NEWSLETTER 11/2018 12.11.2018
Pollerspöck, J. & Straube, N. 2018, Bibliography database of living/fossil sharks, rays and chimaeras (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali),, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 2018 |
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New Images
Many thanks to the following people for providing images:
 Frederik H. Mollen (Elasmobranch Research Belgium) for the images of Potamotrygon schroederi FERNÁNDEZ-YÉPEZ, 1958 (ERB 0980), male, 24,5 cm DW, 44,1 cm TL, Colombia)
 Arthur de Lima and Thiago Loboda, University of Sao Paulo, India for a image of Isogomphodon oxyrhynchus (MÜLLER & HENLE, 1839), (Immature female, 14/07/1983, MZUSP 37289, São Luis, Maranhão)
 Jaime Penadés-Suay, Associació LAMNA (, facebook Associació LAMNA, València (Spain) for images of Torpedo torpedo(LINNAEUS,1758) and Raja radula DELAROCHE, 1809 |
Missing papers:
Many thanks to all friends of shark-references, who sent us some missing papers last month!
Shark-References would kindly like to ask you for your contribution to this project.
At the moment we are looking for some of the following papers:
Extinct Chondrichthyes:
CAPPETTA, H. & PFEIL, F.H. & SCHMIDT-KITTLER, N. (2000) New biostratigraphical data on the marine Upper Cretaceous and Palaeogene of Jordan. Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 38: 81–95. MAO, Y. & MA, Q. & FENG, Q. (2013) Discovery of Fish Microremains in the Gufeng Formation at the Luojiaba Section from Jianshi, West Hubei. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 30 (2): 175–183 MENDIOLA, C. (1996) Rhincodon ferriolensis n. sp. (Neoselachii, Orectolobiformes, Rhincodontidae) del Burdigaliense superior de Elche (Sureste de España). Revista de la Societat Paleontológica d'Elx, 2: 1–6, 2 fig., 1 pl.
MENDIOLA, C. (1999) Myliobatoideos nuevos (Neoselachii, Batomorphii) del Thanesiense ? de oued Zem (Cuenca de los Ouled Abdoun, Marruecos). Revista de la Societat Paleontológica d'Elx, 6: 1–42, 10 fig., pl. 1–12
MENDIOLA, C. & MARTINEZ, J. (2003) La ictiofauna fósil (Chondrichthyes, Euselachii) del Mesozoico y Cenozoico de España. Revista de la Societat Paleontológica d'Elx, 9: 1–103
MENDIOLA, C. (2004) Primera cita española del género Ptychodus AGASSIZ 1839 (Chondrichthyes, Euselachii). Revista de la Societat Paleontológica d'Elx, 13: 1–14
MENDIOLA, C. & LÓPEZ, A. (2005) La ictiofauna fósil (Chondrichthyes, Euselachii) del Serravalliense de Alicante (Sureste de España). Revista de la Societat Paleontológica d'Elx, 14: 1–51
Extant Chondrichthyes:
Please support and send missing papers (not listed papers or papers without the info-symbol) to or

Upcoming Meetings:
Save the date! 25. - 29. March 2019
The Mexican Society of Cartilaginous Fishes A.C., in coordination with the Planetarium of Playa del Carmen SAYAB, invites to participate in the First Latin American Conference of Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras, and the VIII National Symposium of Sharks and Rays.

5th International Whale Shark Conference (IWSC5) from 28-31 May 2019

From 28-31 May 2019, the town of Exmouth in the Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Area will welcome delegates to the 5th International Whale Shark Conference (IWSC5), a meeting of the world’s leading whale shark scientists, conservationists, natural resource managers and tourism managers. This is the fifth such conference to be held, following on from the successful IWSC4 held in Doha, Qatar in 2016. This meeting is timed to showcase Ningaloo’s world’s best practice whale shark management program and will follow the Ningaloo Whaleshark Festival, an annual community event that celebrates these magnificent animals. IWSC5 will bring together local scientists, researchers and postgraduate students to interact with international colleagues and collaborators to explore all aspects of whale shark biology and ecology and how this can translate to direct, on-ground conservation efforts. Delegates from around the world will be treated to four days of presentations, workshops, social functions and experiencing the world renowned Ningaloo whale shark tourism industry to forge new relationships and collaborations and debate ideas. A core focus of IWSC5 will be bringing together end users of the science being presented, such as tourism managers, marine park managers and conservation groups. This will improve the uptake and application of research and help develop collaborations between research scientists and managers and industry. For further information contact The webpage is under construction, please add to your favourites |
Extant Chondrichthyes:
 EBERT, D.A. & VAN HEES, K.E. (2018): Etmopterus marshae sp. nov, a new lanternshark (Squaliformes: Etmopteridae) from the Philippine Islands, with a revised key to the Etmopterus lucifer clade. Zootaxa, 4508 (2): 197–210 New species: Etmopterus marshae Abstract: A new species of lanternshark, Etmopterus marshae (Squaliformes: Etmopteridae), is described from the Philippine Islands, western North Pacific Ocean. The new species occurs along insular slopes at a depth range of 322–337 m. The new species resembles other members of the “Etmopterus lucifer” clade in having linear rows of dermal denticles, and most closely resembles E. burgessi from Taiwan and E. evansi and E. pycnolepis from the South Pacific. It can be distinguished from all other members of the E.lucifer clade by a combination of characteristics, including length of anterior and posterior flank branches being of relatively equal length, straight vs. curved anterior flank marking, relative lengths of caudal markings, coloration, and relatively small size. A revised key to the revised key to the Etmopterus lucifer clade is provided.
Extinct Chondrichthyes:
 FEICHTINGER, I. & ENGELBRECHT, A. & LUKENEDER, A. & KRIWET, J. (2018): New chondrichthyans characterised by cladodont-like tooth morphologies from the Early Cretaceous of Austria, with remarks on the microstructural diversity of enameloid. Historical Biology, in press New genus: Cretacladoides, Natarapax New species: Cretacladoides ogiveformis, Cretacladoides noricum, Natarapax trivortex Abstract: Cladodontomorphii represents an archaic clade of chondrichthyan fishes characterised by distinct tooth morphologies referred to as the cladodont type. This group of cartilaginous fishes first occurred during the early Palaeozoic Era as revealed from the fossil record and were long thought to have gone extinct at the Permian-Triassic mass extinction event. However, a recently reported chondrichthyan tooth assemblage from the Early Cretaceous of France suggests that cladodontomorphs might have survived the catastrophic events at the Permian-Triassic boundary, probably by occupying deep-sea refuge environments. Here, we describe two new chondrichthyan genera based on isolated teeth recovered from Valanginian (Early Cretaceous) deep-water deposits of Austria, including a total of three new species tentatively assigned to the cladodontomorph families Falcatidae (Cretacladoides ogiveformis gen. et sp. nov. and C. noricum sp. nov.) and Ctenacanthidae (Natarapax trivortex gen. et sp. nov.). In addition, an enameloid microstructure analysis had led to the identification of a distinct multilayered enameloid including a parallel-, tangled-, and radial-bundled enameloid, whose phylogenetic distribution within Chondrichthyes is here discussed in detail, leading to the conclusion that the herein described cladodont-like taxa, together with those reported from the French Early Cretaceous might be closely related to ancient Palaeozoic taxa. The ZooBank electronic publication LSID is:
Parasites: CUTMORE, S.C. & CRIBB, T.H. & YONG, R.Q.Y. (2018): Aporocotylids from batoid and elopomorph fishes from Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia, including a new genus and species of blood fluke infecting the Giant shovelnose ray, Glaucostegus typus(Rhinopristiformes: Glaucostegidae). Parasitology International, 67 (6): 768-775 New genus: Ogawaia New species: Ogawaia glaucostegi Abstract: Fishes of the elasmobranch superorder Batoidea and the basal teleost superorder Elopomorpha were assessed for blood flukes (Digenea: Aporocotylidae) during a parasitological survey conducted in Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. A new blood fluke genus and species, Ogawaia glaucostegi n. gen., n. sp., is described from the Giant shovelnose ray, Glaucostegus typus (Anonymous [Bennett]) (Rhinopristiformes: Glaucostegidae). Ogawaia glaucostegi differs from species of all other aporocotylid genera in the combination of the absence of anterior caeca and oral sucker, having a pronounced distal oesophageal chamber, a strongly coiled testis and a common genital pore. The new species most closely resembles Myliobaticola richardheardi Bullard & Jensen, 2008, from which it differs in lacking an oral sucker and in possessing a straight (rather than coiled) oesophagus, longer caeca in proportion to the oesophageal and total body length, and a much longer testis relative to body length. Ogawaia glaucostegi is just the eighth aporocotylid described from chondrichthyans, of which four belong to monotypic genera. This is the first description of a blood fluke from the order Rhinopristiformes, and the first of a chondrichthyan-infecting aporocotylid from Australian waters. Elopicola bristowi Orelis-Ribeiro & Bullard, 2017 is reported from Australia for the first time, from the type-host, Elops hawaiensis Regan (Elopiformes: Elopidae). This species is identified by morphological and molecular data and distinctions between our specimens and those of the original description are discussed. CANTATORE, D.M.P. & IRIGOITIA, M.M. & HOLZER, A.S. & BARTOSOVA-SOJKOVA, P. & PECKOVA, H. & FIALA, I. & TIMI, J.T. (2018): The description of two new species of Chloromyxum from skates in the Argentine Sea reveals that a limited geographic host distribution causes phylogenetic lineage separation of myxozoans in Chondrichthyes. Parasite, 25: 47 New species: Chloromyxum atlantoraji, Chloromyxum zearaji Abstract: During a survey on the myxosporean fauna of Rajiformes from the Atlantic coast of Argentina, in waters off Buenos Aires Province (34–42S; 53–62W), the gall bladders of 217 specimens belonging to seven species of skates, representatives of two families, were examined. As a result, three species of Chloromyxum Mingazzini, 1890, namely C. atlantoraji n. sp., C. zearaji n. sp. and C. riorajum Azevedo, Casal, Garcia, Matos, Teles-Grilo and Matos, 2009 were found infecting three endemic host species, the spotback skate Atlantoraja castelnaui (Arhynchobatidae), the yellownose skate Zearaja chilensis (Rajidae) and the Rio skate Rioraja agassizii (Arhynchobatidae), respectively. These species were described based on myxospore morphology and morphometry characterization, as well as by providing their small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) sequences. The SSU rDNA-based phylogenetic analyses showed that these three species constituted a well-established monophyletic subclade within the marine Chloromyxumclade, while branches subtending the other Chloromyxum species were poorly resolved or unresolved, independently of the host taxonomic identities (Carchariniformes, Myliobatiformes, Orectolobiformes, Pristiophoriformes, Rajiformes, Squaliformes and Torpediniformes) and/or host geographic distribution (Atlantic coast of Portugal, Atlantic coast of the USA, Australian waters or Mediterranean Sea). The possible causes of these discrepancies are discussed, providing new insights into the phylogeny of the marine Chloromyxum clade. DEDRICK, E.A. & REYDA, F.B. & IWANYCKYJ, E.K. & RUHNKE, T.R. (2018): Two new species of Stillabothrium (Cestoda: Rhinebothriidea) from stingrays of the genus Fontitrygon from Senegal. Folia Parasitologica, 65: 014 New species: Stillabothrium allisonae, Stillabothrium charlotteae Abstract: Morphological and molecular analyses of cestode specimens collected during survey work of batoid elasmobranchs and their parasites in Senegal revealed two new species of the rhinebothriidean cestode genus Stillabothrium Healy et Reyda 2016. Stillabothrium allisonae Dedrick et Reyda sp. n. and Stillabothrium charlotteae Iwanyckyj, Dedrick et Reyda sp. n. are both described from Fontitrygon margaritella (Compagno et Roberts) and Fontitrygon margarita (Günther). Both new cestode species overlap in geographic distribution, host use and proglottid morphology, but are distinguished from each other, and from the other seven described species of Stillabothrium, on the basis of their pattern of bothridial loculi. Phylogenetic analyses based on sequence data for 1,084 bp from the D1–D3 region of 28S rDNA that included multiple specimens of both new species and eight other species of Stillabothrium corroborated the morphologically-determined species boundaries. The phylogenetic analyses indicate that S. allisonae sp. n. and S. charlotteae sp. n. are sister species, a noteworthy pattern given that the two species of the stingray genus Fontitrygon they both parasitise, F. margaritella and F. margarita, are also sister species. Although species of Stillabothrium vary widely in their patterns of facial loculi, the variation does not appear to correlate with phylogeny. Most species of Stillabothrium parasitise myliobatiform elasmobranch genera of the Dasyatidae Jordan. This study brings the number of described species of Stillabothrium to nine, three of which occur in the eastern Atlantic, two of which occur off the northern coast of Australia, and four of which are from coastal Borneo. |
Latest Research Articles
Extant Chondrichthyes: ACHARYA-PATEL, N. & DECK, C.A. & MILSOM, W.K. (2018) Cardiorespiratory interactions in the Pacific spiny dogfish, Squalus suckleyi. Journal of Experimental Biology, 221 (17): UNSP jeb183830 ANDRADE, M.C.D. & MOYA, A.C. & WEHITT, A. & DI GIACONNO, E.E. & GALINDEZ, E.J. (2018) Observations of follicle cell processes in a holocephalan. Journal of Fish Biology, 93 (2): 424-427 ANDREOTTI, S. & HOLTZHAUSEN, P. & RUTZEN, M. & MEYER, M. & VAN DER WALT, S. & HERBST, B. & MATTHEE, C.A. (2018) Semi-automated software for dorsal fin photographic identification of marine species: application to Carcharodon carcharias. Marine Biodiversity, 48 (3): 1655-1660 ANKHELYI, M.V. & WAINWRIGHT, D.K. & LAUDER, G.V. (2018) Diversity of dermal denticle structure in sharks: Skin surface roughness and three-dimensional morphology. Journal of Morphology, 279 (8): 1132-1154 BARRÍA, C. & NAVARRO, J. & COLL, M. (2018) Feeding habits of four sympatric sharks in two deep-water fishery areas of the western Mediterranean Sea. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, in press BENJAMINS, S. & FOX, C.J. & LAST, K. & MCCARTY, C.E. (2018) Individual identification of flapper skate Dipturus intermedius using a baited camera lander. Endangered Species Research, 37: 37-44 BENSON, J.F. & JORGENSEN, S.J. & O'SULLIVAN, J.B. & WINKLER, C. & WHITE, C.F. & GARCIA-RODRIGUEZ, E. & SOSA-NISHIZAKI, O. & LOWE, C.G. (2018) Juvenile survival, competing risks, and spatial variation in mortality risk of a marine apex predator. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55 (6): 2888-2897 BONFIL, R. & RICANO-SORIANO, M. & MENDOZA-VARGAS, O.U. & MENDEZ-LOEZA, I. & PEREZ-JIMENEZ, J.C. & BOLANO-MARTINEZ, N. & PALACIOS-BARRETO, P. (2018) Tapping into local ecological knowledge to assess the former importance and current status of sawfishes in Mexico. Endangered Species Research, 36: 213-228 BRADLEY, D. & MAYORGA, J. & MCCAULEY, D.J. & CABRAL, R.B. & DOUGLAS, P. & GAINES, S.D. (2018) Leveraging satellite technology to create true shark sanctuaries. Conservation Letters, e12610 BROADHURST, M.K. & LAGLBAUER, B.J.L. & BURGESS, K.B. & COLEMAN, M.A. (2018) Reproductive biology and range extension for Mobula kuhlii cf. eregoodootenkee. Endangered Species Research, 35: 71-80 DE LA LAMA, R.L. & DE LA PUENTE, S. & RIVEROS, J.C. (2018) Attitudes and misconceptions towards sharks and shark meat consumption along the Peruvian coast. Plos One, 13 (8): e0202971 DI CRESCENZO, S. & MICARELLI, P. & SCACCO, U. (2018) Application of laser photogrammetry on C. carcharias in natural environment. Abstract. Poster. European Elasmobranch Association Scientific Conference, 12 – 14 October 2018, Peniche – Portugal, Escola Superior de Turismo e Tecnologia do Mar EBERT, D.A. & VAN HEES, K.E. (2018) Etmopterus marshae sp. nov, a new lanternshark (Squaliformes: Etmopteridae) from the Philippine Islands, with a revised key to the Etmopterus lucifer clade. Zootaxa, 4508 (2): 197–210 FRICKE, R. & MAHAFINA, J. & BEHIVOKE, F. & JAONALISON, H. & LÉOPOLD, M. & PONTON, D. (2018) Annotated checklist of the fishes of Madagascar, southwestern Indian Ocean, with 158 new records. FishTaxa, 3 (1): 1-432 GALLAGHER, A.J. & HUVENEERS, C.P.M. (2018) Emerging challenges to shark-diving tourism. Marine Policy, 96: 9-12 GERVAIS, C.R. & NAY, T.J. & RENSHAW, G. & JOHANSEN, J.L. & STEFFENSEN, J.F. & RUMMER, J.L. (2018) Too hot to handle? Using movement to alleviate effects of elevated temperatures in a benthic elasmobranch, Hemiscyllium ocellatum. Marine Biology, 165 (11): 162 GONZALEZ-ACOSTA, A.F. & RODILES-HERNANDEZ, R. & GONZALEZ-DIAZ, A.A. (2018) Checklist of the marine and estuarine fishes of Chiapas, Mexico. Marine Biodiversity, 48 (3): 1439-1454 GREEN, M.E. & D'ANASTASI, B.R. & HOBBS, J.P.A. & FELDHEIM, K. & MCAULEY, R. & PEVERELL, S. & STAPLEY, J. & JOHNSON, G. & APPLEYARD, S.A. & WHITE, W.T. & SIMPFENDORFER, C.A. & VAN HERWERDEN, L. (2018) Mixed-marker approach suggests maternal philopatry and sex-biased behaviours of narrow sawfish Anoxypristis cuspidata. Endangered Species Research, 37: 45-54 HADDAD, V. (2018) Injuries caused by fish in a community of Pantanal fishermen: detection, treatment, and prevention of envenomations and trauma. Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Medicina Tropical, 51 (5): 700-704 HALL, K.C. & HUNDT, P.J. & SWENSON, J.D. & SUMMERS, A.P. & CROW, K.D. (2018) The evolution of underwater flight: The redistribution of pectoral fin rays, in manta rays and their relatives (Myliobatidae). Journal of Morphology, 279 (8): 1155-1170 HARA, Y. & YAMAGUCHI, K. & ONIMARU , K. & KADOTA, M. & KOYANAGI, M. & KEELEY, S.D. & TATSUMI, K. & TANAKA, K. & MOTONE, F. & KAGEYAMA, Y. & NOZU, R. & ADACHI, N. & NISHIMURA, O. & NAKAGAWA, R. & TANEGASHIMA, C. & KIYATAKE, I. & MATSUMOTO, R. & MURAKUMO, K. & NISHIDA, K. & TERAKITA, A. & KURATANI, S. & SATO, K. & HYODO, S. & KURAKU, S. (2018) Shark genomes provide insights into elasmobranch evolution and the origin of vertebrates. Nature Ecology & Evolution: 10.1038/s41559-018-0673-5 HULL, K.L. & MADUNA, S.N. & BESTER-VAN DER MERWE, A.E. (2018) Characterization of the complete mitochondrial genome of the common smoothhouad shark, Mustelus mustelus (Carcharhiniformes: Triakidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources, 3 (2): 964-965 JABADO, R.W. & AL HAMELI, S.M. & GRANDCOURT, E.M. & AL DHAHERI, S.S. (2018) Low abundance of sharks and rays in baited remote underwater video surveys in the Arabian Gulf. Scientific Reports, 8: 15597 JOHNSTON, E.M. & HALSEY, L.G. & PAYNE, N.L. & KOCK, A.A. & IOSILEVSKII, G. & WHELAN, B. & HOUGHTON, J.D.R. (2018) Latent power of basking sharks revealed by exceptional breaching events. Biology Letters, 14 (9): 20180537 KYNE, P.M. & WANG, J.J. & XIANG, D. & CHEN, X. & FEUTRY, P. (2018) The phylogenomic position of the Critically Endangered Largetooth Sawfish Pristis pristis (Rhinopristiformes, Pristidae), inferred from the complete mitochondrial genome. Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources, 3 (2): 972-973 LEAR, K.O. & GLEISS, A.C. & WHITNEY, N.M. (2018) Metabolic rates and the energetic cost of external tag attachment in juvenile blacktip sharks Carcharhinus limbatus. Journal of Fish Biology, 93 (2): 391-395 LEMAHIEU, A. & BLAISON, A. & CROCHELET, E. & BERTRAND, G. & PENNOBER, G. & SORIA, M. (2018) Corrigendum to "Human-shark interactions: The case study of Reunion island in the south-west Indian Ocean (vol 136C, pg 73, 2016)". Ocean & Coastal Management, 163: 537-537 LINLEY, T.D. & CRAIG, J. & JAMIESON, A.J. & PRIEDE, I.G. (2018) Bathyal and abyssal demersal bait-attending fauna of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Marine Biology, 165 (10): 159 LOPEZ-MARTINEZ, J. & PORCHAS-QUIJADA, M. & ALVAREZ-TELLO, F.J. & PORCHAS-CORNEJO, M.A. (2018) Association of the whale shark Rhincodon typus with the cannonball jellyfish Stomolophus meleagris. Journal of Fish Biology, 93 (2): 401-404 MARINO, I.A.M. & FINOTTO, L. & COLLOCA, F. & DI LORENZO, M. & GRISTINA, M. & FARRELL, E.D. & ZANE, L. & MAZZOLDI, C. (2018) Resolving the ambiguities in the identification of two smooth-hound sharks (Mustelus mustelus and Mustelus punctulatus) using genetics and morphology. Marine Biodiversity, 48 (3): 1551-1562 MOHAN, J.A. & MILLER, N.R. & HERZKA, S.Z. & SOSA-NISHIZAKI, O. & KOHIN, S. & DEWAR, H. & KINNEY, M. & SNODGRASS, O. & WELLS, R.J.D. (2018) Elements of time and place: manganese and barium in shark vertebrae reflect age and upwelling histories. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 285 (1890): 20181760 ONIMARU, K. & TATSUMI, K. & SHIBAGAKI, K. & KURAKU, S. (2018) Data Descriptor: A de novo transcriptome assembly of the zebra bullhead shark, Heterodontus zebra. Scientific Data, 5: 180197 ORTEGA-CISNEROS, K. & YOKWANA, S. & SAUER, W. & COCHRANE, K. & COCKCROFT, A. & JAMES, N.C. & POTTS, W.M. & SINGH, L. & SMALE, M. & WOOD, A. & PECL, G. (2018) Assessment of the likely sensitivity to climate change for the key marine species in the southern Benguela system. African Journal of Marine Science, 40 (3): 279-292 RAMIREZ-AMARO, S. & ORDINES, F. & PICORNELL, A. & CASTRO, J.A. & RAMON, C. & MASSUTI, E. & TERRASA, B. (2018) The evolutionary history of Mediterranean Batoidea (Chondrichthyes: Neoselachii). Zoologica Scripta, 47 (6): 686-698 REINERO, F.R. & SPERONE, E. & MICARELLI, P. & GIGLIO, G. & MARCHIO, C. & TRIPEPI, S. & RIJLLO, G. & BECERRIL-GARCIA, E.E. & BARCA, D. (2018) Trace Elements Concentration in Vertebrae of Lesser Spotted Dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula) from Central Mediterranean Sea (Italy). Abstract. European Elasmobranch Association Scientific Conference, 12 – 14 October 2018, Peniche – Portugal, Escola Superior de Turismo e Tecnologia do Mar RIJLLO, G. & MICARELLI, P. & LEPORATI, L. & GIGLIO, G. & ROMANO, C. & TRIPEPI, S. & GRAZIADIO, L. & REINERO, F.R. & CAROTENUTO, A. & SPERONE, E. (2018) Surface Behaviour of Bait Attracted White Sharks and Influence of Biological and Environmental Factors. Abstract. European Elasmobranch Association Scientific Conference, 12 – 14 October 2018, Peniche – Portugal, Escola Superior de Turismo e Tecnologia do Mar SACHETT, J.D.G. & SAMPAIO, V.S. & SILVA, I.M. & SHIBUYA, A. & VALE, F.F. & COSTA, F.P. & PARDAL, P.P.D. & LACERDA, M.V.G. & MONTEIRO, W.M. (2018) Delayed healthcare and secondary infections following freshwater stingray injuries: risk factors for a poorly understood health issue in the Amazon. Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Medicina Tropical, 51 (5): 651-659 SHADWICK, R.E. & BERNAL, D. & BUSHNELL, P.G. & STEFFENSEN, J.F. (2018) Blood pressure in the Greenland shark as estimated from ventral aortic elasticity. Journal of Experimental Biology, 221 (19): UNSP jeb186957 SIDABALOK, C.M. & BRUCE, N.L. (2018) Review of the Cirolana 'pleonastica-group' (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae) with description of four new species from the Indo-Malaysian region. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 66: 177-207 SPERONE, E. & MICARELLI, P. & GIGLIO, G. & ROMANO, C. & TRIPEPI, S. & MARI, O. & GALLO, S. & PASCOLO, G. & ZICARELLI, G. & BARBA, C. & BOLINESI, F. & MANGONI, O. (2018) Feeding Behaviour of Whale Shark at Nosy Be (Madagascar): Correlation with Phytoplancton Assemblages. Abstract. European Elasmobranch Association Scientific Conference, 12 – 14 October 2018, Peniche – Portugal, Escola Superior de Turismo e Tecnologia do Mar SPROGIS, K.R. & KING, C. & BEJDER, L. & LONERAGAN, N.R. (2018) Frequency and temporal trends of shark predation attempts on bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) in temperate Australian waters. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 508: 35-43 STEVENS, G.M.W. & HAWKINS, J.P. & ROBERTS, C.M. (2018) Courtship and mating behaviour of manta rays Mobula alfredi and M-birostris in the Maldives. Journal of Fish Biology, 93 (2): 344-359 TAKATSUKA, V. & COSTA, D.G.C. & OLIVEIRA, N.Y. & SANCHES, E.G. & AZEVEDO, V.G. (2018) Use of eugenol for anesthesia of lesser guitarfish Zapteryx brevirostris (Rhinobatidae). Brazilian Journal of Biology, in press TANEGASHIMA, C. & NISHIMURA, O. & MOTONE, F. & TATSUMI, K. & KADOTA, M. & KURAKU, S. (2018) Embryonic transcriptome sequencing of the ocellate spot skate Okamejei kenojei. Scientific Data, 5: 180200 VAN STADEN, M. & GLEDHILL, K.S. & RHODE, C. & BESTER-VAN DER MERWE, A.E. (2018) The complete mitochondrial genome and phylogenetic position of the leopard catshark, Poroderma pantherinum. Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources, 3 (2): 750-752 WARD-PAIGE, C.A. & WESTELL, A. & SING, B. (2018) Using eOceans diver data to describe contemporary patterns of marine animal populations: A case study of sharks in Thailand. Ocean & Coastal Management, 163: 1-10 WERRY, J.M. & SUMPTON, W. & OTWAY, N.M. & LEE, S.Y. & HAIG, J.A. & MAYER, D.G. (2018) Rainfall and sea surface temperature: key drivers for occurrence of bull shark, Carcharhinus leucas, in beach areas. 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Parasites: BAKENHASTER, M.D. & BULLARD, S.A. & CURRAN, S.S. & KRITSKY, D.C. & LEONE, E.H. & PARTRIDGE, L.K. & RUIZ, C.F. & SCHARER, R.M. & POULAKIS, G.R. (2018) Parasite component community of smalltooth sawfish off Florida: diversity, conservation concerns, and research applications. Endangered Species Research, 35: 47-58 CANTATORE, D.M.P. & IRIGOITIA, M.M. & HOLZER, A.S. & BARTOSOVA-SOJKOVA, P. & PECKOVA, H. & FIALA, I. & TIMI, J.T. (2018) The description of two new species of Chloromyxum from skates in the Argentine Sea reveals that a limited geographic host distribution causes phylogenetic lineage separation of myxozoans in Chondrichthyes. Parasite, 25: 47 CUTMORE, S.C. & CRIBB, T.H. & YONG, R.Q.Y. (2018) Aporocotylids from batoid and elopomorph fishes from Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia, including a new genus and species of blood fluke infecting the Giant shovelnose ray, Glaucostegus typus (Rhinopristiformes: Glaucostegidae). Parasitology International, 67 (6): 768-775 DEDRICK, E.A. & REYDA, F.B. & IWANYCKYJ, E.K. & RUHNKE, T.R. (2018) Two new species of Stillabothrium (Cestoda: Rhinebothriidea) from stingrays of the genus Fontitrygon from Senegal. Folia Parasitologica, 65: 014 LIPEJ, L. & TRKOV, D. (2018) First report of Demoleus heptapus (Otto, 1821) (Copepoda: Pandaridae) from Sixgill bluntnose shark, Hexanchus griseus caught in the north Adriatic waters off Slovenia. Mediterranean Marine Science, 19 (2): 404 RASMUSSEN, T.K. & RANDHAWA, H.S. (2018) Host diet influences parasite diversity: a case study looking at tapeworm diversity among sharks. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 605: 1–16 ZHAO, W.T. & XU, Z. & LI, L. (2018) Morphological variability and molecular characterization of Mawsonascaris australis (Johnston & Mawson, 1943) (Nematoda: Ascaridoidea: Acanthocheilidae) from the brown guitarfish Rhinobatos schlegelii Muller & Henle (Rhinopristiformes: Rhinobatidae). Journal of Helminthology, 92 (6): 760-764 |
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Introducing Otlet: An online database to search for and share research samples In the life sciences, acquiring biological samples can be challenging and costly. The resulting small sample sizes may jeopardise a study’s statistical power, experimental design and publication potential. Sharing leftover samples is a great way to build collaboration, but too often these valuable items are left in freezers and forgotten. Scientists may not be aware that their samples could be useful to someone in a different country, or may simply have no idea how to connect with interested parties. If you are looking to collaborate, share, and boost sample sizes in your current study, the solution is here. Otlet is a free platform that allows scientists to connect and share their biological samples with others. Launched in June 2018, Otlet is not a tissue bank, but a communication hub for facilitating sample-sharing directly between scientists. Otlet accepts records for all sample types and all plant and animal species. As an expanded version of our previous platform, Shark Share Global, Otlet has a large number of records for sharks and rays. We have also upgraded the software, added new features, and made it even easier to upload sample records. What can you do with Otlet? Submit. Simply lodge a record of your unused, shareable research sample onto the database using our quick, <4-minute process. Search. Browse the database of over 13,000 records to find specific species and sample types. Enquire. Contact the sample holder directly to discuss sharing options and shipping arrangements. Request. Can’t find the sample you need? Post a list of your criteria to the searchable database so others know what you are looking for. Requests for samples are also emailed out to Otlet users weekly. What are the benefits of using Otlet? Collaboration. Otlet connects you with researchers from across the globe, forming new links with people working in your field. Efficiency. Valuable samples are used, not wasted—especially important when studying rare and endangered species. Transparency. Key sharing criteria, such as authorship requirements and acknowledgement, are provided up-front by each user. There’s no cost and no obligation; sharing is at each person’s discretion. Community. Sharing samples with researchers in developing and under-represented nations helps advance equity and diversity in science. Join Otlet for free today at Not sure how to upload your samples? Ask us about our custom sample curating service. Contact Madeline Green ( and Lauren Meyer ( for more information.
Getting a grip on the slow but unique evolution of sharks
- Date: October 8, 2018
- Source: RIKEN
- Summary: Scientists have decoded the whole genomes of two shark species for the first time and improved the whale shark genome sequences released previously. By analyzing the genomes and comparing them with those of other vertebrate species, they have constructed an overview of their unique life histories and evolutionary paths.
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Satellite tech to create more effective, 'true' shark sanctuaries
- Date: October 16, 2018
- Source: University of California - Santa Barbara
- Summary: When they first set out to follow grey reef sharks around the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), researchers intended to survey their movement in the protected waters there. What they found was a disturbing development for the Pacific island nation.
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