NEWSLETTER 01/2020 13.01.2020
Pollerspöck, J. & Straube, N. 2020, Bibliography database of living/fossil sharks, rays and chimaeras (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali),, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 2020 |
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New Images
Many thanks to the following people for providing images:
Frederik Mollen (Elasmobranch Research Belgium) for the images of Plesiotrygon nana CARVALHO & RAGNO, 2011 (ERB 0992, female, 21,4 DW, 84,8 TL, Peru)

Bart Scholten for a image of Torpedo panthera OLFERS, 1831 from Marsa Alam, Red Sea

Pradip Patade for images of Sphyrna lewini (GRIFFITH & SMITH, 1834) and Rhynchobatus australiae WHITLEY, 1939 from Mumbai, India

Bryan Huerta for images of Heptranchias perlo (BONNATERRE, 1788), Mustelus sinusmexicanus HEEMSTRA, 1997 and Carcharhinus signatus (POEY, 1868)

Mike Cobb for a image of Narcine brasiliensis (OLFERS, 1831)

Dr C.J. Hazevoet for a image of Chlamydoselachus anguineus GARMAN, 1884 (specimen of Osorio (1909))

Mio Hübner for a image of Torpedo panthera OLFERS, 1831 from Hurghada, Red Sea

Muhammad Iqbal, Indonesia for a image of Urogymnus polylepis (BLEEKER, 1852)

Samsur Rahman for images of Maculabatis bineeshi MANJAJI-MATSUMOTO & LAST, 2016
Adam Anderson for some images of fossil shark teeth, e.g. Carcharoides totuserratus AMEGHINO, 1901 (Late Oligocene, Jan Juc Formation, Coastal cliff exposure east of Fishermans Step, Victoria, Australia)

Missing papers:
Many thanks to all friends of shark-references, who sent us some missing papers last month!
Shark-References would kindly like to ask you for your contribution to this project.
At the moment we are looking for some of the following papers:
Extinct Chondrichthyes:
MATSUMOTO, H. (1936) Upper Miocene vertebrates from Kumanodô, Natori district, province of Rikuzen. Dobutsugaku Zasshi, 48: 475–480, 5 fig.
ALVINERIE, J. & ANDREIEFF, P. & ANGLADA, R. & AUBERT, J. & CAPPETTA, H. & CARALP, M. & CARATINI, C. & CARBONNEL, G. & CATZIGRAS, F. & COURME-RAULT, M.-D. & CHATEAUNEUF, J.-J. & DEMARCQ, G. & DUCASSE, O. & FATTON, E. & GLAÇON, G. & LABRACHERIE, M. & LAURIAT, A. & LE CALVEZ, Y. & LORENZ, C. & MAGNE, J. & MARGEREL, J.-P. & POIGNANT, A. & PUJOL, C. & ROGER, J. & ROMAN, J. & BLONDEAU, A. & MULLER, C. (1973) A propos de la limite oligo-miocène: résultats préliminaires d'une recherche collective sur les gisements d'Escornébéou (Saint-Géours-de-Maremne, Landes, Aquitaine méridionale). Présence de Globigerinoides dans les faunes de l'Oligocène supérieur. Comptes rendus sommaires des séances de la Société géologique de France: 75–76
KOZLOV, V.A. (2001) (A new species of carcharhinid shark from the Lower Miocene sediments of Northern Aral region) «in russian». Materialy po Stratigrafii i Paleontologii Urala, 6: 92–95
BOYD, B.M. (2016) Fossil sharks and rays of Gainesville creeks; Alachua County, Florida: Hogtown group; (middle Miocene to lower Pliocene). Florida Paleontological Society, Special Publication
Extant Chondrichthyes:
KAMOHARA, T. (1943) Some unrecorded and two new fishes from Prov. Tosa, Japan. Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan, 13 (17): 125–137
DE BUEN, F. (1950) Contribuciones a la Ictiología. II. El tiburón vitamínico de la costa uruguaya Galeorhinus vitaminicus nov. sp., y algunas consideraciones generales sobre su biología. Publicaciones Cientificas, Servicio Oceanografico y de Pesca, Ministerio de Industrias y Trabajo, Montevideo No. 4: 153–162.
CADENAT, J. (1951) Initiations Africaines. III. Poissons de Mer du Sénégal. Institute Francais d'Afrique Noire. Initiations Africaines. III. Poissons de Mer du Sénégal.: 1–345
WEIBEZAHN, F.H. (1953) Una nueva especie de Scyliorhinus de Venezuela (Chondrichthyes - Elasmobranchii). Novedades cientificas. Serie zoológica. Museo de Historia Natural La Salle, 9: 1–7.
SMITH, J.L.B. (1958) The mystery killer, the new shark Carcharhinus vanrooyeni. Veld & Vlei, 3 (9): 12–14, 28.
SICCARDI, E. (1961) Cetorhinus en el Atlantico sur (Elasmobranchii: Cetorhinidae). Actas y trabajos del Primer Congreso Sudamericano de Zoologia, 4 (5): 251–263
GUBANOV, E.P. & SCHLEIB, N.A. (1980) Sharks of the Arabian Gulf. Kuwait Ministry of Public Works, Agracultural Department, Fisheries Division. Sharks of the Arabian Gulf.: 1–69
DOLGANOV, V.N. (1983) Rukovodstvo po opredeleniyu khryashchevykh ryb dal'nevostochnykh morei SSSR i sopredel'nykh vod. [Manual for identification of cartilaginous fishes of Far East seas of USSR and adjacent waters.] TINRO, Vladivostok. Rukovodstvo po opredeleniyu khryashchevykh ryb dal'nevostochnykh morei SSSR i sopredel'nykh vod.: 92 pp.
Please support and send missing papers (not listed papers or papers without the info-symbol) to or

Upcoming Meetings:

The 2nd Palaeontological Virtual Congress will be organized in a number of general theme sessions trying to span the whole variety of potential contributions.
However, Palaeontology is a wide discipline which encompasses a huge variety of topics. Aware of this and taking advantage of the flexibility that virtual platforms offer, sessions proposals on emerging topics, innovative techniques or any other matter that you consider of interest are welcome to be addressed in depth during the celebration of the congress.
The purpose of such sessions is to provide a comprehensive forum for the exchange of ideas and discuss the issue within specialists in the target field.
If you are interested in proposing a specific session, please send us a brief description (no more than 300 words) with the main goals and any relevant information that you may consider relevant. Please, indicate in the proposal the full name of the organisers and their respective affiliations.
Proposals should be submitted by email to before December 31st. Notification of acceptance will be sent to the organizers after that. This edition, we want try to involve more to the participants, so if your workshop is accepted, the proposed organisers will be in charge of:
– Look for contributions. Ideally, a single session would require the participation of at least 5 contributions, but this is only a suggestion and it is not mandatory.
– Send the abstracts to peer-review.
– Moderating the sessions. We want to encourage a dialogue with all the participants, so the sessions organisers will be in charge of moderating and promoting debates in the discussion chats.

The 6th International Marine Conservation Congress
To conserve the world’s oceans we must go beyond science and use it to inform policy and management to catalyze change. The International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC) brings together conservation professionals and students to develop new and powerful tools to further marine conservation science and policy.
With over 700 marine conservation professionals and students in attendance, IMCC is the most important international event for anyone involved or interested in marine conservation. The meeting brings together marine conservationists from many walks of life including but not limited to scientists, practitioners, educators, policy-makers, artists and journalists.
IMCC6 takes place in the sailing city of Kiel, Germany. Join us in Kiel as we come together to help Make Marine Science Matter!
for more information please visit
Save the date

next meeting: July 22-26, 2020 (Dates subject to change) Norfolk, VA
Extant Chondrichthyes:
no taxonomic news this month
Extinct Chondrichthyes:
 SHIMADA, K. & EVERHART, M.J. (2019): A new large Late Cretaceous lamniform shark from North America, with comments on the taxonomy, paleoecology, and evolution of the genus Cretodus. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, in press New species: Cretodus houghtonorum Abstract: We describe a partial skeleton of the Late Cretaceous shark, Cretodus, collected from the Blue Hill Shale (middle Turonian) in north-central Kansas, U.S.A. It consists of 134 disarticulated teeth, 61 vertebrae, 23 placoid scales, and fragments of calcified cartilage. The scale morphology suggests that Cretodus was a rather sluggish shark, and the vertebral morphology affirms its placement into Lamniformes. With a strong tendency towards monognathic heterodonty, the dental morphology indicates that the specimen belongs to a new species, C. houghtonorum, sp. nov., increasing the total known species of Cretodus to five. The five species can be divided into three distinct groups: the longiplicatus/semiplicatus-grade, gigantea/houghtonorum-grade, and crassidens-grade. Cretodus, that successively evolved by broadening the tooth crown. The individual of C. houghtonorum, sp. nov., is estimated to be about 515 cm in total length (TL). Our vertebra-based growth analysis suggests that the shark was about 118 cm TL at birth and that the species had an estimated maximum growth length of 684 cm TL. The large size at birth indicates that the intrauterine cannibalism behavior of embryos seen in extant lamniforms had already evolved by the Late Cretaceous. Where C. houghtonorum, sp. nov., preferred nearshore environments, the specimen co-occurred with isolated teeth of Squalicorax and fragments of two dorsal fin spines of a hybodont shark, circumstantially indicating that the individual of Cretodus fed on the much smaller hybodont and was scavenged by Squalicorax.
 MAISCH, H.M. (2019): A new species of Hypolophites (Chondrichthyes, Myliobatiformes) from the Lower Clayton Limestone Unit of the Midway Group (Paleocene), near Malvern, Arkansas, USA. Journal of Paleontology, in press New species: Hypolophites beckeri Abstract: A new species of Hypolophites (Chondrichthyes, Myliobatiformes) is described from an assemblage of isolated pavement teeth recovered from the Lower Clayton Limestone Unit of the Midway Group (Paleocene) near Malvern, Arkansas. These teeth were collected from several localized lag deposits containing an abundance of chondrichthyan and osteichthyan teeth, invertebrate remains, and trace fossils indicative of a marginal-shallow marine depositional environment. To date, only four additional species of Hypolophites have been reported from Paleocene deposits that occur along the west coast of central-northern Africa and in central New Jersey, USA. The identification of Hypolophites beckeri n. sp. in southwestern Arkansas extends the distribution of this biostratigraphically significant genus ~1,750 km westward into the Mississippi Embayment and Gulf Coastal Plain of the USA. The distribution of Hypolophites species during the Paleocene attests to the uniformity of shallow marine shelves between western Africa and the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains of the USA, as well as myliobatiform diversification following the K/Pg mass extinction event.
NACARI, L.A. & SEPULVEDA, F.A. & ESCRIBANO, R. & OLIVA, M.E. (2019): Two new species of Acanthocotyle Monticelli, 1888 (Monogenea: Acanthocotylidae), parasites of two deep-sea skates (Elasmobranchii: Rajiformes) in the South-East Pacific. Parasites & Vectors, 12 (1): 512 New species: Acanthocotyle imo, Acanthocotyle atacamensis Abstract: Background: Parasites of deep-sea fshes from the South-East Pacifc (SPO) are poorly known. Of c.1030 species of fsh found in this area, 100–150 inhabit the deep-sea (deeper than 200 m). Only six articles concerning metazoan parasites of fsh from deep-waters of SOP are known, and nine monogenean species have been reported. Currently, ten species are known in Acanthocotyle Monticelli, 1888 (Monogenea) and when stated, all of them are found in shallow waters (10–100 m). Acanthocotyle gurgesiella Ñacari, Sepulveda, Escribano & Oliva, 2018 is the only known species parasitizing deep-sea skates (350–450 m) in the SPO. The aim of this study was the description of two new species of Acanthocotyle from two Rajiformes. Methods: In September 2017, we examined specimens of two species of deep-sea skates (Rajiformes), Amblyraja frerichsi (Kreft) and Bathyraja peruana McEachran & Myyake, caught at c.1500 m depth of Tocopilla, northern Chile, as a by-catch of the Patagonian tooth fsh Dissostichus eleginoides Smitt fshery. Specimens of Acanthocotyle were collected from the skin of the skates. Morphometric (including multivariate analysis of proportional measurements, standardized by total length), morphological and molecular analyses (LSU rRNA and cox1 genes) were performed in order to identify the collected specimens. Results: The three approaches used in this study strongly suggest the presence of two new species in the genus Acanthocotyle: Acanthocotyle imo n. sp. and Acanthocotyle atacamensis n. sp. parasitizing the skin of the thickbody skate Amblyraja frerichsi and the Peruvian skate Bathyraja peruana, respectively. The main morphological diferences from the closely related species Acanthocotyle verrilli Goto, 1899 include the number of radial rows of sclerites, the non-discrete vitelline follicles and the number of testes. Conclusions: The two species of monogeneans described here are the only recorded parasites from their respective host species in the SPO. Assessing host specifcity for members of Acanthocotyle requires clarifying the systematics of Rajiformes. PALM, H.W. & PALM, N. & HASELI, M. (2019): Tentaculariid trypanorhynchs (Platyhelminthes: Cestoda) from Mobula japanica (Muller & Henle) from Indonesia, with the description of two new species. Parasitology Research, in press New species: Nybelinia balinensis, Nybelinia mobulicola Abstract: This study presents new information on tentaculariid trypanorhynchs from the Indo-Pacific region around Bali, Indonesia. Two new tentaculariid species, Nybelinia balinensis n. sp. and N. mobulicola n. sp., are described from the stomach of their myliobatid host Mobula japanica (Müller & Henle). Nybelinia balinensis n. sp. is a large-sized tentaculariid (scolex length, 6766–10,991). It can be distinguished from its congeners by a falcate metabasal armature, a unique basal armature of four rows of triangular shaped hooks, craspedote proglottids, and testes arranged in multiple layers in two separate lateral fields. N. mobulicola n. sp. can be characterized by short tentacles of 25 rows of hooks and 60 testes not reaching posterior to the ovary. A combination of a shorter basal armature of uncinate hooks without anterior extension of the base and fewer metabasal uncinate hooks with anterior extension of the base distinguishes it from N. lingualis (Cuvier, 1817). It differs from N. balinensis n. sp. in the possession of uncinate rather triangular shaped basal hooks. The Nybelinia Poche, 1926 fauna of M. japanica is highly specific, in line with a unique trypanorhynch fauna earlier described for the devil rays. This reflects their unique position as oceanic plankton feeders within the marine food web.
Latest Research Articles
Extant Chondrichthyes: ABDELHEDI, O. & SALEM, A. & SOUISSI, N. & NASRI, R. & NASRI, M. & JRIDI, M. (2019) Physicochemical, structural and sensory properties of smooth hound autolysates-sugar conjugates formed using a glycosylation reaction. Food Bioscience, 32: Unsp 100481 ARAUJO, G. & AGUSTINES, A. & TRACEY, B. & SNOW, S. & LABAJA, J. & PONZO, A. (2019) Photo-ID and telemetry highlight a global whale shark hotspot in Palawan, Philippines. Scientific Reports, 9: 17209 BAEZ, J.C. & BARBOSA, A.M. & PASCUAL, P. & RAMOS, M.L. & ABASCAL, F. (2019) Ensemble modeling of the potential distribution of the whale shark in the Atlantic Ocean. Ecology and Evolution, in press BEN AMOR, M.M. & AMOR, K.O.-B. & CAPAPÉ, C. (2019) A shoal of Bluntnose Sixgill Shark Hexanchus griseus (Chondrichthyes: Hexanchidae) from the Tunisian Coast (Central Mediterranean). Thalassia Salentina, 41: 83-88 BIERWAGEN, S.L. & PETHYBRIDGE, H. & HEUPEL, M.R. & CHIN, A. & SIMPFENDORFER, C.A. (2019) Trophic niches determined from fatty acid profiles of sympatric coral reef mesopredators. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 632: 159-174 BOOTH, H. & SQUIRES, D. & MILNER-GULLAND, E.J. (2019) The neglected complexities of shark fisheries, and priorities for holistic risk-based management. Ocean & Coastal Management, 182: 104994 BOOTH, H. & SQUIRES, D. & MILNER‐GULLAND, E.J. (2020) The mitigation hierarchy for sharks: A risk‐based framework for reconciling trade‐offs between shark conservation and fisheries objectives. Fish and Fisheries, in press BOROWIEC, B.G. (2019) Whirlpools are hotspots for hungry sharks. Journal of Experimental Biology, 222 (21): Unsp jeb193102 BOSSEBOEUF, A. & BARON, A. & DUVAL, E. & GAUTIER, A. & SOURDAINE, P. & AUVRAY, P. (2019) A Potential Antineoplastic Peptide of Human Prostate Cancer Cells Derived from the Lesser Spotted Dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula L.). Marine Drugs, 17 (10): 585 BROADHURST, M.K. & CULLIS, B.R. (2020) Mitigating the discard mortality of non-target, threatened elasmobranchs in bather-protection gillnets. Fisheries Research, 222: Unsp 105435 BROWN, C.J. & ROFF, G. (2019) Life-history traits inform population trends when assessing the conservation status of a declining tiger shark population. Biological Conservation, 239: Unsp 108230 CARNEIRO, M. & MARTINS, R. & REINER, F. & BATISTA, I. (2019) Ichthyofauna of Portugal: Taxonomic diversity, common and scientific names of marine fishes Vol. 1 + 2 [Ictiofauna de Portugal: Diversidade taxonómica, nomes comuns e nomes científicos dos peixes marinhos]. Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera, I.P., Lisboa – Portugal, vol 1 (pp. 376), vol. 2 (154 pp.) CHEN, J.D. & LI, J.Y. & LI, Z.B. & YI, R.Z. & SHI, S.J. & WU, K.Y. & LI, Y.S. & WU, S.J. (2019) Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Type I Collagens in Red Stingray (Dasyatis akajei) Skin. Marine Drugs, 17 (10): 558 DE OLIVEIRA AFONSO CORDEIRO, L. & ODDONE, M.C. (2019) Diversity and abundance of hatched skate (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii: Rajoidei) egg cases at Cassino Beach, Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil. Boletín de la Sociedad Zoológica del Uruguay, 28 (2): 38-58 DELPIANI, G. & DELPIANI, S.M. & ANTONI, M.Y.D. & ALE, M.C. & FISCHER, L. & LUCIFORA, L.O. & DE ASTARLOA, J.M.D. (2020) Are we sure we eat what we buy? Fish mislabelling in Buenos Aires province, the largest sea food market in Argentina. Fisheries Research, 221: Unsp 105373 DO, R. & LU, L.Q. & STRAUSS, M.B. (2019) Toxic inoculation associated with a presumptive stingray injury. Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine, 46 (5): 719-722 EHNERT-RUSSO, S.L. & GELSLEICHTER, J. (2019) Mercury Accumulation and Effects in the Brain of the Atlantic Sharpnose Shark (Rhizoprionodon terraenovae). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, in press FRÍAS-ESPERICUETA, M.G. & RUELAS-INZUNZA, J. & BENÍTEZ-LIZÁRRAGA, R. & ESCOBAR-SÁNCHEZ, O. & OSUNA-MARTÍNEZ, C.C. & DELGADO-ALVAREZ, C.G. & AGUILAR-JUÁREZ, M. & OSUNA-LÓPEZ, J.I. & VOLTOLINA, D. (2019) Risk assessment of mercury in sharks (Rhizoprionodon longurio) caught in the coastal zone of Northwest Mexico. Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety, 14 (4): 349-354 FULLER, L.N. & PARSONS, G.R. (2019) A Note on Associations Observed Between Sharks and Teleosts. Southeastern Naturalist, 18 (3): 489-498 GENNARI, E. & KOCK, A.A. & SMALE, M.J. & TOWNER, A. & KHAN, N. & BESTER, L.A. & JOHNSON, R. & FISCHER, C. & MEYER, M. & MORSE, P. (2019) Antibiotic sensitivity of bacteria isolated from the oral cavities of live white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in South African waters. South African Journal of Science, 115 (11-12): 5972 GERACI, M.L. & DI LORENZO, M. & FALSONE, F. & SCANNELLA, D. & DI MAIO, F. & COLLOCA, F. & VITALE, S. & SERENA, F. (2019) The occurrence of Norwegian Skate, Dipturus nidarosiensis (Elasmobranchii: Rajiformes: Rajidae), in the strait of Sicily, Central Mediterranean. Acta Ichthyologica Et Piscatoria, 49 (2): 203-208 GERMANOV, E. & MARSHALL, A.D. & HENDRAWAN, I.G. & ADMIRAAL, R. & ROHNER, C.A. & ARGESWARA, J. & WULANDARI, R. & HIMAWAN, M.R. & LONERAGAN, N.R. (2019) Microplastics on the Menu: Plastics Pollute Indonesian Manta Ray and Whale Shark Feeding Grounds. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6: 679 GOWERT, Y.G. & ODDONE, M.C. (2019) Occurrence of a Couple of Callorhinchus callorynchus (LINNAEUS 1758) off Southern Brazil. Boletín de la Sociedad Zoológica del Uruguay, 28 (2): 92-94 GRANT, M.I. & SMART, J.J. & RIGBY, C.L. & WHITE, W.T. & CHIN, A. & BAJE, L. & SIMPFENDORFER, C.A. (2019) Intraspecific demography of the silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis): implications for fisheries management. ICES Journal of Marine Science, in press: GRUSD, S.P. & MOLONEY, C.L. & DISTILLER, G. & WATSON, R.G.A. & COWLEY, P.D. & GENNARI, E. (2019) Using mark-recapture methods to estimate population size and survival of pyjama sharks Poroderma africanum in Mossel Bay, South Africa. African Journal of Marine Science, 41 (4): 1–12 HAQUE, A.B. & DAS, S.A. (2019) New records of the Critically Endangered Ganges shark Glyphis gangeticus in Bangladeshi waters: urgent monitoring needed. Endangered Species Research, 40: 65-73 HOOK, S.A. & MUSA, S.M. & RIPLEY, D.M. & HIBBITT, J.-D. & GRUNOW, B. & MORITZ, T. & SHIELS, H.A. (2019) Twins! Microsatellite analysis of two embryos within one egg case in oviparous elasmobranchs. PLoS ONE, 14 (12): e0224397 IGLÉSIAS, S.P. (2019) “Poissons de Concarneau”, an unpublished manuscript on ichthyological observations in southern Brittany, France, in 1878-1886 by Charles Robin, Georges Pouchet, Laurent Chabry, Alfred Giard and Jules Bonnier. Cybium, 43 (4): 297-309 IGLESIAS, S.P. & BOUCHE, L. & COSQUER, P. & GOASCOZ, N. & GUYADER, S. & LAZARD, C. & MAS, L. & METRAL, L. & QUERO, J.C. & SPITZ, J. (2019) French ichthyological records for 2017. Cybium, 43 (3): 275-283 IQBAL, M. & YUSTIAN, I. & SETIAWAN, A. & NURNAWATI, E. & ZULKIFLI, H. (2019) Filling a gap on the blank distribution of the giant freshwater stingray Urogymnus polylepis: first records in Malay Peninsula (Chondrich- thyes: Dasyatidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, in press JAMBURA, P.L. & TÜRTSCHER, J. & KINDLIMANN,, R. & METSCHER, B. & PFAFF, C.& STUMPF, S. & WEBER, G.W. & KRIWET, J. (2020) Evolutionary trajectories of tooth histology patterns in modern sharks (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii). Journal of Anatomy, in press JOHNSTON, E.M. & MAYO, P.A. & MENSINK, P.J. & SAVETSKY, E. & HOUGHTON, J.D.R. (2019) Serendipitous re-sighting of a basking shark Cetorhinus maximus reveals inter-annual connectivity between American and European coastal hotspots. Journal of Fish Biology, 95 (6): 1530-1534 KELAHER, B.P. & COLEFAX, A.P. & TAGLIAFICO, A. & BISHOP, M.J. & GILES, A. & BUTCHER, P.A. (2019) Assessing variation in assemblages of large marine fauna off ocean beaches using drones. Marine and Freshwater Research, 71 (1): 68-77 KERKHOF, W. (2019) In 2018 veel eikapsels van haaien en roggen op het Noord-Hollandse strand. Duin & Dijk, 18 (1): 18-20 KRAJANGDARA, T. (2019) Sharks and Rays of Thailand. Country Report, Department of Fisheries, Thailand KUGURU, G. & GENNARI, E. & WINTNER, S. & DICKEN, M.L. & KLEIN, J.D. & RHODE, C. & BESTER-VAN DER MERWE, A.E. (2019) Spatio-temporal genetic variation of juvenile smooth hammerhead sharks in South Africa. Marine Biology Research, in press KUHNZ, L.A. & BIZZARRO, J.J. & EBERT, D.A. (2019) In situ observations of deep-living skates in the eastern North Pacific. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 152: 103104 KUMAR, U. & HELEN, A.M. & DAS, J. & PARVEZ, M.S. & BISWAS, S.K. & RAY, S. (2019) Unraveling the hidden truth in a poorly managed ecosystem: The case of discarded species of conservation interest in Bangladesh industrial marine fisheries. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 32: Unsp 100813 LEAR, K.O. & GLEISS, A.C. & WHITTY, J.M. & FAZELDEAN, T. & ALBERT, J.R. & GREEN, N. & EBNER, B.C. & THORBURN, D.C. & BEATTY, S.J. & MORGAN, D.L. (2019) Recruitment of a critically endangered sawfish into a riverine nursery depends on natural flow regimes. Scientific Reports, 9: 17071 LOWE, J. & TEJADA, J.F.C. & MEEKAN, M.G. (2019) Linking livelihoods to improved biodiversity conservation through sustainable integrated coastal management and community based dive tourism : Oslob Whale Sharks. Marine Policy, 108: Unsp 103630 LUCREZI, S. & ELLIS, S. & GENNARI, E. (2019) A test of causative and moderator effects in human perceptions of sharks, their control and framing. Marine Policy, 109: Unsp 103687 MANCA, R. & GLOMSKI, C.A. & PICA, A. (2019) Hematopoietic stem cells debut in embryonic lymphomyeloid tissues of elasmobranchs. European Journal of Histochemistry, 63 (3): 178-187 MARIE, A.D. & STOCKWELL, B.L. & RICO, C. (2019) DNA Analysis of Juvenile Scalloped Hammerhead Sharks Sphyrna lewini (Griffith, 1834) Reveals Multiple Breeding Populations and Signs of Adaptive Divergence in the South Pacific. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6: 718 MARQUES, R.A. & JULIO, T.G. & SOLE‐CAVA, A.M. & VIANNA, M. (2019) A new strategy proposal to monitor ray fins landings in south‐east Brazil. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, in press MARTINS, A.P.B. & HEUPEL, M.R. & OAKLEY-COGAN, A. & CHIN, A. & SIMPFENDORFER, C.A. (2019) Towed-float GPS telemetry: a tool to assess movement patterns and habitat use of juvenile stingrays. Marine and Freshwater Research, 71 (1): 89-98 MELIS, R. & VACCA, L. & BELLODI, A. & CAU, A. & PORCU, C. & FOLLESA, M.C. & CANNAS, R. (2019) Insights into population genetics, connectivity and demographic history of the longnosed skate Dipturus oxyrinchus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the western Mediterranean Sea. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, in press MEYER, H.K. & ROBERTS, E.M. & RAPP, H.T. & DAVIES, A.J. (2019) Spatial patterns of arctic sponge ground fauna and demersal fish are detectable in autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) imagery. 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Extinct Chondrichthyes:
CAPPETTA, H. & MORRISON, K. & ADNET, S. (2020) A shark fauna from the Campanian of Hornby Island, British Columbia, Canada: an insight into the diversity of Cretaceous deep-water assemblages. Historical Biology, in press CITTON, P. & ROMANO, M. & FABBI, S. & CIPRIANI, A. (2019) Jurassic neoselachian sharks from the Mt Nerone Pelagic Carbonate Platform (Umbria-Marche Apennine, Italy): a further constrain for the palaeoecology related to PCP systems. Historical Biology, in press DE CEUSTER, J. (2019) In situ' vondsten in het vroeg-pliocene basisgrind van de kleigroeve Swenden-Wienerberger te Rumst (Belgie, provincie Antwerpen). Afzettingen WTKG, 40 (4): 103-107 EVERAERT, S. & DE SCHUTTER, P. & MARIEN, G. & CLEEMPUT, G. & VAN BOECKEL, J. & RONDELEZ, D. & BOR, T. (2019) Een vroeg-miocene fauna uit het Zand van Kiel (Formatie van Berchem) bij Post X in Berchem (Antwerpen). Afzettingen WTKG, 40 (4): 83-100 FERRÓN, H.G. & HERRÁIZ, J.L. & BOTELLA, H. & MARTÍNEZ-PÉREZ, C. (2019) Pre-Messinian ecological diversity of Mediterranean sharks revealed by the study of their dermal denticles. Spanish Journal of Palaeontology, 34 (2), 289-298 FRAGOSO, L.G.C. & BITTENCOURT, J.S. & MATEUS, A.L.D. & COZZUOL, M.A. & RICHTER, M. (2019) Shark (Chondrichthyes) microremains from the Lower Cretaceous Quirico Formation, Sanfranciscana Basin, Southeast Brazil. Historical Biology, in press HAARHUIS, A. & DIEPENDAAL, H.J. (2019) The fish fauna of the Winterswijk Vossenveld Formation. Grondboor & Hamer Jaargang, 73 (5/6): 198-207 LOPES, G.L.B. & BARRETO, A.M.F. (2019) A Paleoictiofauna da Formação Romualdo, Cretáceo Inferior, da Bacia Sedimentar do Araripe, Pernambuco, Nordeste do Brasil. [The Paleoictiofauna of the Romualdo Formation, Lower Cretaceous, of the Sedimentar of the Araripe Basin, Pernambuco, Northeast of Brazil.] Anuário do Instituto de Geociências, 42 (4): 396-409 MAISCH, H.M. (2019) A new species of Hypolophites (Chondrichthyes, Myliobatiformes) from the Lower Clayton Limestone Unit of the Midway Group (Paleocene), near Malvern, Arkansas, USA. Journal of Paleontology, in press MAISCH, H.M. & BECKER, M.A. & CHAMBERLAIN, J.A. (2019) Macroborings in Otodus megalodon and Otodus chubutensis Shark Teeth from the Submerged Shelf of Onslow Bay, North Carolina, USA: Implications for Processes of Lag Deposit Formation. Ichnos, in press MAISCH, H.M. & BECKER, M.A. & GRIFFITHS, M.L. (2019) Chondrichthyans from the Lower Clayton Limestone Unit of the Midway Group (Paleocene) near Malvern, Arkansas, USA, with comments on the K/Pg boundary. Paläontologische Zeitschrift, in press O'LEARY, M.A. & BOUARÉ, M.L. & CLAESON, K.M. & HEILBRONN, K. & HILL, R.V. & MCCARTNEY, J.A. & SESSA, J.A. & SISSOKO, F. & TAPANILA, L. & WHEELER, E.A. & ROBERTS, E.M. (2019) Stratigraphy and paleobiology of the Upper Cretaceous-Lower Paleogene sediments from the Trans-Saharan Seaway in Mali. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 436: 177 pp., 82 figures, 3 tables, 2 plates RANDLE, E. & SANSOM, R.S. (2019) Bite marks and predation of fossil jawless fish during the rise of jawed vertebrates. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 286 (1917): 20191596 SHIMADA, K. & EVERHART, M.J. (2019) A new large Late Cretaceous lamniform shark from North America, with comments on the taxonomy, paleoecology, and evolution of the genus Cretodus. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 39 (4): 1673399
Parasites: APPY, R..G. & GOFFREDI, S.K. & PERNET, B. & LATINO, C. (2019) Experimental Elucidation of the Life Cycle of Rhinebothrium urobatidium (Cestoda: Rhinebothriidea) from the Round Stingray (Urobatis halleri: Myliobatiformes) to First and Second Intermediate Hosts. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences, 118 (3): 139-157 DIPPENAAR, S.M. (2019) Cladistic analysis of the morphological characters of Pseudocharopinus Kabata, 1964 and keys to the species of Pseudocharopinus and Charopinus Kroyer, 1863 based on the morphology of adult females. Systematic Parasitology, 96 (9): 799-804 GONZALEZ-SOLIS, D. & SOLER-JIMENEZ, L.C. & AGUIRRE-MACEDO, M.L. & MCLAUGHLIN, J.P. & SHAW, J.C. & JAMES, A.K. & HECHINGER, R.E. & KURIS, A.M. & LAFFERTY, K.D. & VIDAL-MARTINEZ, V.M. (2019) Parasitic nematodes of marine fishes from Palmyra Atoll, East Indo-Pacific, including a new species of Spinitectus (Nematoda, Cystidicolidae). Zookeys (892): 1-26 MORAVEC, F. & JUSTINE, J.L. (2019) New species and new records of camallanid nematodes (Nematoda, Camallanidae) from marine fishes and sea snakes in New Caledonia. Parasite, 26: 66 NACARI, L.A. & SEPULVEDA, F.A. & ESCRIBANO, R. & OLIVA, M.E. (2019) Two new species of Acanthocotyle Monticelli, 1888 (Monogenea: Acanthocotylidae), parasites of two deep-sea skates (Elasmobranchii: Rajiformes) in the South-East Pacific. Parasites & Vectors, 12 (1): 512 PALM, H.W. & PALM, N. & HASELI, M. (2019) Tentaculariid trypanorhynchs (Platyhelminthes: Cestoda) from Mobula japanica (Muller & Henle) from Indonesia, with the description of two new species. Parasitology Research, in press RANDHAWA, H.S. & POULIN, R. (2019) Tapeworm discovery in elasmobranch fishes: quantifying patterns and identifying their correlates. Marine and Freshwater Research, 71 (1): 78-88 |
Dinosaur-era shark fossil discovered in Kansas; researchers name it Cretodus houghtonorum
The shark is estimated to be nearly 17 feet or over 5 meters long
- Date: December 11, 2019
- Source: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
- Summary: A study in Pacific Panama identifies 11 potential nursery areas of locally common and migratory sharks, which could support shark conservation efforts in the region.
- Date: December 20, 2019
- Source: University of Queensland
- Summary: 'Whoopi' the manta ray -- a regular visitor to Western Australia's Ningaloo Reef -- has helped University of Queensland and Murdoch University scientists study rays' impressive ability to heal.