NEWSLETTER 07/2018 09.07.2018
Pollerspöck, J. & Straube, N. 2018, Bibliography database of living/fossil sharks, rays and chimaeras (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali),, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 2018 |

BARCELOS, L.M.D. & AZEVED, J.M.N. & POLLERSPÖCK, J. & BARREIROS, J.P. (2018): Review of the records of the smalltooth sand tiger shark, Odontaspis ferox(Elasmobranchii: Lamniformes: Odontaspididae), in the Azores. Acta Ichthyologica Et Piscatoria, 48 (2): 189–194
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In recent years Azorean fishermen reported the presence of the smalltooth sand tiger shark, Odontaspis ferox (Risso, 1810), a very rare demersal shark species, associated with insular shelves and slopes, with occasional incursions into shallow waters and of poorly known biology and ecology. There are fourteen new records of this species, between 1996 and 2014, captured by spearfishing, harpoons, hand lines, or entangled in fishing gear in the Azores. These records were analysed and complemented with fishermen interviews, providing new locations and new biological data for this species. Also, specimens photographs were studied and post-mortem analysis were carefully carried out in one individual. This species is rare and captured only as bycatch in shallow waters. More detailed information on this species is critically needed in order to assess its conservation status and implement management guidelines. Bycatch statistics are crucial in this respect.
Two new poster, co-authored by Nico Straube, editor of shark-references.

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New Images
Many thanks to the following people for providing images:
 Frederik H. Mollen (Elasmobranch Research Belgium) for the images of Myliobatis aquila (LINNAEUS, 1758) (ERB 1126), female, 64,4 DW, 107,5 TL, Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey
 Bhagyalekshmi Venugopal, Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala for the image of Torpedo sinuspersici OLFERS, 1831, female, 420mm TL, 290mm DW, Thiruvananthapuram, Arabian Sea (South west coast of India)
 Sébastien Enault, Kraniata Osteology for images Prionace glauca (LINNAEUS, 1758)
 G. Case for images of Columbusia roessingi (CASE, 1987) Synechodus turneri CASE, 1987 Viperecucullus kuehnei CASE, 1996 Sclerorhynchus pettersi CASE & CAPPETTA, 1997 Chiloscyllium missouriensis CASE, 1979 Mobula melanyae (CASE, 1980) |
Missing papers:
Many thanks to all friends of shark-references, who sent us some missing papers last month!
Shark-References would kindly like to ask you for your contribution to this project.
At the moment we are looking for some of the following papers:
Extinct Chondrichthyes:
CAPPETTA, H. & PFEIL, F.H. & SCHMIDT-KITTLER, N. 2000 New biostratigraphical data on the marine Upper Cretaceous and Palaeogene of Jordan. Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 38: 81–95. MAO, Y. & MA, Q. & FENG, Q. 2013 Discovery of Fish Microremains in the Gufeng Formation at the Luojiaba Section from Jianshi, West Hubei. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 30 (2): 175–183 VARONE, G. 2015 Decouverte de dents fossiles nouvelles de Teleosteen et de Selacien [Sarpa sp. et Manta sp.], dans le Serravallien de Saint-Martin-d'Oney (Landes, Sud-Ouest Aquitain) [First record of new fossil teeth of Teleostean and Selacian Sarpa sp and Manta sp. , from the Serravallian of Saint-Martin-d'Oney (Landes, South-Western Aquitaine).] Bulletin de la Societe Linneenne de Bordeaux, 43 (4): 487–488
Extant Chondrichthyes:
SEN, S. & CHAKRABORTY, S.K. & ELAYAPERUMAL, V. & ZACHARIA, P.U. & JAISWAR, A.K. & DASH, G. & KIZHAKUDAN, S.J. & BHARADIYA, S.A. & GOHEL, J.K. 2018 Reproductive strategy of milk shark, Rhizoprionodon acutus (Ruppell 1837), along north-eastern Arabian Sea. Ichthyological Research, 65 (3): 324-333
HARA, K. & FURUMITSU, K. & YAMAGUCHI, A. 2018 Dietary habits of the polkadot skate Dipturus chinensis in the East China Sea. Ichthyological Research, 65 (3): 363-373
MOURA, T. & FIGUEIREDO, I. & BORDALO-MACHADO, P. & GORDO, L.S. 2005 Feeding habits of Chimaera monstrosa L. (Chimaeridae) in relation to its ontogenetic development on the southern Portuguese continental slope. Marine Biology Research, 1 (2): 118–126
KADRI, H. & MAROUANI, S. & BRADAI, M.N. & BOUAÏN, A. 2014 Food habits of the brown ray Raja miraletus (Chondrichthyes: Rajidae) from the Gulf of Gabès (Tunisia). Marine Biology Research, 10 (4): 426–434
ROSA, D. & COELHO, R. & FERNANDEZ-CARVALHO, J. & SANTOS, M.N. 2017 Age and growth of the smooth hammerhead, Sphyrna zygaena, in the Atlantic Ocean: comparison with other hammerhead species. Marine Biology Research, 13 (3): 300–313
KLARIAN, S.A. & CANALES-CERRO, C. & BARRIA, P. & ZARATE, P. & CONCHA, F. & HERNANDEZ, S. & HEIDEMEYER, M. & SALLABERRY-PINCHEIRA, P. & MELENDEZ, R. 2018 New insights on the trophic ecology of blue (Prionace glauca) and shortfin mako sharks (Isurus oxyrinchus) from the oceanic eastern South Pacific. Marine Biology Research, 14 (2): 173-182
Please support and send missing papers (not listed papers or papers without the info-symbol) to or

Upcoming Meetings:
Please inform us about new upcoming meetings!
 ESEB is delighted to welcome you to the Second Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology. Joint Congresses take place every six years and bring together four of the world's largest academic societies in the field of evolutionary biology: the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, the American Society of Naturalists, the Society for the Study of Evolution and the Society of Systematic Biologists. The first joint congress was in Ottawa, Canada in 2012. The current (i.e. second) will be held in Montpellier, France, on August 19-22 2018.
Save the date! 25. - 29. March 2019
The Mexican Society of Cartilaginous Fishes A.C., in coordination with the Planetarium of Playa del Carmen SAYAB, invites to participate in the First Latin American Conference of Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras, and the VIII National Symposium of Sharks and Rays.

5th International Whale Shark Conference (IWSC5) from 28-31 May 2019

From 28-31 May 2019, the town of Exmouth in the Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Area will welcome delegates to the 5th International Whale Shark Conference (IWSC5), a meeting of the world’s leading whale shark scientists, conservationists, natural resource managers and tourism managers. This is the fifth such conference to be held, following on from the successful IWSC4 held in Doha, Qatar in 2016. This meeting is timed to showcase Ningaloo’s world’s best practice whale shark management program and will follow the Ningaloo Whaleshark Festival, an annual community event that celebrates these magnificent animals. IWSC5 will bring together local scientists, researchers and postgraduate students to interact with international colleagues and collaborators to explore all aspects of whale shark biology and ecology and how this can translate to direct, on-ground conservation efforts. Delegates from around the world will be treated to four days of presentations, workshops, social functions and experiencing the world renowned Ningaloo whale shark tourism industry to forge new relationships and collaborations and debate ideas. A core focus of IWSC5 will be bringing together end users of the science being presented, such as tourism managers, marine park managers and conservation groups. This will improve the uptake and application of research and help develop collaborations between research scientists and managers and industry. For further information contact The webpage is under construction, please add to your favourites |
Extant Chondrichthyes:
no news this month!
Extinct Chondrichthyes:
 ITANO, W.M. & LAMBERT, L.L. (2018): A new cochliodont anterior tooth plate from the Mississippian of Alabama (USA) having implications for the origin of tooth plates from tooth files. Zoological Letters, 4: 12 New genus: Arcuodus New species: Arcuodus multicuspidatus Background: Paleozoic holocephalian tooth plates are rarely found articulated in their original positions. When they are found isolated, it is difficult to associate the small, anterior tooth plates with the larger, more posterior ones. Tooth plates are presumed to have evolved from fusion of tooth files. However, there is little fossil evidence for this hypothesis. Results: We report a tooth plate having nearly perfect bilateral symmetry from the Mississippian (Chesterian Stage) Bangor Limestone of Franklin County, Alabama, USA. The high degree of symmetry suggests that it may have occupied a symphyseal or parasymphyseal position. The tooth plate resembles Deltodopsis? bialveatus St. John and Worthen, 1883, but differs in having a sharp ridge with multiple cusps arranged along the occlusal surface of the presumed labiolingual axis, rather than a relatively smooth occlusal surface. The multicusped shape is suggestive of a fused tooth file. The middle to latest Chesterian (Serpukhovian) age is determined by conodonts found in the same bed. Conclusion: The new tooth plate is interpreted as an anterior tooth plate of a chondrichthyan fish. It is referred to Arcuodus multicuspidatus Itano and Lambert, gen. et sp. nov. Deltodopsis? bialveatus is also referred to Arcuodus.
BERNÁRDEZ, E. (2018): Truyolsodontos estauni n. gen., n. sp., Truyolsodontidae, a new family of lamniform sharks from the Cenomanian of northern Spain. Annales de Paléontologie, in press New family: Truyolsodontidae New genus: Truyolsodontos New species: Truyolsodontos estauni Abstract: Truyolsodontos estauni n. gen., n. sp. is described based on fossil teeth from the middle and upper Cenomanian of northern Spain. The species Protoscyliorhinus magnus Landemaine, 1991 is withdrawn from the genus Protoscyliorhinus and placed in this new one. For the new genus, the new family Truyolsodontidae is proposed.
no news this month! |
Latest Research Articles
Extant Chondrichthyes: ALFARO-CORDOVA, E. & DEL SOLAR, A. & GONZALEZ-PESTANA, A. & ACUNA-PERALES, N. & COASACA, J. & CORDOVA-ZAVALETA, F. & ALFARO-SHIGUETO, J. & MANGEL, J.C. (2018) Isotopic niches of four commercially important pelagic elasmobranch species captured by the small-scale driftnet fishery of northern Peru. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 46 (2): 482-488 AMBILY, M.N. & ZACHARIA, P.U. & NAJMUDEEN, T.M. & AMBILY, L. & SUNIL, K.T.S. & RADHAKRISHNAN , M. & KISHOR, T.G. (2018) First Record of African Angel Shark, Squatina africana (Chondricthyes: Squatinidae) in Indian Waters, Confirmed by DNA Barcoding. Journal of Ichthyology, 58 (3): 312-317 ANDRZEJACZEK, S. & GLEISS, A.C. & JORDAN, L.K.B. & PATTIARATCHI, C.B. & HOWEY, L.A. & BROOKS, E.J. & MEEKAN, M.G. (2018) Temperature and the vertical movements of oceanic whitetip sharks, Carcharhinus longimanus. Scientific Reports, 8: 8351 BAILLEUL, D. & MACKENZIE, A. & SACCHI, O. & POISSON, F. & BIERNE, N. & ARNAUD-HAOND, S. (2018) Large-scale genetic panmixia in the blue shark (Prionace glauca): A single worldwide population, or a genetic lag-time effect of the "grey zone" of differentiation? Evolutionary Applications, 11 (5): 614-630 BARCELOS, L.M.D. & AZEVED, J.M.N. & POLLERSPÖCK, J. &, BARREIROS, J.P. (2018) Review of the records of the smalltooth sand tiger shark, Odontaspis ferox (Elasmobranchii: Lamniformes: Odontaspididae), in the Azores. Acta Ichthyologica Et Piscatoria, 48 (2): 189–194 BARONE, M. & SERENA, F. & DIMECH, M. (2018) Species Photographic Plates. Mediterranean Sharks. FAO, 2018, Rome, Italy. BELLONO, N.W. & LEITCH, D.B. & JULIUS, D. (2018) Molecular tuning of electroreception in sharks and skates. Nature, 558 (7708): 122-+ BHAGYALEKSHMI, V. & BIJU KUMAR, A. (2017) Variable torpedo ray Torpedo sinuspersici Olfers, 1831 with fully developed foetus caught in shore seine operated from Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, 5: 210-212 BISCOITO, M. & RIBEIRO, C. & FREITAS, M. (2018) Annotated checklist of the fishes of the archipelago of Madeira (NE Atlantic): I—Chondrichthyes. Zootaxa, 4429 (3): 459-494 BITON-PORSMOGUER, S. (2018) Intensive exploitation of blue shark Prionace glauca and shortfin mako Isurus oxyrinchus: Analysis of the fisheries in the North-eastern Atlantic Ocean from 2001 to 2016. Revista De Biologia Marina Y Oceanografia, 53 (1): 27-38 CARLUCCI, R. & BANDELJ, V. & RICCI, P. & CAPEZZUTO, F. & SION, L. & MAIORANO, P. & TURSI, A. & SOLIDORO, C. & LIBRALATO, S. (2018) Exploring spatio-temporal changes in the demersal and benthopelagic assemblages of the north-western Ionian Sea (central Mediterranean Sea), Marine Ecology Progress Series, 598:1-19 CHAKRABORTY, K. & JOSEPH, D. (2018) Preparation and Physicochemical Attributes of Refined Liver Oil from Deep-Sea Dogfish. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society, 95 (5): 591-605 CHARVET, P. & SANTANA, F.M. & DE LIMA, K.L. & LESSA, R. (2018) Age and growth of the endemic Xingu River stingray Potamotrygon leopoldi validated using fluorescent dyes. Journal of Fish Biology, 92 (6): 1985-1999 CLUA, E. (2018) Managing bite risk for divers in the context of shark feeding ecotourism: A case study from French Polynesia (Eastern Pacific). Tourism Management, 68: 275-283 COPPING, J.P. & STEWART, B.D. & MCCLEAN, C.J. & HANCOCK, J. & REES, R. (2018) Does bathymetry drive coastal whale shark (Rhincodon typus) aggregations?. PeerJ, 6: e4904 DEVINE, B.M. & WHEELAND, L.J. &FISHER, J.A.D. (2018) First estimates of Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus) local abundances in Arctic waters. Scientific Reports, 8: 974 DILL, J.A. & CAMUS, A.C. & LEARY, J.H. & NG, T.F.F. (2018) Microscopic and Molecular Evidence of the First Elasmobranch Adomavirus, the Cause of Skin Disease in a Giant Guitarfish, Rhynchobatus djiddensis. mBio, 9 (3): e00185-18 DOMINGUES, R.R. & HILSDORF, A.W.S. & GADIG, O.B.F. (2018) The importance of considering genetic diversity in shark and ray conservation policies. Conservation Genetics, 19 (3): 501-525 DORES, R.M. & SCUBA-GRAY, M. & MCNALLY, B. & DAVIS, P. & TAKAHASHI, A. (2018) Evaluating the interactions between red stingray (Dasyatis akajei) melanocortin receptors and elephant shark (Callorhinchus milii) MRAP1 and MRAP2 following stimulation with either stingray ACTH(1-24) or stingray Des-Acetyl-αMSH: A pharmacological study in Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells. General and Comparative Endocrinology, in press ELLIS, J.R. & BURT, G.J. & GRILLI, G. & PHILLIPS, S.R.M. & CATCHPOLE, T.L. & MAXWELL, D.L. (2018) At-vessel mortality of skates (Rajidae) taken in coastal fisheries and evidence of longer-term survival. Journal of Fish Biology, 92 (6): 1702-1719 FAGANELI, J. & FALNOGA, I. & HORVAT, M. & KLUN, K. & LIPEJ, L. & MAZEJ, D. (2018) Selenium and Mercury Interactions in Apex Predators from the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic Sea). Nutrients, 10 (3): 278 GAUBE, P. & BRAUN, C.D. & LAWSON, G.L. & MCGILLICUDDY, D.J. & DELLA PENNA, A. & SKOMAL, G.B. & FISCHER, C. & THORROLD, S.R. (2018) Mesoscale eddies influence the movements of mature female white sharks in the Gulf Stream and Sargasso Sea. Scientific Reports, 8: 7363 GIGLIO, G. & MARZULLO, A. & CALIMERI, F. & CAUTERUCCIO, F. & IANNI, G. & MICARELLI, P. & ROMANO, C. & SPERONE, E. & TRIPEPI, S. & TERRACINA, G. (2018) Individual identification of sharks through dorsal fin: a new approach thanks to advances in computer science. Poster Abstract. Sharks International, João Pessoa, Brazil 2018 HARA, K. & FURUMITSU, K. & YAMAGUCHI, A. (2018) Dietary habits of the polkadot skate Dipturus chinensis in the East China Sea. Ichthyological Research, 65 (3): 363-373 HAULSEE, D.E. & BREECE, M.W. & BROWN, L.M. & WETHERBEE, B.M. & FOX, D.A. & OLIVER, M.J. (2018) Spatial ecology of Carcharias taurus in the northwestern Mid-Atlantic coastal ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 597: 191-206 HUVENEERS, C. & WATANABE, Y.Y. & PAYNE, N.L. & SEMMENS, J.M. (2018) Interacting with wildlife tourism increases activity of white sharks. Conservation Physiology, 6 (1): coy019 JAGT, J.W.M. & JAGT-YAZYKOVA, E. (2018) SHARK – the How and Why of an Exhibit. Zoophilologica. Polish Journal of Animal Studies, 3: 261-279 JAGT, J.W.M. & MEEUWSEN, E. (2017) Haaien en roggen voor het voetlicht. GEA, 2017 (4): 107-112 KOCK, A.A. & PHOTOPOULOU, T. & DURBACH, I. & MAUFF, K. & MEYER, M. & KOTZE, D. & GRIFFITHS, C.L. & O'RIAIN, M.J. (2018) Summer at the beach: spatio-temporal patterns of white shark occurrence along the inshore areas of False Bay, South Africa. Movement Ecology, 6: 7 KOEHLER, L. (2018) New records of angular rough sharks Oxynotus centrina in the coastal waters of Malta, with observations on post-capture resilience and release behaviour. Journal of Fish Biology, 92 (6): 2039-2044 LAUBENSTEIN, T.D. (2018) CSI shark edition: revealing illegal trade with DNA. Conservation Physiology, 6 (1): coy022 LI, Z.T. & TAN, C.M. & TIO, W. & ANG, J. & SUN, D.D. (2018) Manta ray gill inspired radially distributed nanofibrous membrane for efficient and continuous oil-water separation. Environmental Science-Nano, 5 (6): 1466-1472 LOPES, A.R. & SAMPAIO, E. & SANTOS, C. & COUTO, A. & PEGADO, M.R. & DINIZ, M. & MUNDAY, P.L. & RUMMER, J.L. & ROSA, R. (2018) Absence of cellular damage in tropical newly hatched sharks (Chiloscyllium plagiosum) under ocean acidification conditions. Cell Stress and Chaperones, in press LORENZALE, M. & LÓPEZ-UNZU, M.A. & RODRÍGUEZ, C. & FERNÁNDEZ, B. & DURÁN, A.C. & SANS-COMA, V. (2018) The anatomical components of the cardiac outflow tract of chondrichthyans and actinopterygians. Biological Reviews, in press MARTINS, C.L. & WALKER, T.I. & REINA, R.D. (2018) Stress-related physiological changes and post-release survival of elephant fish (Callorhinchus milii) after longlining, gillnetting, angling and handling in a controlled setting. Fisheries Research, 204: 116-124 MOREIRA, R.A. & GOMES, U.L. & DE CARVALHO, M.R. (2018) Systematic implications of the caudal fin skeletal anatomy in ground sharks, order Carcharhiniformes (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, zly038 NATANSON, L.J. & SKOMAL, G.B. & HOFFMANN, S.L. & PORTER, M.E. & GOLDMAN, K.J. & SERRA, D. (2018) Age and growth of sharks: do vertebral band pairs record age? Marine and Freshwater Research, in press PAEZ-ROSAS, D. & INSUASTI-ZARATE, P. & RIOFRIO-LAZO, M. & GALVAN-MAGANA, F. (2018) Feeding behavior and trophic interaction of three shark species in the Galapagos Marine Reserve. PeerJ, 6: e4818 PAPASTAMATIOU, Y.P. & BODEY, T.W. & FRIEDLANDER, A.M. & LOWE, C.G. & BRADLEY, D. & WENG, K. & PRIESTLEY, V. & CASELLE, J.E. (2018) Spatial separation without territoriality in shark communities. Oikos, 127 (6): 767-779 PINAULT, M. & GUIMARAES, C. & COUTHON, H. & THIBONNET, J. & FONTAINE, D. & CHANTÔME, A. & CHEVALIER, S. & BESSON, P. & JAFFRÈS, P.A. & VANDIER, C. (2018) Synthesis of Alkyl-Glycerolipids Standards for Gas Chromatography Analysis: Application for Chimera and Shark Liver Oils. Marine Drugs, 16 (4): 101 QUAECK-DAVIES, K. & BENDALL, V.A. & MACKENZIE, K.M. & HETHERINGTON, S. & NEWTON, J. & TRUEMAN, C.N. (2018) Teleost and elasmobranch eye lenses as a target for life-history stable isotope analyses. PeerJ, 6: e4883 QUIGLEY, D.T.G. & DE CARLOS, A. & BARROS-GARCIA, D. & MACGABHANN, D. (2018) Albinism and leucism in Blonde Rays (Raja brachyura Lafont, 1871) (Elasmobranchii: Batoidea) from the Irish Sea. Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists, 38 (2): 79-88 RASTGOO, A.R. & NAVARRO, J. & VALINASSAB, T. (2018) Comparative diets of sympatric batoid elasmobranchs in the Gulf of Oman. Aquatic Biology, 27: 35-41 REYES-RAMIREZ, H. & ALVAREZ-PLIEGO, N. & SANCHEZ, A.J. & ESPINOSA-PEREZ, H. & FLORIDO, R. & SALCEDO, M.A. (2018) Limnetic records of Hypanus sabinus (Myliobatiformes: Dasyatidae) in the Grijalva river basin, southern Gulf of Mexico. Revista De Biologia Marina Y Oceanografia, 53 (1): 141-145 SANTOS, C.C. & COELHO, R. (2018) Migrations and habitat use of the smooth hammerhead shark (Sphyrna zygaena) in the Atlantic Ocean. PLoS ONE, 13 (6): e0198664 SARMIENTO-CAMACHO, S. & VALDEZ-MORENO, M. (2018) DNA barcode identification of commercial fish sold in Mexican markets. Genome, 61 (6): 457-466 SEN, S. & CHAKRABORTY, S.K. & ELAYAPERUMAL, V. & ZACHARIA, P.U. & JAISWAR, A.K. & DASH, G. & KIZHAKUDAN, S.J. & BHARADIYA, S.A. & GOHEL, J.K. (2018) Reproductive strategy of milk shark, Rhizoprionodon acutus (Ruppell 1837), along north-eastern Arabian Sea. Ichthyological Research, 65 (3): 324-333 SHIPLEY, O.N. & BROWNSCOMBE, J.W. & DANYLCHUK, A.J. & COOKE, S.J. & O'SHEA, O.R. & BROOKS, E.J. (2018) Fine-scale movement and activity patterns of Caribbean reef sharks (Carcharhinus perezi) in the Bahamas. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 101 (7): 1097-1104 SILVA, A.S. & GROZ, M.P. & LEANDRO, P. & ASSIS, C.A. & FIGUEIRA, R. (2018) Ichthyological collection of the Museu Oceanografico D. Carlos I. Zookeys (752): 137-148 SOUSA, I. & GONCALVES, J.M.S. & CLAUDET, J. & COELHO, R. & GONCALVES, E.J. & ERZINI, K. (2018) Soft-bottom fishes and spatial protection: findings from a temperate marine protected area. PeerJ, 6: e4653 STEWART, J.D. & NUTTALL, M. & HICKERSON, E.L. & JOHNSTON, M.A. (2018) Important juvenile manta ray habitat at Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Marine Biology, 165 (7): 111 SUN, H.Y. & CAO, X.H. & JIANG, Y.F. & NI, L.Y. & MO, Z.Q. & QIN, Q.W. & LI, Y.W. & DAN, X.M. (2018) Outbreak of a novel disease associated with Citrobacter freundii infection in freshwater cultured stingray, Potamotrygon motoro. Aquaculture, 492): 35-39 VIERUS, T. & GEHRIG, S. & BRUNNSCHWEILER, J.M. & GLAUS, K. & ZIMMER, M. & MARIE, A.D. & RICO, C. (2018) Discovery of a multispecies shark aggregation and parturition area in the Ba Estuary, Fiji Islands. Ecology and Evolution, in press WOSNICK, N. & RANGEL, B.S. & AFONSO, A.S. & BORNATOWSKI, H. & HAZIN, F.H.V. & MOREIRA, R.G. & FREIRE, C.A. (2018) Hormones and migration in tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier): can they be related? Aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology, 24 (1): 9-14 WU, J. & XU, G.Q. & JIN, Y.Y. & SUN, C. & ZHOU, L. & LIN, G.D. & XU, R. & WEI, L. & FEI, H. & WANG, D. & CHEN, J.Q. & LV, Z.B. & LIU, K.C. (2018) Isolation and characterization of Bacillus sp GFP-2, a novel Bacillus strain with antimicrobial activities, from Whitespotted bamboo shark intestine. AMB Express, 8: 84 ZHANG, X. & XIA, K. & LIN, L. & ZHANG, F.M. & YU, Y.L. & ST ANGE, K. & HAN, X.R. & EDSINGER, E. & SOHN, J. & LINHARDT, R.J. (2018) Structural and Functional Components of the Skate Sensory Organ Ampullae of Lorenzini. ACS Chemical Biology, 13 (6): 1677-1685 ZIEGLER, J.A. & SILBERG, J.N. & ARAUJO, G. & LABAJA, J. & PONZO, A. & ROLLINS, R. & DEARDEN, P. (2018) A guilty pleasure: Tourist perspectives on the ethics of feeding whale sharks in Oslob, Philippines. Tourism Management, 68: 264-274
Extinct Chondrichthyes: BERNÁRDEZ, E. (2018) Truyolsodontos estauni n. gen., n. sp., Truyolsodontidae, a new family of lamniform sharks from the Cenomanian of northern Spain. Annales de Paléontologie, in press ITANO, W.M. & LAMBERT, L.L. (2018) A new cochliodont anterior tooth plate from the Mississippian of Alabama (USA) having implications for the origin of tooth plates from tooth files. Zoological Letters, 4: 12 RAZAK, H. & KOCSIS, L. (2018) Late Miocene Otodus (Megaselachus) megalodon from Brunei Darussalam: Body length estimation and habitat reconstruction. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen, 288 (3): 299-306 ŠOSTER, A. & PAVŠIÄŒ, J. & MIKUŽ, V. (2018) Ostanek morskega psa iz spodnjeoligocenskih plasti Poljšice [The shark remain from the Early Oligocene beds of Poljšica, Slovenia] Folia Biologica et Geologica, 59 (1): 83–88
Parasites: FRANZESE, S. & IVANOV, V.A. (2018) Hyperapolytic species of Acanthobothrium (Cestoda: Onchoproteocephalidea) from batoids off Argentina. Parasitology International, 67 (4): 431-443 |
Secret to whale shark hotspots
- Date: June 8, 2018
- Source: University of York
- Summary: A study has uncovered the secret to why endangered whale sharks gather on mass at just a handful of locations around the world.
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World's first known manta ray nursery
- Date: June 19, 2018
- Source: University of California - San Diego
- Summary: Located in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Texas at NOAA's Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, the juvenile manta ray habitat is the first of its kind to be described in a scientific study.
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Great white sharks dive deep into warm-water whirlpools in the Atlantic
- Date: June 18, 2018
- Source: University of Washington
- Summary: Tracking data from two great white sharks reveals that they spend more time deep inside warm-water eddies, suggesting that's where they like to feed.
Full story