in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Austin, Texas, USA; July 12-16, 2017

7th INTERNATIONAL MEETING ON MESOZOIC FISHES Systematics and Paleobiogeographic Patterns 1 - 7 August 2017 Mahasarakham, THAILAND
The Palaeontological Research and Education Centre in cooperation with the Faculty of Science of Mahasarakham University (Thailand), the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (France), and the Natural History Museum of Geneva (Switzerland) are pleased to announce and host the 7th INTERNATIONAL MEETING ON MESOZOIC FISHES. The meeting is dedicated to reflect the progress in Mesozoic fish research that has been accomplished in the past 25 years since the first meeting in 1993, to discuss old and new methodologies, and to present novel information about the evolution, diversification, and the palaeobiogeography of fishes during the Mesozoic.
Registration should be open November 3rd.
 Indo-Pacific Fish Conference 2-6 October 2017, Tahiti, French Polynesia
Extant Chondrichthyes:
 EBERT, D.A. & GON, O. (2017): Rhinobatos austini n. sp., a new species of guitarfish (Rhinopristiformes: Rhinobatidae) from the Southwestern Indian Ocean. Zootaxa, 4276 (2): 204–214 New species: Rhinobatos austini Abstract: Rhinobatos austini sp. n. is described from the southwestern Indian Ocean based on four specimens collected from the KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa and from Mozambique. The new species, with one exception, can be distinguished from all other members of this genus by a prominent teardrop-shaped dark blotch on the ventral surface of its snout. Its closest congener, R. holcorhynchus, also has a prominent teardrop-shaped blotch on its snout, but the new species differs from it by a lack of prominent thorns and tubercles on it dorsal disc surface and a very striking dorsal surface colour pattern of paired spots, some forming darker transverse bands across its back. Geographically, these two species broadly overlap, but R. austini appears to be a shallow, more coastal species (<1–107 m) compared to R. holcorhynchus that has a mostly offshore (75–254 m) depth distribution.
 WHITE, W.T. & CORRIGAN, S. & YANG, L. & HENDERSON, A.C. & BAZINET, A.L. & SWOFFORD, D.L. & NAYLOR, G.J.P. (2017): Phylogeny of the manta and devilrays (Chondrichthyes: Mobulidae), with an updated taxonomic arrangement for the family. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, in press Taxonomic change: Manta is placed into the synonymy of Mobula Abstract: DNA sequence data from mitochondrial genomes and c. 1000 nuclear exons were analysed for a complete taxon sampling of manta and devilrays (Mobulidae) to estimate a current molecular phylogeny for the family. The resulting inferences were combined with morphological information to adopt an integrated approach to resolving the taxonomic arrangement of the family. The members of the genus Manta were found to consistently nest within the Mobula species and consequently the genus Manta is placed into the synonymy of Mobula. Mobula eregoodootenkee, M. japanica and M. rochebrunei were each found to be junior synonyms of M. kuhlii, M. mobular and M. hypostoma, respectively. The mitochondrial and nuclear tree topologies were in agreement except for the placement of M. tarapacana which was basal to all other mobulids in the nuclear exon analysis, but as the sister group to the M. alfredi–M. birostris–M. mobular clade in the mitochondrial genome analysis. Results from this study are used to a revise the taxonomy for the family Mobulidae. A single genus is now recognized (where there were previously two) and eight nominal species (where there were previously 11).
Extinct Chondrichthyes:
UNDERWOOD, C.J. & KOLMANN, M.A. & WARD, D.J. (2017): Paleogene origin of planktivory in the Batoidea. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, in press New genus: Sulcidens Abstract: The planktivorous mobulid rays are a sister group to, and descended from, rhinopterid and myliobatid rays that possess a dentition showing adaptations consistent with a specialized durophagous diet. Within the Paleocene and Eocene, there are several taxa that display dentitions apparently transitional between these extreme trophic modalities, in particular the genus Burnhamia. The holotype of Burnhamia daviesi was studied through X-ray computed tomography (CT) scanning. Digital renderings of this incomplete but articulated jaw and dentition revealed previously unrecognized characters regarding the jaw cartilages and teeth. In addition, the genus Sulcidens, gen. nov., is erected for articulated dentitions from the Paleocene previously assigned to Myliobatis. Phylogenetic analyses confirm Burnhamia as a sister taxon to the mobulids and the Mobulidae as a sister group to Rhinoptera. Shared dental characters between Burnhamia and Sulcidens likely represent independent origins of planktivory within the rhinopterid-myliobatid clade. The transition from highly specialized durophagous feeding morphologies to the morphology of planktivores is perplexing but was facilitated by a pelagic swimming mode in these rays and, we propose, through subsequent transition from either meiofauna-feeding or pelagic fish-feeding to pelagic planktivory.
 IVANOV, A.O. & DUFFIN, C.J. & NAUGOLNYKH, S.V. (2017): A new euselachian shark from the early Permian of the Middle Urals, Russia. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 62 (2): 289-298 New genus: Artiodus New species: Artiodus prominens Abstract: The isolated teeth of a new euselachian shark Artiodus prominens Ivanov and Duffin gen. et sp. nov. have been found in the Artinskian Stage (Early Permian) of Krasnoufimskie Klyuchiki quarry (Sverdlovsk Region, Middle Urals, Russia). The teeth of Artiodus possess a multicuspid orthodont crown with from four to nine triangular cusps; prominent labial projection terminating in a large round tubercle; distinct ornamentation from straight or recurved cristae; oval or semilunar, elongate, considerably vascularized base; dense vascular network formed of transverse horizontal, ascending, short secondary and semicircular canals. The teeth of the new taxon otherwise most closely resemble the teeth of some protacrodontid and sphenacanthid euselachians possessing a protacrodont-type crown, but differ from the teeth of all other known euselachians in the unique structure of the labial projection. The studied teeth vary in crown and base morphology, and three tooth morphotypes can be distinguished in the collection reflecting a moderate degree of linear gradient monognathic heterodonty. The range of morphologies otherwise displayed by the collection of teeth shows the greatest similarity to that described for the dentitions of relatively high-crowned hybodontids from the Mesozoic. The internal structure of the teeth, including their vascularization system is reconstructed using microtomography. The highest chondrichthyan taxonomic diversity is found in the Artinskian, especially from the localities of the Middle and South Urals.
Parasites: AMINJAN, A.R. & MASOUMEH, M. (2017): Two new species of Tetragonocephalum (Cestoda: Lecanicephalidea) from Pastinachus sephen (Myliobatiformes: Dasyatidae) from the Gulf of Oman. Folia Parasitologica, 64: 14 New species: Tetragonocephalum mackenziei, Tetragonocephalum kazemii Abstract: In the present study two new species of Tetragonocephalum Shipley et Hornell, 1905, T. mackenziei sp. n. and T. kazemii sp. n., are described from the spiral intestine of the cowtail stingray, Pastinachus sephen (Forsskål), from the northern coast of the Gulf of Oman. Tetragonocephalum mackenziei is distinguished from the 16 other valid species of Tetragonocephalum by a unique combination of characteristics, i.e. sperm-filled seminal receptacle in immature proglottids, body length (7.7-17.5 mm), body width (213-288 µm), number of proglottids (34-49), number of testes (10-14), size of scolex (228-315 µm × 213-288 µm) and size of acetabula (56-73 µm × 61-75 µm). Tetragonocephalum kazemii is morphologically distinguishable from its valid congeners and T. mackenziei based on a combination of characteristics, including body length (28.8-36.6 mm), number of proglottids (50-65), number of testes (30-42), size of scolex (388-564 µm × 326-448 µm), size of acetabula (62-86 µm × 57-90 µm) and testes (25-39 × 21-32). This brings the total number of validly described species of Tetragonocephalum to 18 and expands our knowledge of this diverse genus to now include the Gulf of Oman, as well as Arafura Sea, northern Indian Ocean and western Pacific Ocean. |
Latest Research Articles
Extant Chondrichthyes: ASHER, J. & WILLIAMS, I.D. & HARVEY, E.S. (2017): An Assessment of Mobile Predator Populations along Shallow and Mesophotic Depth Gradients in the Hawaiian Archipelago. Scientific Reports, 7: 3905 BEZERRA, N. & MACENA, B.C.L. & MENDONÇA, S.A. & BONFIL, R. & HAZIN, F.H.V. (2017): First record of the smooth hammerhead shark (Sphyrna zygaena) in Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago: range extension for the equatorial region. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 45 (2): 481 BRACCINI, M. (2017): Temporal patterns in the size of the main commercial shark species of Western Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research, 68 (6): 1112–1117 CHEN, H. & CHEN, X. & AI, W.M. & WANG, J.J. (2016): Complete mitochondrial genome and the phylogenetic position of the zebra shark (Stegostoma fasciatum). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 1 (1): 105–106 CHIERICHETTI, M.A. & SCENNA, L.B. & DI GIACOMO, E.E. & ONDARZA, P.M. & FIGUEROA, D.E. & MIGLIORANZA, K.S.B. (2017): Reproductive biology of the cockfish, Callorhinchus callorynchus (Chondrichthyes: Callorhinchidae), in coastal waters of the northern Argentinean Sea. Neotropical Ichthyology, 15 (2 CORTÉS, F. & WAESSLE, J.A. (2017): Hotspots for porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus) bycatch in the southwestern Atlantic (51°S–57°S). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 74 (7): 1100-1110 CROSSIN, G.T. & HEUPEL, M.R. & HOLBROOK, C.M. & HUSSEY, N.E. & LOWERRE-BARBIERI, S.K. & NGUYEN, V.M. & RABY, G.D. & COOKE, S.J. (2017): Acoustic telemetry and fisheries management. Ecological Applications, 27 (4): 1031–1049 CRUZ, V.P. & VERA, M. & PARDO, B.G. & TAGGART, J. & MARTINEZ, P. & OLIVEIRA, C. & FORESTI, F. (2017): Identification and validation of single nucleotide polymorphisms as tools to detect hybridization and population structure in freshwater stingrays. Molecular Ecology Resources, 17 (3): 550–556 D'ALBERTO, B.M. & CHIN, A. & SMART, J.J. & BAJE, L. & WHITE, W.T. & SIMPFENDORFER, C.A. (2017): Age, growth and maturity of oceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus longimanus) from Papua New Guinea. Marine and Freshwater Research, 68 (6): 1118–1129 DHOUAILLY, D. & GODEFROIT, P. & MARTIN, T. & NONCHEV, S. & CARAGUEL, F. & OFTEDAL, O. (2017): Getting to the root of scales, feather and hair: as deep as odontodes? Experimental Dermatology, in press DICKEN, M.L. & HUSSEY, N.E. & CHRISTIANSEN, H.M. & SMALE, M.J. & NKABI, N. & CLIFF, G. & WINTNER, S.P. (2017): Diet and trophic ecology of the tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) from South African waters. PLoS ONE, 12 (6): e0177897 DRYMON, J.M. & SCYPHERS, S.B. (2017): Attitudes and perceptions influence recreational angler support for shark conservation and fisheries sustainability. Marine Policy, 81: 153–159 DULVY, N.K. & SIMPFENDORFER, C.A. & DAVIDSON, L.N.K. & FORDHAM, S.V. & BRAUTIGAM, A. & SANT, G. & WELCH, D.J. (2017): Challenges and Priorities in Shark and Ray Conservation. Current Biology, 27 (11): R565–R572 EBERT, D.A. & DE SILVA, R.I. & GOONEWARDENA, M.L. (2017): First record of the Dwarf False Catshark, Planonasus parini (Carcharhiniformes: Pseudotriakidae) from Sri Lanka. Loris, 27 (5/6): 63-64 EBERT, D.A. & GON, O. (2017): Rhinobatos austini n. sp., a new species of guitarfish (Rhinopristiformes: Rhinobatidae) from the Southwestern Indian Ocean. Zootaxa, 4276 (2): 204–214 EHEMANN, N.R. & PÉREZ-PALAFOX, X.A. & MORA-ZAMACONA, P. & BURGOS-VÁZQUEZ, M.I. & NAVIA, A.F. & MEJÍA-FALLA, P.A. & CRUZ-ESCALONA, V.H. (2017): Size–weight relationships of batoids captured by artisanal fishery in the southern Gulf of California, Mexico. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, in press FEUTRY, P. & KYNE, P.M. & CHEN, X. (2016): The phylogenomic position of the Winghead Shark Eusphyra blochii (Carcharhiniformes, Sphyrnidae) inferred from the mitochondrial genome. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 1 (1): 386–387 FITZPATRICK, C.K. & FINNEGAN, K.A. & OSAER, F. & NARVAEZ, K. & SHIVJI, M.S. (2017): The complete mitochondrial genome of the Critically Endangered Angelshark, Squatina squatina. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 2 (1): 212–213 FROST, A.M. & JACOBSEN, I.P. & BENNETT, M.B. (2017): The diet of the coffin ray, Hypnos monopterygius (Shaw, 1795), and predation mode inferred from jaw, dentition and electric organ morphology. Marine and Freshwater Research, 68 (6): 1193–1198 GAITÁN-ESPITIA, J.D. & GÓMEZ, D. & HOBDAY, A.J. & DALEY, R. & LAMILLA, J. & CÁRDENAS, L. (2017): Spatial overlap of shark nursery areas and the salmon farming industry influences the trophic ecology of Squalus acanthias on the southern coast of Chile. Ecology and Evolution, 7 (11): 3773–3783 HACOHEN-DOMENÉ, A. & MARTÍNEZ-RINCÓN, R.O. & GALVÁN-MAGAÑA, F. & CÁRDENAS-PALOMO, N. & HERRERA-SILVEIRA, J. (2017): Environmental factors influencing aggregation of manta rays (Manta birostris) off the northeastern coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. Marine Ecology, 38 (3): e12432 HARASTI, D. & LEE, K.A. & LAIRD, R. & BRADFORD, R. & BRUCE, B. (2017): Use of stereo baited remote underwater video systems to estimate the presence and size of white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias). Marine and Freshwater Research, 68 (7): 1391-1396 HEMIDA, F. & KASSAR, A. & CAPAPÉ, C. (2016): Mediterranean occurrence of Mobula japanica (Chondrichthyes: Mobulidae) with first record from the Algerian coast. Abstract. Rapport de la Commission Internationale pour la Mer Méditerranée, 41: 326 IM, Y.-J. & JO, H.-S. & JI, H.-S. & MYOUNG, S.-H. & KIM, J.-K. (2017): Geographic variations of the mottled skate, Beringraja pulchra (Liu, 1932) (Rajidae) in the Yellow and East seas based on molecular and morphometric data. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, in press KABASAKAL, H. & KARHAN, S.U. & SAKINAN, S. (2017): Review of the distribution of large sharks in the seas of Turkey (Eastern Mediterranean). Cahiers De Biologie Marine, 58 (2): 219–228 KAI, M. & YOKOI, H. (2017): Evaluation of harvest strategies for pelagic sharks taking ecological characteristics into consideration: an example for North Pacific blue shark. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 74 (6): 933-947 KARAHAN, A. & DOUEK, J. & PAZ, G. & STERN, N. & KIDEYS, A.E. & SHAISH, L. & GOREN, M. & RINKEVICH, B. (2017): Employing DNA barcoding as taxonomy and conservation tools for fish species censuses at the southeastern Mediterranean, a hot-spot area for biological invasion. Journal for Nature Conservation, 36: 1–9 KEARNS, P.J. & BOWEN, J.L. & TLUSTY, M.F. (2017): The skin microbiome of cow-nose rays (Rhinoptera bonasus) in an aquarium touch-tank exhibit. Zoo Biology, in press KHALIL, M.T. & BOUWMEESTER, J. & BERUMEN, M.L. (2017): Spatial variation in coral reef fish and benthic communities in the central Saudi Arabian Red Sea. PeerJ, 5: e3410 KIRCHHOFF, K.N. & HAUFFE, T. & STELBRINK, B. & ALBRECHT, C. & WILKE, T. (2017): Evolutionary bottlenecks in brackish water habitats drive the colonization of fresh water by stingrays. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, in press KLEITOU, P. & ANTONIOU, C. & GIOVOS, J. & KLETOU, D. (2017): How accurately are we describing the longline bycatch? The case of the ‘rare’ shark Alopias superciliosus in eastern Mediterranean. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 5 (3): 375-378 KROETZ, A.M. & DRYMON, J.M. & POWERS, S.P. (2017): Comparative Dietary Diversity and Trophic Ecology of Two Estuarine Mesopredators. Estuaries and Coasts, 40 (4): 1171–1182 LI, W.W. & HE, S. & TIAN, S.Q. & DAI, X.J. (2016): Phylogeny analysis of complete mitochondrial DNA sequences for pelagic fishes from tuna fishery. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 1 (1): 811–814 LYON, B.J. & DWYER, R.G. & PILLANS, R.D. & CAMPBELL, H.A. & FRANKLIN, C.E. (2017): Distribution, seasonal movements and habitat utilisation of an endangered shark, Glyphis glyphis, from northern Australia. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 573: 203–213 LYONS, K. & CHABOT, C.L. & MULL, C.G. & PATERSON HOLDER, C.N. & LOWE, C.G. (2017): Who's My Daddy? Considerations for the influence of sexual selection on multiple paternity in elasmobranch mating systems. Ecology and Evolution, in press MARCUS, L. & VIRTUE. P. & NICHOLS, P.D. & MEEKAN, M.G. & PETHYBRIDGE, H. (2017): Effects of sample treatment on the analysis of stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen in zooplankton, micronekton and a filter-feeding shark. Marine Biology, 164: 124 MATICH, P. & KISZKA, J.J. & MOURIER, J. & PLANES, S. & HEITHAUS, M.R. (2017): Species co-occurrence affects the trophic interactions of two juvenile reef shark species in tropical lagoon nurseries in Moorea (French Polynesia). Marine Environmental Research, 127: 84–91 MATICH, P. & MOHAN, J.A. & PLUMLEE, J.D. & TINHAN, T. & WELLS, R.J.D. & FISHER, M. (2017): Factors shaping the co-occurrence of two juvenile shark species along the Texas Gulf Coast. Marine Biology, 164: 141 MCQUISTON, A.D. & CRAWFORD, C. & SCHOEPF, U.J. & VARGA-SZEMES, A. & CANSTEIN, C. & RENKER, M. & DE CECCO, C.N. & BAUMANN, S. & NAYLOR, G.J.P. (2017): Segmentations of the cartilaginous skeletons of chondrichthyan fishes by the use of state-of-the-art computed tomography. World Journal of Radiology, 9 (4): 191-198 MEE, J.A. & OTTO, S.P. & PAULY, D. (2017): Evolution of movement rate increases the effectiveness of marine reserves for the conservation of pelagic fishes. Evolutionary Applications, 10 (5): 444–461 MICARELLI, P. & ROMANO, C. & BUTTINO, I. & REINERO, F. & SERANGELI, C. & SPERONE, E. (2017): Phytoplanktonbloom and seasonal presence of Whale shark (Rhincodon typus) along the coast of Djibouti - Gulf of Aden. Abstract. In: Volume dei pre-print, 48' Congress of Societa' Italiana di Biologia Marina in Rome presso Centro Nazionale delle Ricerche: 178-179 MILLER, K.I. & NADHEEH, I. & JAUHAREE, A.R. & ANDERSON, R.C. & ADAM, M.S. (2017): Bycatch in the Maldivian pole-and-line tuna fishery. PLoS ONE, 12 (5): e0177391 MOORE, A. & WEIGMANN, S. (2016): Raja pita In: IUCN 2016. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T161723A90017155 MOREIRA, R.A. & GOMES, U.L. & DE CARVALHO, M.R. (2017): Clasper morphology of skates of the tribe Riorajini (Chondrichthyes: Rajiformes: Arhynchobatidae) and its systematic significance. Journal of Morphology, in press MORGAN, D.L. & SOMAWEERA, R. & GLEISS, A.C. & BEATTY, S.J. & WHITTY, J.M. (2017): An upstream migration fought with danger: freshwater sawfish fending off sharks and crocodiles. Ecology, 98 (5): 1465–1467 MURIANA, C.B. & VASCONCELOS, B.V. & LEANDRO, R.M. & MALAVASI, C.E. & AMORIM, A.F. & RICI, R.E.G. & MARIA, D.A. & MIGLINO, M.A. & FERREIRA, A.O. (2017): Morphological Study of the Eye Bulb of the Hammerhead Shark, Sphyrna lewini (Elasmobranch: Carcharhinidae). International Journal of Morphology, 35 (1): 287–292 NAIDOO, K. & CHUTURGOON, A. & CLIFF, G. & SINGH, S. & ELLIS, M. & OTWAY, N. & VOSLOO, A. & GREGORY, M. (2017): Possible maternal offloading of metals in the plasma, uterine and capsule fluid of pregnant ragged-tooth sharks (Carcharias taurus) on the east coast of South Africa. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, in press PEAT, J.R. & ORTEGA-RECALDE, O. & KARDAILSKY, O. & HORE, T.A. (2017): The elephant shark methylome reveals conservation of epigenetic regulation across jawed vertebrates. F1000Research, 6: 526 PETERSON, C.D. & GARTLAND, J. & LATOUR, R.L. (2017): Novel use of hook timers to quantify changing catchability over soak time in longline surveys. Fisheries Research, 194: 99–111 PHILLIPS, N.M. & FEARING, A. & MORGAN, D.L. (2017): Genetic bottlenecks in Pristis sawfishes in northern Australian waters. Endangered Species Research, 32: 363–372 PORCU, C. & MARONGIU, M.F. & BELLODI, A. & CANNAS, R. & CAU, A. & MELIS, R. & MULAS, A. & SOLDOVILLA, G. & VACCA, L. & FOLLESA, M.C. (2017): Morphological descriptions of the eggcases of skates (Rajidae) from the central-western Mediterranean, with notes on their distribution. Helgoland Marine Research, 71: 10 PRADEEP, H.D. & SWAPNIL, S.S. & RAMACHANDRAN, S. & PATTNAYAK, S.K. (2017): Report of the crocodile shark Pseudocarcharias kamoharai (Matsubara, 1936) from deep waters of the Andaman Sea. Marine Biodiversity, 47 (2): 535–538 PUSEY, B.J. & BURROWS, D.W. & KENNARD, M.J. & PERNA, C.N. & UNMACK, P.J. & ALLSOP, Q. & HAMMER, M.P. (2017): Freshwater fishes of northern Australia. Zootaxa, 4253(1): 1-104 ROHNER, C.A. & BURGESS, K.B. & RAMBAHINIARISON, J.M. & STEWART, J.D. & PONZO, A. & RICHARDSON, A.J. (2017): Mobulid rays feed on euphausiids in the Bohol Sea. Royal Society Open Science, 4: 161060 ROSA, D. & COELHO, R. & FERNANDEZ-CARVALHO, J. & SANTOS, M.N. (2017): Age and growth of the smooth hammerhead, Sphyrna zygaena, in the Atlantic Ocean: comparison with other hammerhead species. Marine Biology Research, 13 (3): 300–313 ROSAS-LUIS, R. & NAVARRO, J. & LOOR-ANDRADE, P. & FORERO, M.G. (2017): Feeding ecology and trophic relationships of pelagic sharks and billfishes coexisting in the central eastern Pacific Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 573: 191–201 SAJEEVAN, M.K. & SANADI, R.B. (2016): Distribution and abundance in time and space of pelagic stingray Pteroplatytrygon violacea (Bonaparte, 1832). Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 45 (12): 1709–1713 SEITZ, J.C. & HOOVER, J.J. (2017): Taxonomic resolution of sawfish rostra from two private collections. Endangered Species Research, 32: 525-532 SHEA, K.H. & TO, A.W.L. (2017): From boat to bowl: Patterns and dynamics of shark fin trade in Hong Kong - implications for monitoring and management. Marine Policy, 81: 330–339 SHIRAEV, T.P. & MARUCCI, D. & MCMULLIN, G. (2017): Threatened limb from stingray injury. Vascular, 25 (3): 326–328 SI, R.R. & CHEN, H. & AI, W.M. & CHEN, X. & CHEN, S.B. (2016): Complete mitochondrial genome and the phylogenetic position of the Bowmouth guitarfish Rhina ancylostoma (Rajiformes, Rhinobatidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 1 (1): 270–272 SI, R.R. & DING, W.Y. & YU, J.Q. & CHEN, X. & AI, W.M. (2016): Complete mitochondrial genome and the phylogenetic position of the Jenkins whipray Himantura jenkinsii (Myliobatiformes, Dasyatidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 1 (1): 297–298 SMART, J.J. & CHIN, A. & TOBIN, A.J. & WHITE, W.T. & KUMASI, B. & SIMPFENDORFER, C.A. (2017): Stochastic demographic analyses of the silvertip shark (Carcharhinus albimarginatus) and the common blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus) from the Indo-Pacific. Fisheries Research, 191: 95–107 TAGLIAFICO, A. & RANGEL, M.S. & RAGO, N. (2017): Length – length relationships of 16 Caribbean elasmobranchs. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, in press TAKAGI, W. & KAJIMURA, M. & TANAKA, H. & HASEGAWA, K. & OGAWA, S. & HYODO, S. (2017): Distributional shift of urea production site from the extraembryonic yolk sac membrane to the embryonic liver during the development of cloudy catshark (Scyliorhinus torazame). 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Parasites: no paper about parasites this month :-) |
Fossil teeth show that sharks shrank in size and changed their diet after a major extinction event 66 million years ago.
Research led by Museum palaeontologists found that sharks and other large predators were severely affected by environmental upheaval at the end of the Cretaceous Period - the same extinction that wiped out the dinosaurs.
In a paper published in PLOS ONE, the team studied the tooth shapes of modern and extinct shark species to compare sizes, diets and feeding habits.
The research was led by Museum palaeontologists Rachel Belben, Prof Richard Twitchett and Dr Zerina Johanson, as well as Dr Charlie Underwood of Birkbeck University.
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